First-Line Index to O30
Rawlinson poet. 31, Bodleian Library
Compiled December 16, 2004 by Jacob A. Heil
Proofed and corrected January 8, 2005 by J. Syd Conner
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (column blank if noncanonical, which applies to most of the items in this manuscript) (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
Note: It is unclear whether the scribe meant items 30a-d to be one poem or four: each item has its own heading, but items 30a-c are followed only by a centered whirlwind flourish instead of the scribe’s carefully executed, heavy, double horizontal rule with a whirlwind centered under it (used throughout the manuscript to indicate the end of a poem)–which follows 30d.
O30.1 ff. 1-1v HE Prolegomena Quadam: Paynter, while there thou sit'st draweinge the sight O30.2 ff. 1v-2 HE [om] When, will com%Me this happie seaso%Mn O30.3 f. 2 HE [om] Callinge: to mynde, myne eyes went longe aboute O30.4 f. 2v HE [om] I: and my Love ffor kysses playd O30.5 f. 2v HE An: Epitaph: Within: this Marble Caskett lyes O30.6 ff. 2v-3 HE A: Dreame: When: night departes my deare, and mee, O30.7 f. 3 HE Sir Iohn Harrington to Quee%M: / Elizabeth:| Dreade, Soveraigne and ever Loveinge Prince, O30.8 f. 3 HE om In: elder tymes the Auncyent Custom%Me was O30.9 f. 3v HE The: Godlye Mayde A: godlye Mayde w%5th%6 one of hir societye: O30.10 ff. 3v-4 HE Whatt a Woeman is O: heavenly powers whie did you bringe to light O30.11 f. 4 HE [om] Is't, ffor a grace, or ist, ffor som%Me dislyke, O30.12 ff. 4-5 HE A: Translation: A: Tayler, thoughe a Man of vpright dealinge O30.13 ff. 5-5v HE [om] How: happie is hee borne, or taught, O30.14 f. 5v HE [om] The, Man of lyfe vpright, whose guiltles harte is ffree O30.15 f. 5v HE [om] O,: ffaithles world, and thie most ffaithlesse parte, O30.16 ff. 6-6v HE [om] Whatt, yf I come to my M:%5ris%6 Bedd O30.17 f. 7 HE [om] Com%Me: sweete (Celia, lett vs prove O30.18 ff. 7-7v HE [om] Kisse: mee sweete, the warye Lover O30.19 ff. 7v-8v HE [om] Where: doest thou Carelesse lye O30.20 ff. 8v-9 HE Ode: Yf: Men, and tymes were nowe O30.21 f. 9v HE [om] Still: to bee meate, still to bee drest, O30.22 f. 9v HE [om] Reioyce, Reioyce, Reioyce, O30.23 ff. 9v-10 HE Ode Scorne, or so%Mme, humbler ffate O30.24 ff. 10-10v HE Epigramme Yf (Puris[t]ye) it should com%Me to passe ElPart O30.25 ff. 10v-12v HE Elegie: Since: she must goe, and I must mourne co%Mme night, O30.26 ff. 12v-13 HE To Sicknes Ode Anacreon: Why: dissease dost thou molest, O30.27 f. 13v HE Of our Sence Of Synne [LM: S%5r%6. Edw: / Herbert,] Vengan%Mce: Will sett aboue our ffaultes, but till O30.28 ff. 13v-14 HE A Sonnett Were: those thine eyes, of lighteninge ffrom aboue, O30.29 ff. 14 HE A: Translation: Quicklye to haue, what I love, I love not, O30.30a ff. 14-15v HE Idea: Of S:%5r%6 Edw: Harbert I: singe hir worth, and prayses highe O30.30b f. 15v HE To Hir Face: Fatall: Aspect, that hast an influence O30.30c ff. 15v-16 HE To Hir Bodye: Regardful: presence, whose ffixt Maiestye O30.30d f. 16 HE To Hir Mynde Exalted, minde, that guid'st thie beatious spheare, O30.31 f. 16v HE Parte of the: 18: Epistle / of Horace, Lib: 1: Translated, / into Englishe, Ad Lolleum.| Butt, that I fforth advise (if any need O30.32 ff. 18-18v HE A: Speech Out of Lucan: Iust, and ffitt Actions Ptolemey (hee saith O30.33 ff. 18v-20v HE To the Countesse of Rut-/land: An Elegie:| Whil'st, that ffor w%5ch%6, all virtue, nowe is sould O30.34 ff. 20v-21 HE To: L: C: of: B: Beautye, more then Mortall, Para O30.35 ff. 21 HE [om] Noe, Lover saith I Love, nor any other O30.36 f. 21v HE An: Epitaphe Twyce: twleve yeares not ffull told, a weary breath O30.37 ff. 21v-22 HE A Songe to a Ladye Sleep=/inge Awake: Adored Sainte, and showe Licent O30.38 f. 22 HE Of an ould vitious ma%Mn His: hayres, and synns noe Man cann equall call, ElExpost O30.39 ff. 22v-23v HE An: Elegie: To: make the doubte Cleere, that noe woeman's true, O30.40 f. 23v HE A: Translation: There, is noe Woeman good att all, or yf so%Mme good be had, O30.41 ff. 23v-24 HE [om] Censure, not sharplye then, but mee advise O30.42 ff. 24-24v HE An: Epistle to Beniamy%Mn / Iohn%Mson: The, seat, and Mens affayre%5rs%6: are the best Playes O30.43 ff. 25-25v HE Another to Ben%M: Iohn%Mson Yf: greate Men wronge mee, I will spare my selfe O30.44 f. 25v HE An: Elegie True, Loue, %Jtindles%K[Mvar:kindles] witt, but hee whose witt doth moue O30.45 ff. 26-26v HE An: Elegie to Mistris/ Boulstred Shall: I goe fforce an Elegie? abuse O30.46 ff. 26v-28 HE An: Elegie: Com%Me: ffates I ffeare yee not, all who%Mme I owe O30.47 ff. 28-29v HE An: Ode in Horace in Prayse / of a Countrye lyfe, Translated: Happye, is hee that ffrom all busines Cleare O30.48 ff. 29v-30 HE A Paradox: Loue is: / noe ffyre: Whoe: soe termes Loue a ffyre, maye lyke a Poett, O30.49 f. 30 HE An: Epitaph vppon the: / Ladye Marckham.| A: Mayde, a wyfe, shee lyu'd, a widdowe dy'd O30.50 ff. 30-30v HE P: [LM: i:] Yf: hir disdayne, least cha%Mnge in yo%5u%6 cann move O30.51 ff. 30v-31 HE R: [LM: i:] Tis Loue breedes Loue in mee, and cold disdayne O30.52 ff. 31-31v HE P: Shall: Loue that gaue Latonaes heyre the ffoyle O30.53 ff. 31v-33v HE R: Noe: prayse it is, that hee whom Python slew O30.54 ff. 34-36 HE To Sir Robte Wroth in: / prayse of a Countrye lyfe: / Epode: How: blest art thou canst loue the Country Wroth O30.55 f. 36 HE Sir Edw: Harbert Inconstancye, the greatest of synns O30.56 ff. 36-36v HE Epitaph: Staye: view this stone, and yf thou beest not such O30.57 ff. 36v-37 HE Another Sir Edw: Harbert Me: thinckes death lyke one Laughinge lyes O30.58 f. 37 HE [om] Heere: lyeth hee, whoe liueth not Prohib O30.59 ff. 37-37v HE [om] Take: heede of Loveinge mee O30.60 ff. 37v-39a HE To the Countesse Of / Rutland: Maddam: / Soe maye my verses pleasinge bee O30.61 ff. 39a-39av HE Elegie on the Ladye / Marckham, by L: C: of: B:| Death bee not proud, thie hand gaue not this blowe Witch O30.62 f. 39b HE Songe I: ffix myne eye on thine, and their BedfReas O30.63 ff. 39b-40 HE To the Countesse of Bedford Maddam: / Reason is our soules left hand, ffaith hir right Dream O30.64 ff. 40-40v HE A: Dreame Deare, Love, ffor noethinge lesse then thee BedfCab O30.65 ff. 40v-41 HE Epitaph: Maddam: / That I might make yo%5r%6: Cabinett my Tombe O30.66 ff. 41-41v HE Songe: Whoe: will saye O30.67 ff. 41v-42v HE Elegie: Is: tyme soe pricelesse or one wasted hower O30.68 ff. 42v-45 HE An: / Epithalamion, or Marryage / Songe, vppon one that was Marryed / vnequallye.| O%C: Iuno seest thou not this Rape BoulNar O30.69 ff. 45-46v HE Elegie on mistris Boulstred: Language, thou art to narrowe, and to weake BedfShe O30.70 ff. 46v-47 HE Elegie / To the Countesse of Bedford: You: that are shee, and you, thats double shee O30.71 ff. 47v-48 HE [om] When: all, whoe seeme to Loue by sayeinge soe O30.72 ff. 48-48v HE Epigra%Mme Good, Maddam ffowler, doe not trouble mee O30.73 ff. 48v-49 HE [om] Deare, Love Contynue, nyce, and Chast