VOLUME 27 (2008)
Jeffrey Johnson. Donne, imperfect. 1-20.
Victoria Moul. Donne’s Horatian Means: Horatian Hexameter Verse in Donne’s Satyres and Epistles. 21-48.
Jean R. Brink. Michael Drayton and John Donne. 49-66.
Kirsten Stirling. Dr. Donne’s Art Gallery and the imago dei. 67-80.
John N. Wall. The Irregular Ordination of John Donne. 81-102.
Lauren La Torre. Dar la Luz: Illuminating John Donne’s “A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, Being the shortest day.” 103-120.
Albert C. Labriola. Altered States in Donne’s “The Canonization”: Alchemy, Mintage, and Transmutation. 121-130.
Steven W. May. How Ralegh Became a Courtier. 131-140.
Richard S. Peterson. Herbert and Yeats: A Provocation. 141-144.
Colloquium: “Upon the translation of the Psalmes by Sir Philip Sydney, and the Countesse of Pembroke his Sister”
Dayton Haskin. Introduction. 145-152.
Anne Lake Prescott. Teaching Donne on the Sidney Psalms. 153-160.
Raymond-Jean Frontain. Donne’s “Upon the translation of the Psalmes” and the Challenge to “Make all this All.” 161-174.
Hannibal Hamlin. Upon Donne’s “Upon the translation of the Psalmes.” 175-196.
Gary A. Stringer. Donne’s Dedication of the Sidney Psalter. 197-211.
Book Reviews
Anthony Low. How Tom Eliot Met John Donne. 213-217.
Ted-Larry Pebworth. Documenting the Donne Explosion. 219-222.
John T. Shawcross. The Mutuality of Body and Soul. 223-228.
John N. Wall. Creating George Herbert. 229-238.