
VOLUME 20 (2001)


Richard S. Peterson. New Evidence on Donne’s Monument: I. 1-51.
Paul Stevens. Donne’s Catholicism and the Innovation of the Modern Nation State. 53-70.
Thomas Fulton. Hamlet’s Inky Cloak and Donne’s Satyres. 71-106.
Dennis Flynn. Donne’s Most Daring Satyre: “richly For service paid, authoriz’d.” 107-120.
Barry Spurr. The Theology of La Corona. 121-139.
Theresa M. DiPasquale. “to good ends”: The Final Cause of Sacramental Womanhood in The First Anniversarie. 141-150.
Sara Anderson. Phonological Analysis and Donne’s “Nocturnall.” 151-160.
Nathanial B. Smith. The Apparition of a Seventeenth-Century Donne Reader: A Hand-Written Index to Poems, By J. D. (1633). 161-199.
Richard Todd. Donne’s “Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward.”: The Extant Manuscripts and the Group 1 Stemma. 201-218.
Donald W. Rude. Some Unreported Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Allusions to John Donne. 219-228.
David Reid. Crashaw’s Gallantries. 229-242.
Andrew Sean Davidson. Devotio and Ratio in Richard Crashaw’s “On Hope.” 243-262.
George Walton Williams. Richard Crashaw’s “Bulla” and Daniel Heinsius’ Crepundia. 263-273.

Colloquium: “The Sunne Rising”

Ernest W. Sullivan, II, and Robert Shawn Boles. The Textual History of and Interpretively Significant Variants in Donne’s “The Sunne Rising.” 275-280.
Dayton Haskin. Impudently Donne. 281-287.
Meg Lota Brown. Absorbing Difference in Donne’s Malediction Forbidding Morning. 289-292.