New Uses of Biographical and Historical Evidence in Donne Studies
Edited by Dennis Flynn
Jeanne Shami. “The Stars in their Order Fought Against Sisera”: John Donne and the Pulpit Crisis of 1622. 1-58.
Peter McCullough. Preaching to a Court Papist? Donne’s Sermon Before Queen Anne, December 1617. 59-82.
Tom Cain. Donne and the Prince D’Amour. 83-112.
Albert C. Labriola. Sacerdotalism and Sainthood in the Poetry and Life of John Donne: “The Canonization” and Canonization. 113-126.
Maureen Sabine. “Thou art the best of mee”: A.S. Byatt’s Possession and the Literary Possession of Donne, 127-148.
Michael W. Price. “Jeasts which cozen your Expectatyonn”: Reassessing John Donne’s Paradoxes and Problems, 149-184.
Dennis Flynn. Donne, Henry Wotton, and the Earl of Essex, 185-218.
Annabel Patterson. Afterword. 219-230.