Digital Facsimile Editions
The development of this section of DigitalDonne began in the spring of 2005, after Texas A&M University acquired and made available for our use a substantial collection of early Donne editions from the library of the late I. A. Shapiro, and the editions here presented reflect the collaborative efforts of personnel working in The Donne Variorum project, the Center for the Study of Digital Libraries, and Cushing Memorial Library and Archives.
Mutatis mutandis, each edition comprises the following features:
- high-resolution images of the volume’s pages (including front- and back-matter), covers, and spine;
- facing-page transcriptions of each page of canonical text;
- a zoom feature, permitting magnification of each image for minute examination;
- a formal bibliographical description, with notes on provenance and special characteristics;
- an index sortable by order-of-appearance or poem title;
- page-by-page and jump-to-specified-page browsing capabilities;
- in-context flagging and exhibition of press variants, based on collation of additional copies of the edition against the primary copy;
- a composite list of formes detailing the press variants within each forme;
- an on-screen concordance facility that allows users to isolate every occurrence of every word (plus ampersands, hyphens, elision marks, parentheses, and digraphs) in the volume and to display each item in the context of both the image and the transcription.
For further information, click here.