
VOLUME 28 (2009)


Kate Narveson. Donne the Layman Essaying Divinity. 1-30.
Kathleen Quiring. “Mourne with some fruit”: John Donne and the Redemptive Power of Religious Melancholy. 31-51.
John T. Shawcross. Penance and Passion Week:  John Donne’s Sermon on Psalm 6:6-7, and Charles I. 53-65.
Chanita Goodblatt. An Unpublished Manuscript on John Donne:  Retrospect and Prospect. 67-91.
Paul J. Stapleton. A Priest and a “Queen”:  Donne’s Epigram “Martial.” 93-118.
William M. Russell. “Spell it wrong to read it right”: Crashaw’s Assessment of Human Language. 119-145.
Abigail Scherer. Embracing Lucia: Reading Robert Herrick’s “The Vine.” 147-158.


Christopher Baker. Bone Lace and Donne’s “bracelet of bright haire about the bone.” 159-161.

More Signs of Donne

Margaret MaurerConceited Donne. 163-167.
Judith Scherer Herz.  It’s All in the Hearing and the Seeing:  Donne, Britten, and Beyond. 169-172.
John Donne and June Wayne.  A Gallery of Words and Images.  173-196.
Helen B. Brooks.  Donne’s “Break of Day” and the Female Perspective in June Wayne’s Timeless Lithograph. 197-206.
Jonathan F. S. Post. 1590/1950: John Donne, June Wayne, and Concrete Expressionism. 207-216.
Paul A. Parrish. “Forming new wholes”: John Donne and June Wayne. 217-226.
Ann Hurley and Jebah Baum. June Wayne and John Donne: Reverse Ekphrasis Exemplified and Explored. 227-250.

Colloquium: “Valediction of the booke”

Brooke Conti. Introduction. 251-252.
D. Audell Shelburne. Notes and Observations on the Text of “A Valediction of the Booke.” 253-261.
Raymond-Jean Frontain. Donne’s “Valediction of the booke” as a Performative Action. 263-274.
Julie W. Yen. Reading Donne’s “Valediction of the booke.” 275-282.
Margaret Downs-Gamble. Marking the “dark eclipses”: Taking Longitude from “Valediction of the Booke” and “Valediction to his booke.” 283-298.

Book Reviews

Steven W. May. Manuscript Love Poems and Libels. 299-303.
Paul A. Parrish. Tradition and Subversion. 305-310.
Christopher Hodgkins. Pastoral Poet. 311-316.