1633 Composite List of Variants – draft

Code Page Signature Line Num Line Text
Missing Titles
Klock 42 [G-i] 099.00A.HE1 *
Ralph 43 [G-i] 60.00A.HE1 *
TWHence 96 [N-o] 117.00A.HE1 *
Mess 186 [Bb-i] 025.00A.HE1 *
Bait 190 [Bb-i] 027.00A.HE1 *
Under 198 [Cc-i] 063.00A.HE1 *
Commun 222 [Ff-i] 053.00A.HE1 *
ConfL 226 [Gg-i] 056.00A.HE1 *
Code Page Signature Line Num Line Text
Press Variants
Metem 2 [B-i] 158.00A.013 In the first East,* thou now begins to shine,
Metem 2 [B-i] 158.00A.017 And see at night thy Westerne land of Myne,*
Metem 2 [B-i] 158.00A.019 That before thee, one day beganne to bee,*
Metem 3 [B-i] 158.00A.031 Great Destiny the Commissary* of God,
Metem 3 [B-i] 158.00A.034 Our wayes and ends seest at one instant;* Thou
Metem 3 [B-i] 158.00A.036 Ne’r* smiles nor frownes, O vouch-safe thou to looke
Metem 3 [B-i] 158.00A.050 His right and due, a whole unwasted man may have.
Metem 5 [B-o] 158.00A.083 That apple grew, which this Soule did *
Metem 6 [B-i] 158.00A.096 She thrusts* us out, and by them we are led
Metem 7 [B-i] 158.00A.111 But snatch mee heavenly Spirit* from this vaine
Metem 7 [B-i] 158.00A.119 As wrastlers, perfects* them; Not liberties
Metem 7 [B-i] 158.00A.130 There through th’earths-pores,* and in a Plant hous’d her a new.
[CW: XIV.]
Metem 8 [B-o] 158.00A.137 To see the Prince,* and so fill’d the way
Metem 10 [C-i] 158.00A.187 As his late house, and the first houre* speaks plaine,
Metem 11 [C-i] 158.00A.204 So jolly, that it can move this soule;* Is*
Metem 14 [C-i] 158.00A.260 This wretch;* So* hardly are ill habits left again.*
Metem 15 [C-i] 158.00A.280 It’s* rais’d, to be the Raisers instrument and food.
Metem 19 [E-i] 158.00A.365 That they* revenge, and obsequies forget,
Metem 22 [E-i] 158.00A.427 Abell had plac’d* end* all his losse, and feare*
Hero 40 [F-o] 083.00A.002 Both whom one fire had burnt, one water drownd.*
ElChange 48 [G-o] 016.00A.018 And yet allowes his ground more corne should beare;*
Storm 58 [I-i] 109.00A.044 Then if the Sunne had drunke the sea before;*
Storm 58 [I-i] 109.00A.045 Some coffin’d in their cabbins lye,’equally*
Storm 58 [I-i] 109.00A.054 Shak’d with this ague, and the Hold and Wast*
Storm 58 [I-i] 109.00A.066 Hell somewhat lightsome, and the’* Bermuda* calme.
Storm 59 [I-i] 109.00A.074 That though thine absence sterve me,* ‘I wish not thee.
Calm 59 [I-i] 110.00A.002 A stupid calme, but nothing it,* doth swage.
Calm 59 [I-i] 110.00A.005 Stormes chafe, and soone weare out themselves, or us;*
Calm 59 [I-i] 110.00A.007 As steady’as* I can wish, that my thoughts were,
Calm 59 [I-i] 110.00A.009 The sea is now. And,* as the Iles which wee
BedfRef 79 [L-i] 137.00A.008 (Where a transcendent height, (as, lownesse mee)*
BedfWrit 84 [M-o] 138.00A.001 T’have* written then, when you writ, seem’d to mee
TWHail 94 [N-i] 114.00A.015 Before * thy grace got in the* Muses Schoole)
SB 98 [O-i] 124.00A.013 I, though I brought no* fuell, had desire
BedfDead 111 [P-i] 143.00A.005 That thankfullnesse your favours have begot*
Sal 116 [Q-o] 145.00A.042 Of those faire creatures, which were made that da*
EpEliz 118 [Q-i] 107.00A.014 This day, which might enflāe thy* self, Old Valentine.
[CW: II]
EpEliz 119 [Q-i] 107.00A.015 Till now, Thou warmd’st* with multiplying loves
EpEliz 119 [Q-i] 107.00A.019 Thou mak’st a Taper* see
EpEliz 119 [Q-i] 107.00A.041 Since thou dost this day* in new glory shine,
EpEliz 122 [R-i] 107.00A.091 That neither would, nor needs forbeare,* nor stay,
EpEliz 122 [R-i] 107.00A.095 They pay, they give, they lend, and so let fall*
Eclog 123 [R-i] 108.00A.HE1 ECCLOGVE.*
Eclog 126 [R-i] 108.00A.086 An earnest lover, wise then, and before.*
Eclog 126 [R-i] 108.00A.091a Idios. I knew*
Eclog 126 [R-i] 108.00A.096 At a great feast, having no Grace* to say,
Eclog 127 [R-i] 108.00A.101 But since I’am dead, and buried,* I could frame
Eclog 127 [R-i] 108.00A.102 No Epitaph, which might advance my fame*
Eclog 127 [R-i] 108.00A.115 The fire of these inflaming eyes, or of this loving heart.
[CW: II.*]
Eclog 129 [S-o] 108.00A.148 To us that come, thy inflaming eyes, to him, thy loving heart.
[CW: V.*]
Eclog 130 [S-i] 108.00A.153 Are dust, and wormes, ’tis* just
EpLin 135 [S-i] 106.00A.004 It nourseth sadnesse, and your body* print,
EpLin 137 [T-o] 106.00A.076 Thee of these chaines and robes which wee* put on
EpLin 138 [T-i] 106.00A.095 Wonders are wrought, for shee which had no maime,*
Har 141 [T-o] 153.00A.031 God is the glasse; as* thou when thou dost see
Har 141 [T-o] 153.00A.035 Though God be our true glass, through which we see*
Har 142 [T-i] 153.00A.063 For as, hee that would say, spirits are fram’d*
Har 142 [T-i] 153.00A.068 Are much entirer* then a million.
Har 142 [T-i] 153.00A.076 When they would exercise*, lacke time, and space.
Har 142 [T-i] 153.00A.078 For lack of time, his owne epitome*.
Har 142 [T-i] 153.00A.081 As when an* Angell down from heav’n doth flye,
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.085 Yet when he’s* come, we know he did repaire
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.095 Yet without doubt, hee doth distinctly see*
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.097 So, in short liv’d good men, is’not* understood
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.103 Before by deeds* they are diffus’d and spred,
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.108 In heav’n, the other might securely’have* pac’d
Har 143 [T-i] 153.00A.110 Which the whole world, or man, the abridgment hath.*
Har 144 [T-o] 153.00A.118 Onely great circles, then* can,* be our scale:
Har 151 [V-i] 153.00A.189 And so in that capacitie remove*
Har 151 [V-i] 153.00A.190 All jealousies* ‘twixt Prince and subjects love,
Har 155 [V-i] 153.00A.210 Of which he gave thee the vicariate,*
ElAut 151 [V-i] 050.00A.011 Faire eyes, who askes more heate* then comes from hence,
ElAut 151 [V-i] 050.00A.019 Here dwells he, though he sojourne ev’ry where,*
Henry 155 [Aa-o] 152.00A.047 Would ease us* much, doth he grudge misery;
Lit 177 [Aa-o] 184.00A.107 Divorce* thou sinne in us, or bid it die,
Lit 180 [Aa-o] 184.00A.159 Glorifiedst* Povertie,
Lit 181 [Aa-o] 184.00A.164 Which is still* the agonie of pious wits,
Lit 184 [Aa-o] 184.00A.224 To’admit the like of majestie divine*,
Lit 184 [Aa-o] 184.00A.231 Which well*, if we starve, dine,
Mess 186 [Bb-i] 025.00A.024 Or prove as false as thou art now.
[CW: A*]
Noct 187 [Bb-i] 082.00A.005 The worlds whole sap is sunke:*
Noct 187 [Bb-i] 082.00A.006 The generall balme th’hydroptique earth hath drunk,*
Noct 187 [Bb-i] 082.00A.007 Whither*, as to the beds-feet life is shrunke,
Noct 187 [Bb-i] 082.00A.009 Compar’d with mee, who am* their Epitaph.
Not 187 [Bb-i] 082.00A.013 In whom love wrought new Alchimie*.
Bait 190 [Bb-i] 027.00A.004 With silken lines, and silver hookes.*
Bait 190 [Bb-i] 027.00A.020 With strangling snare, or windowie net:*
Appar 191 [Bb-i] 028.00A.005 And thee* fain’d vestall in worse armes shall see;
Appar 191 [Bb-i] 028.00A.012 Bath’d in* a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lye
ValMourn 193 [Cc-o] 031.00A.006 No teare-floods, nor sigh-tempests* move,
SGo 196 [Cc-o] 033.00A.018 Lives a woman true, and faire.
[CW: If*]
WomCon 197 [Cc-o] 034.00A.HE1 Womans constancy.*
Anniv 213 [Ee-o] 048.00A.007 Only our love hath no decay;*
FirAn 236 [Hh-o] 155.00A.020 And so the world had fits; it joy’d, it mourn’d;*
FirAn 236 [Hh-o] 155.00A.024 Well, when alas, thou’rt in a Lethargie.*
FirAn 236 [Hh-o] 155.00A.031 Thou hast forgot thy name* thou hadst; thou wast
FirAn 238 [Hh-i] 155.00A.088 M The sicknes of the World*
FirAn 238 [Hh-i] 155.00A.091 M Impossibility of health*
FirAn 238 [Hh-i] 155.00A.091 There is no health; Physitians* say that wee,
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.104 But accessory, and principall in ill;*
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.113 When as,* the Sunne and man* did seeme to strive,
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.115 When,* Stagge, and Raven, and the long-liv’d tree,
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.117 When if a slow* pac’d starre had stolne away
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.122 Mans growth confess’d, and recompenc’d* the meat;*
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.123 So spacious* and large, that every Soule
FirAn 239 [Hh-i] 155.00A.125 And when the very stature,* thus erect,
SecAn 261 [L-o] 157.00A.045 M A iust estimation* of this world.
SecAn 273 [N-o] 157.00A.384 M Of essentiall joy in this life and in the next.*
SecAn 273 [N-o] 157.00A.411 Is built, as rise and fall, to more and lesse: *
SecAn 273 [N-o] 157.00A.412 Alas, ’tis but a casuall happinesse. *
SecAn 273 [N-o] 157.00A.413 Hath ever any man to’himselfe assign’d*
[CW: This]
LovDeity 281 [Oo-o] 064.00a.020 To ungod this child againe, it could not bee*
Fun 285 [Oo-o] 067.00A.003 That subtile wreath of haire, which crowns* my arme;
Fun 285 [Oo-o] 067.00A.005 For’tis my outward Soule,*
Fun 285 [Oo-o] 067.00A.014 Can better do’it; Except* she meant that I
Fun 285 [Oo-o] 067.00A.020 If into others hands these Reliques* came;
[CW: As]
ElExpost 301 [Qq-o] 022.00A.045 May he without remorse* deny God thrice,
Lam 322 [TT-i] 187.00A.368 Black as an Ocean colour’d had our skinne:*
Sat1 326 [TT-i] 001.00A.029 That when thou meet’st one, with enquiring eyes*
Sat1 326 [TT-i] 001.00A.032 So high or low, dost raise thy formall hat:*
Sat1 326 [TT-i] 001.00A.040 Of* thy plumpe muddy whore, or prostitute boy
Sat1 326 [TT-i] 001.00A.041 Hate vertue, though shee be naked, and bare:*
Sat1 326 [TT-i] 001.00A.050 Charitably warn’d* of thy sinnes, dost repent
Sat1 327 [TT-i] 001.00A.059 And sooner may a gulling weather-Spie*
Sat1 327 [TT-i] 001.00A.084 Yonder well favoured youth?* Which? Oh, ’tis hee
[CW: And]


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