
VOLUME 16 (1997)


Annabel Patterson. Donne in Shadows: Pictures and Politics. 1-36.
Anne Prescott. Donne’s Rabelais. 37-58.
Terry G. Sherwood. Ego Videbo: Donne and the Vocational Self. 59-114.
Richard B. Wollman. Donne’s Obscurity: Memory and Manuscript Culture. 115-136.
Stephen Burt. Donne the Sea Man. 137-184.
Stephen J. Maynard. “Here you see mee”: The Trope of Avoidance in John Donne. 185-208.
Ann Hurley. Donne’s “Nocturnall” and Festival. 209-220.


Len Ferry. “Till busy hands / Blot out the text”: Realme in Satyre III. 221-228.

Book Review

P.G. Stanwood. Recovering Donne’s Sermons. 229-233.