
VOLUME 31 (2012)


Clayton D. Lein. Revisiting the Records: Donne at St. Dunstan’s. 1-60.
Dennis Flynn, M. Thomas Hester, and Margaret Maurer. Goodere at Court, 1603-1610: The Early Jacobean Decline of a Catholic Sympathizer and Its Bearing on Donne’s Letters. 61-98.
Daniel Starza Smith. The Poems of Sir Henry Goodere: A Diplomatic Edition. 99-164.
Mingjun Lu. Chinese Chronology and Donne’s Apologetic Exegesis in Essayes in Divinity. 165-201.
Sam Kaufman. Conceiving Bodies, Intertextuality, and Censorship in Metempsychosis. 203-262.
Timothy Rosendale. Wrong Turns in “Goodfriday, 1613.” 263-282.
Andrew Mattison. Donne, Britten, and the Honesty of Song. 283-300.

More Signs of Donne

Kalyan Chatterjee. Donne’s Love Poetry and Tagore’s Novel Shesher Kobita. 301-318.

Book Reviews

R. V. Young. John Donne, St. Augustine, and Charity. 319-324.
William M. Russell. Rereading Desire. 325-329.