First-Line Index to NY3
Berg Collection, Westmoreland ms., New York Public Library
Compiled May 18, 1992, by Ted Sherman; cor. GAS, 9-26-00, 7-10-01
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
Additional information: artifact unfoliated
Sat1 NY3.1, ff. [2-3] HE Satyra .1.a| Away thou changeling motley humorist [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Sat2 NY3.2, ff. [3v-4v] HE Sat: .2.a Sr, Though (I thanke God for it) I do hate: [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Sat3 NY3.3, ff. [5-6] HE Sat: .3.a Kind pity choakes my spleene; braue scorne for\bids [l. 1 ind 4sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Sat4 NY3.4, ff. [6-9v] HE Sat: 4.a Well, I may now receaue and dy; My Sin [l. 1 ind 4-5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom third/fourth of f. 9v blank] Sat5 NY3.5, ff. [10-11] HE Sat: 5a. Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 10 and all of f. 10v blank] ElBrac NY3.6, ff. [12-13v] HE Elegia 1a.| Not yt in color it was like thy haire [l. 1 ind 5 sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; ; bottom 3/4s of f. 13v is blank] ElComp NY3.7, ff. [14r-v] HE Eleg: 2.a| As ye sweet sweate of roses in a Still [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 14v blank] ElPerf NY3.8, ff. [15r-v] HE Eleg: 3a| Once, and but once found in thy companie [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ElJeal NY3.9, ff. [16] HE Eleg: 4.a| Fond woman wch wouldst haue thy husband dy [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. beneath HE] ElServe NY3.10, ff. [16v-17] HE Eleg. 5.a| Oh let not me serve so, as those men serve [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ElNat NY3.11, ff. [17] HE Eleg: 6.a| Natures lay Ideott, I taught thee to love [l. 1 ind 5-6sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p-8 beneath diagonal slash] ElWar NY3.12, ff. [17v-18] HE Eleg: 7.a| Tell Ihaue peace wththee, warr other Men; [l. 1 ind 4-5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ElBed NY3.13, ff. [18r-v] HE Eleg: 8.a| Come Madame, come, All rest my powers defy; [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 18v blank] ElChange NY3.14, ff. [19] HE Eleg: 9.a| Allthough thy hand, & faith->>fayth< & good workes too [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p 3. beneath diagonal slash] ElAnag NY3.15, ff. [19v-20] HE Eleg: 10.a| Marry & love thy Flauia for Shee [l. 1 ind 4sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ElFatal NY3.16, ff. [20r-v] HE Eleg: 11.a| By or first strange & fatal interview [l. l ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ElPict NY3.17, ff. [21] HE Eleg: 12.a| Here take my picture, though I bid farwell [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. 5. beneath diagonal slash] Sorrow NY3.18, ff. [21r-v] HE Eleg: 13.a| Sorrow, who to this house, scarse knew ye way [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p 6. beneath diagonal slash; bottom 2/3s of f. 21v blank] EpLin NY3.19, ff. [22-23] HE Epithalamiu%M.| The Sun beames in ye East are spred [l. 1 ind 5-6sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; stanzas numbered in arabic numerals; l. 1 each stz ind; final line each stz hanging ind; bottom third of f. 23 and all of f. 23v blank] Storm NY3.20, ff. [24r-v] HE To M.r C B.| Thou, wch art I, (tis nothing to be so) [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p: beneath diagonal slash] HWNews NY3.21, ff. [25] HE To Mr H.W.| %#%#%#%X20. Iuly. i*098->>i5098<. At Court. Here is no more newes then vertu: I may as well [l. 1 ind. 4 sp; To Mr H. W.| in LM opp. l. 1; triplets, each separated by a diagonal slash in LM] HWKiss NY3.22, ff. [25v-26v] HE To Mr H. W.| Sr More then kisses, Letters mingle Soules: [l. 1 ind 5-6sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. beneath HE] RWThird NY3.23, ff. [26v-27] HE To Mr. R. W.| Like one who in her third widowhed doth profes [l. 1 ind 4sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; triplets, each separated by diagonal slash in LM; bottom half of f. 27 blank] TWHail NY3.24, ff. [27v] HE To Mr. T.W.| All haile sweete Poet, more full of more strong fyre [irregular ind pattern; HE in LM opp. l. 1; ll. 12, 13a, 15a scratched through] nc NY3.25, ff. [28] HE To Mr I: D.| Thou sendst me prose & rimes, I send for those [l. 1 ind 4sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] TWHarsh NY3.26, ff. [28] HE To Mr T.W. Hast thee harsh verse as fast as thy lame measure [l. 1 ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1; ll. 5, 6, 8-10 scratched through] ED NY3.27, ff. [28v] HE To. L. of D.| See, Sr, how as the suns hott masculine fyer flame [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p beneath HE] TWPreg NY3.28, ff. [28v] HE To Mr T. W.| Pregnant agayne wt th'old twins Hope & Feare [final couplet ind 5sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] TWHence NY3.29, ff. [29] HE To Mr. T.W.| At once fro%M hence my lines & I depart [final couplet ind 4sp, final line deleted; several lines deleted; HE in LM opp. l. 1] RWZeal NY3.30, ff. [29] HE To Mr R: W.| Zealously my Muse doth salute all thee [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] RWMind NY3.31, ff. [29v] HE To Mr R: W.| Muse not that by thy mind thy body is led: [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] CB NY3.32, ff. [29v] HE To Mr C. B.| Thy frind whom thy deserts to thee enchaine [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] EG NY3.33, ff. [30] HE To Mr E. G.| Euen as lame things thirst their perfection, so [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 30 blank] RWSlumb NY3.34, ff. [30v] HE To Mr R. W:| If as myne is thy Life a slumber bee [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. beneath HE] RWEnvy NY3.35, ff. [31] HE To Mr R. W.| Kindly I envy thy Songs perfection [ll. 2 3 6 7 9 10 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] SB NY3.36, ff. [31] HE To M. S. B.| O thou wch to search out the secret parts [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ILRoll NY3.37, ff. [31v] HE To Mr I. L.| Of yt short roll of frinds, writt in my hart [l. 1 ind 3sp; HE in LM opp. l. 1] BB NY3.38, ff. [31v-32] HE To Mr B.B.| Is not thy sacred hunger of science [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 16 17 20 21 24 25 27 28 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] ILBlest NY3.39, ff. [32] HE To M. I. L.| Blest are your North parts, for all this long time [no ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. beneath diagonal slash; bottom fifth of f. 32 and all of f. 32v blank] HSMade NY3.40, ff. [33] HE Holy Sonnets .1.| Thou hast made me & shall thy worke decay? [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSDue NY3.41, ff. [33] HE .2. As due by many titles I resigne [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSSighs NY3.42, ff. [33v] HE .3. O might those sighes & teares returne againe [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSPart NY3.43, ff. [33v] HE .4. Father, part of his double interest [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSBlack NY3.44, ff. [34] HE .5. Oh my black Soule now thou art sum%Moned [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSScene NY3.45, ff. [34] HE .6. This is my Playes Last Scene, here heauens appoint [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSLittle NY3.46, ff. [34v] HE .7. I ame a little World, made cu%mningly [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSRound NY3.47, ff. [34v] HE .8. At ye round Earths imagind corners blow [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSMin NY3.48, ff. [35] HE .9. If poysonous Mineralls, & if that tree [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSSouls NY3.49, ff. [35] HE .10. If faythfull Soules be alike glorified [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSDeath NY3.50, ff. [35v] HE .11. Death be not proud, thou->>though< some haue called thee [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSWilt NY3.51, ff. [35v] HE .12. Wilt thou love God, as he, the! then digest [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSSpit NY3.52, ff. [36] HE .13. Spitt in my face ye Iewes, & pierce my side [even lines ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSWhy NY3.53, ff. [36] HE .14. Why ame I by all Creatures wayted on? [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSWhat NY3.54, ff. [36v] HE .15. What yf this present were ye worlds last night? [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSBatter NY3.55, ff. [36v] HE .16. Batter, my hart, three-persond God, for you [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSShe NY3.56, ff. [37] HE .17.| Since She whome I lovd, hath payd her last debt [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; piping symbol at end of HE a diagonal slash] HSShow NY3.57, ff. [37] HE .18. Show me deare Christ thy Spouse, so bright & cleare. [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] HSVex NY3.58, ff. [37v] HE .19. Oh, to vex me, contraryes meete in one [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 37v blank] Cor1 NY3.59, ff. [38] HE La Corona / .1. Dainge[sic] at my hands this crowne of prayer & prayse [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; p. beneath HE] Cor2 NY3.60, ff. [38] HE .2. Saluation to all yt will is nighe [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Cor3 NY3.61, ff. [38v] HE .3. Immensity cloysterd in thy deere wombe [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Cor4 NY3.62, ff. [38v] HE .4. With his kind Mother who pe%^rtakes thy wo [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Cor5 NY3.63, ff. [39] HE .5. By Miracles exceeding power of Man [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Cor6 NY3.64, ff. [39] HE .6. Moyst wt one drop of thy blood, my dry Soule [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1] Cor7 NY3.65, ff. [39v] HE .7. Salute ye last & everlasting day [ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE in LM opp. l. 1; bottom half of f. 39v blank] prose NY3.66, ff. [40] HE %XThat all things kill themselues. / .1. To affect yea to effect their owne deaths, [no ind; second HE in LM] prose NY3.67, ff. [40v] HE %XThat women ought to paint themselues / .2. Foulnes is lothesome; can yt be so wch helpes it? [l. 1 ind 6-7sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.68, ff. [41] HE %XThat old Men are more fantastique then younge / .3. Who reads this Paradox but thinks me more fantastique then I [l. 1 ind 5-6sp; second HE in LM; bottom third of f. 41 blank] prose NY3.69, ff. [41v] HE %XThat Nature is our worst Guide. / .4. Shall she be guide to all creatures wch is herselfe one? [l. 1 ind 5sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.70, ff. [42] HE %XThat only Cowards dare dy. / .5. Extreames are equally removed from the meane: [l. 1 ind 5-6sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.71, ff. [42v-43] HE %XThat the guifts of ye body are better then / those of the mind or of fortune / .6. I say agayne yt the body makes ye mind. [l. 1 ind 6-7sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.72, ff. [43r-v] HE %XThat a wise Man is knone by much laughinge. / .7 Ride si sapis o puella ride; yf thou beest wise laugh [l. 1 5-6 sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.73, ff. [43v-44] HE %XThat good is more co%Mmon then euill / .8. I haue not beene so pitifully tired wt any vanity, [l. 1 ind 8sp; second HE in LM] prose NY3.74, ff. [44r-v] HE %XThat by Discord things increase / .9. Nullos esse Deos, mone calum [ll. 1-3 ind 5sp and set off from others; second HE in LM] prose NY3.75, ff. [44v-45] HE %XThat it is possible to find some vertue in women. / .10. I ame not of that sear'd impudency that I dare [l. 1 ind 6sp; second HE in LM; bottom 3/4s of sheet cut away; f. 45v blank] Hero NY3.76, ff. [46] HE Hero & Leander. Both robd of ayre, we both ly in one ground, [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Pyr NY3.77, ff. [46] HE Pyramus & Thisbe. Two, by themselues, each other, Love and Feare. [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Niobe NY3.78, ff. [46] HE Niobe. By childrens birth, & death Iame become [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Ship NY3.79, ff. [46] HE Nave arsa. Out of a fyred ship, wch by no way [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Wall NY3.80, ff. [46] HE Caso d'vn muro. Vnder an vnder-min'd, & shott brusd wall [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Beggar NY3.81, ff. [46] HE Zoppo. Iame vnable (yonder begger cryes) [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Cales NY3.82, ff. [46] HE Cales / & / Guyana. If you fro spoyle of th'old Worlds fardest end [HE in LM] Wing NY3.83, ff. [46] HE Il Caualliere / Gio: Wingef Beyond th'old Pillers many'haue trauailed [HE in LM] Self NY3.84, ff. [46] HE Omitted Your Mistres, yt you follow whores, still taxeth you, [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Licent NY3.85, ff. [46] HE Omitted Thy Sins & haires may no Man equall call [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Antiq NY3.86, ff. [46v] HE Antiquary. If in his study Ha%Mmon hath such care [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Jug NY3.87, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Thou callst me effeminat, for I love womens ioyes Disinher NY3.88, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Thy father all fro%M thee by his last Will [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Liar NY3.89, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping houres Merc NY3.90, ff. [46v] HE Mercurius / Gallobelgicus.| Like AE%Lsops fellow Slaues, O Mercury [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Phrine NY3.91, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Thy flattering picture Phrine, is like thee [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Philo NY3.92, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Philo, wt 12 yeares study hath beene griev'd [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Klock NY3.93, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Klockius so deeply'hath vowd nere more to come [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Martial NY3.94, ff. [46v] HE Martial: castratus. Why this Man gelded Martial I muse, [HE in LM; p. beneath HE] Ralph NY3.95, ff. [46v] HE Omitted Compassion in ye World agayne is bredd [p. in LM opp. l. 1] Jet NY3.96, ff. [47] HE To a Jeat ring / sent to me. Thou art not so blacke as my hart [HE in LM; quatrains sep. by blank line; bottom half of f. 47 and all of 47v blank]