Volume 5: The Verse Letters
AltVic A Lettre written by Sr. Henrye Goodier and Iohn Dunne: alternis vicibus. [Since euerie tree begins to blossome nowe,]
BB To Mr. B. B. [Is not thy sacred hunger of science]
BedfCab To the Countesse of Bedford. [That I might make your Cabinet my Tombe]
BedfDead To the Countesse of Bedford begun in France; but neuer perfected. [Though I bee dead and buried, yett I haue]
BedfHon To the Countesse of Bedford. [Honor is so sublime perfection,]
BedfReas To the Countesse of Bedford. [Reason is our Soules left-hand, Faith her Right,]
BedfRef To the Countesse of Bedford. [Yow haue refind mee; and to worthiest thinges]
BedfShe Elegie to the Lady Bedford. [You, that are shee, and you, thats double shee,]
BedfTwi To the Countesse of Bedford att New-Yeares tide. [This twylight of two yeares, not past, nor next]
BedfWrit To the Countesse of Bedford. [To haue written then, when yow writt, seemd to mee]
Calm A Calme. [Our Storme is past, And that stormes tiranous rage]
Carey To the Honorable lady the lady Carew. [Here, where by all, all Saints invoked are,]
CB To Mr. C. B. [Thy frind whom thy deserts to thee enchaine,]
EdHerb To Sir Edward Herbert at Iulyers. [Man is a lumpe, where all Beasts kneaded bee;]
EG To Mr. E. G. [Euen as lame things thirst their perfection, so]
GHerb To Mr. George Herbert, with my Seal of the Anchor and Christ. [Qui prius assuetus Serpentum fasce Tabellas]
HG To Sir Henry Goodyere. [Who makes the Past, a Patterne for next yeare]
HuntMan To the Countesse of Huntingdon. [Man to Gods Image, Eve to mans was made]
HuntUn To the Countesse of Huntingdon. [That unripe side of earth, that heavy clime]
HWHiber H. W. in Hibernia belligeranti. [Went you to conquer? and haue so much lost]
HWKiss To Mr. Henry Wotton. [Sir, More then kisses, Letters mingle Soules:]
HWNews To Mr. Henry Wotton 20 Iuly. 1598. At Court. [Here is no more newes then Vertu:’I may as well]
HWVenice To Sir Henrie Wotton, at his going Ambassadour to Venice. [After those reuerend Papers, whose soule is]
ILBlest To Mr. I. L. [Blest are your North parts, for all this long time]
ILRoll To Mr. I. L. [Of that short roll of frinds, writt in my hart]
LD To L. of D. [See sir, how as the Suns hott masculin flame]
Libro De libro cum mutuaretur… [Parturiunt madido quæ nixu præla, recepta;]
MHMary To the Lady Magdalen Herbert, of St. Mary Magdalen. [Her of your name, whose fair inheritance]
MHPaper To M. M. H. [Mad paper stay and grudge not heere to burne]
RWEnvy To Mr. R. W. [Kindly I envy thy Songs perfection]
RWMind To Mr. R. W. [Muse not that by thy mind thy body’is led:]
RWSlumb To Mr. R. W. [If as myne is thy life a slumber bee]
RWThird To Mr. Rowland Woodward. [Like one who’in her third widowhed doth profes]
RWZeal To Mr. R. W. [Zealously my Muse doth salute all thee,]
Sal To the Countesse of Salisbury. [Faire, Great, and Good, since seeing yow wee see]
SB To Mr. S. B. [O thou which to search out the secret parts]
Storm The Storme to Mr. Christopher Brooke. [Thou, which art I, (tis nothing to bee soe)]
Tilman To Mr. Tilman after hee had taken Orders. [Thou whose diuiner Soule hath caus’d thee now]
TWHail To Mr. T. W. [All haile sweete Poet, more full of more strong fyre]
TWHarsh To Mr. T. W. [Haste thee harsh Verse as fast as thy lame measure]
TWHence To Mr. T. W. [At once from hence my lines and I depart,]
TWPreg To Mr. T. W. [Pregnant againe with th’old twinnes Hope and Feare]