
VOLUME 26 (2007)


Margaret Maurer. Poetry and Scandal: John Donne’s “A Hymne to the Saynts and to the Marquesse Hamilton.” 1-33.
Christopher Martin. Fall and Decline: Confronting Lyric Gerontophobia in Donne’s “The Autumnall.” 35-54.
Kirsten Stirling. Lutheran Imagery and Donne’s “Picture of Christ crucified.” 55-72.
Sarah Powrie. The Celestial Progress of a Deathless Soul: Donne’s Second Anniuersarie. 73-101.
Robert Guffey. Parabolic Logic in John Donne’s Sermons. 103-125.
Katrin Ettenhuber. “Take heed what you hear”: Re-reading Donne’s Lincoln’s Inn Sermons. 127-157.
John N. Wall. Situating Donne’s Dedication Sermon at Lincoln’s Inn, 22 May 1623. 159-239.
David M. Schiller. “O false, yet sweet contenting”: John Coprario’s Songs for Penelope Rich on the Death of Lord Mountjoy. 241-268.

More Signs of Donne

Judith Scherer Herz. Tracking the Voiceprint of Donne. 269-282.
Jonathan F. S. Post. Donne, Discontinuity, and the Proto-Post Modern: The Case of Anthony Hecht. 283-294.
Raymond-Jean Frontain. Registering Donne’s Voiceprint: Additional Reverberations. 295-312.
Kui Yan. A Glory to Come: John Donne Studies in China. 313-332.
Helen B. Brooks. A “Re-Vision” of Donne: Adrienne Rich’s “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning.” 333-362.

Colloquium: Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions

Kate Gartner Frost. Introduction. 363-364.
Brooke Conti. The Devotions: Popular and Critical Reception. 365-372.
R. V. Young. Theology, Doctrine, and Genre in Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. 373-380.
Mary A. Papazian. “No Man [and Nothing] is an Iland“: Contexts for Donne’s “Meditation XVII.” 381-385.
Helen Wilcox. “Was I not made to thinke?”: Teaching the Devotions and Donne’s Literary Practice. 387-399.

Book Reviews

Richard Todd. Fresh Sequencing and Fugitive Conversation in The Holy Sonnets. 401-406.
Robert Ellrodt. Revisiting John Donne. 407-419.
Albert C. Labriola. Donne’s Visual Culture. 421-426.
Anthony Low. The Desire of the Critic. 427-431.
Emma Rhatigan. Reading the Rhetoric of Donne’s Sermons. 433-436.
R. V. Young. A Novel Donne. 437-442.