First-Line Index to B7
Add. 18647, British Library (The Denbigh ms.)
Compiled January 21, 1992 by Ted Sherman
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (noncan = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
This index corrected 2-28-03.
ElAnag B7.1, ff. 1r-v HE Elegie| >>No. 33.<< (HE 2nd hand?) Marry and love thy fflavia, for shee [bottom half of f. 1v is blank, except for CW: Like] RWThird B7.2, ff. 2r-v HE Omitted Like one who in her Third widdowhood doth professe HWNews B7.3, ff. 2v-3r HE :D. to Mr. H:W: (in l. margin) Heere is noe more newes then vertue. I may as well [bottom third of f. 3r is blank, except for CW: Elegie] ElComp B7.4, ff. 3v-4r HE Elegie As the sweete sweate of Roses in a still [bottom fourth of f. 4r is blank, except for CW: Elegie] ELPerf B7.5, ff. 4v-5v HE Elegie Once and but once found in thy Company ELChange B7.6, ff. 5v-6r HE Elegie Although thy hand, and faith, and good workes too ELNat B7.7, ff. 6r-v HE Elegie Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love ELAut B7.8, ff. 6v-7v HE Elegie No Springe nor Som%Mer beauty hath such grace Image B7.9, ff. 7v-8r HE Elegie Image of her whom I love more then shee Break B7.10, ff. 8r-v HE Breake of Daye Tis true tis daye what though it bee SunRis B7.11, ff. 8v-9r HE Sunn Risinge Busie old foole vnruly sunn Lect B7.12, ff. 9r-v HE Lecture vpon the shaddowe Stand still, and I will read to thee ValMourn B7.13, ff. 9v-10r HE Valediction forbiddinge / mourninge As vertuous men, pass mildely awaye ElServe B7.14, ff. 10r-v HE Elegie Oh let me serve soe as those men serve Leg B7.15, ff. 10v-11r HE Elegie When I dyed last (and Deare I die Triple B7.16, ff. 11r-v HE The Triple ffoole| I am two ffooles I knowe Mark B7.17, ff. 11v-12v HE An Elegie vppon the death of / the Ladie Marckham/ Man is the world and Death the Ocean BoulRec B7.18, ff. 12v-13v HE An Elegie vpon the death / of Mistris Bulstrod Death I recant, and saye vnsaid by mee GoodM B7.19, ff. 13v-14r HE The good Morrowe I wonder by my troth, what thou and I Broken B7.20, ff. 14r-v HE Omitted He is starck mad whosoever sayes Twick B7.21, ff. 14v-15r HE Twittnam Garden Blasted wth sighes, and surrounded wth teares ElWar B7.22, ff. 15r-16r HE Elegie Till I have peace wth thee warr other men BoulNar B7.23, ff. 16r-17r HE Elegie vpon the death / of Mistress Boulstred/ Language thou art to narrow, and to weake Curse B7.24, ff. 17r-v HE The Curse Who euer gesses, thinks, or Dreames he knowes LovAlch B7.25, ff. 17v HE Mummy Some that have deeper digg'd Loves Mine then I Canon B7.26, ff. 18r-v HE The Canon%Mization ffor Godes sake hould yor tounge, and let me love LovDiet B7.27, ff. 18v-19r HE Loues Dyett To what a Combersome vnwildeness [bottom third of f. 19r is blank, except for CW: Loues] Will B7.28, ff. 19v-20r HE Loues Legacies Before I sigh my last gaspe let me breath Para B7.29, ff. 20r-v HE Omitted No Lover saith I love, nor any other B7.30, ff. 20v HE A Paradox./ Who so termes love a fire, maye like a Poett SGo B7.31, ff. 21r HE Songe Goe and Catch a fallinge starr Commun B7.32, ff. 21v HE Omitted Good wee must love, and must hate ill [bottom fifth of f. 21v is blank, except for CW: Woemans] WomCon B7.33, ff. 22r HE Woemans Constancie Now thou hast lou'd me one whole daye [bottom fourth of f. 22r is blank] Flea B7.34, ff. 22v HE Omitted Marke but this fflea and marke in this Ecst B7.35, ff. 23r-24r HE Extasie Where like a pillow on a Bed LovDeity B7.36, ff. 24v HE Loues Deitie| I long to talke wth: some old Lovers Ghost [bottom fifth of f. 24v is blank, except for CW: The] Fun B7.37, ff. 25r HE The ffunerall. [flourish] Who ever comes to shrowd me doe not harme ElProg B7.38, ff. 25v-27r HE Elegie Who ever loves if he doe not purpose Blos B7.39, ff. 27r-v HE The Blossome Little think'st thou poore fflower ElBed B7.40, ff. 28r-v HE Elegie|. Come Madam, Come, All rest my powers Defie [bottom half of f. 28v is blank, except for CW: An] Appar B7.41, ff. 29r HE An Apparition| When by thy scorne, O murdress I am dead, [bottom fourth of f. 29r is blank, except for CW: To] HWKiss B7.42, ff. 29v-30v HE To Sr Henry Wotton Sr: more then kisses, letters mingle soules bottom half of f. 30v is blank, except for CW: The Prim B7.43, ff. 31r-v HE The Primrose Vppon this Primrose hill TWHail B7.44, ff. 31v-32r HE To: M: I: W: All haile sweete Poett; more full of more stronge fire TWHarsh B7.45, ff. 32r-v HE To M. T. W. Hast thee harsh verse as fast as thy lame measure TWPreg B7.46, f. 32v HE To M T W Pregnant againe wth. th'old twines, Hope and ffeare TWHence B7.47, ff. 32v-33r HE om Att once from hence my lines and I Depart CB B7.48, ff. 33r HE To M C B Thy freind whom thy desertes to thee enchaine SB B7.49, ff. 33v HE To M. S: B O thou wch: to search out the secrett partes BB B7.50, ff. 33v-34r HE To. M. B. B. Is not thy sacred hunger of science RWSlumb B7.51, ff. 34r-v HE To Mr. R W If as mine is thy life a slumber bee ILRoll B7.52, ff. 34v-35r HE To M. I L Of that short Roll of freindes writt in my hart ILBlest B7.53, ff. 35r-v HE To M I L Blest are yor North partes for all this longe tyme HWVenice B7.54, ff. 35v-36r HE To Sr: Henry Wotton, at his / going Ambassadour to venice| After those reverend papers whose soule is HG B7.55, ff. 36v-37r HE To Sr: H: G: movinge him to travell Who makes the past a patterne for next yeare EdHerb B7.56, ff. 37v-38r HE To Sr: E: H: Man is a lumpe where all Beastes kneaded bee [bottom fifth of f. 38r is blank, except for CW: To] MHPaper B7.57, ff. 38v-39r HE To. M. M: H| Madd paper stay, and grudge not heere to burne Sappho B7.58, ff. 39v-40v HE Sapho to Philae%Lnis| Where is that holy fire, wch verse is saide ElJeal B7.59, ff. 40v-41r HE Elegie ffond woeman wch: would'st have thy husband Dye| ElFatal B7.60, ff. 41r-42r HE Elegie By our first strange, and fatall interveiwe ElPict B7.61, ff. 42r-v HE Elegie| Heere take my picture though I bid farewell Noct B7.62, ff. 42v-43v HE A Nor->Nocturnall vppon St: Lucies / daye beinge the shortest night| Tis the yeares Midnight and it is the dayes Compu B7.63, ff. 43v HE The Computation ffor the first Twenty yeares since yesterdaye Dissol B7.64, ff. 43v-44r HE The Dissolution Shees Dead, and all wch. Dye Witch B7.65, ff. 44v HE Witchcrafte by A Picture I fix mine eye on thine, and there Jet B7.66, ff. 44v-45r HE A Jeate B->Ringe sente| Thou art not so black as my hart LovExch B7.67, ff. 45r-46r HE Loues Exchange Loue any Divell else but you Fever B7.68, ff. 46r-v HE ffeuer| O doe not die for I shall hate Ind B7.69, ff. 46v-47r HE The Indifferent I can love both faire and browne [bottom third of f. 47r is blank, except for CW: Valediction] ValName B7.70, ff. 47v-48v HE Valediction of my name in the windowe My name engrau'd herein Air B7.71, ff. 48v-49r HE Ayre and Angells Twice or thrise had I loved thee [bottom fourth of f. 49r is blank, except for CW: Loues] LovGrow B7.72, ff. 49v HE Loues Growth I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure, Dream B7.73, ff. 50r-v HE The Dreame Deare love for nothinge less then thee Prohib B7.74, ff. 50v HE The Prohibition Take heede of lovinge mee Anniv B7.75, ff. 50v-51r HE The Anniuersarie All kings, and all their ffauourittes Damp B7.76, ff. 51v HE The Dampe| When I am Dead, and Doctors know not why Relic B7.77, ff. 52r-v HE The Relique| When my grave is broke vp againe NegLov B7.78, ff. 52v HE Negatiue Loue I never stoop'd soe low as they ValWeep B7.79, ff. 53r-v HE valediction of weepinge Let me power forth ValBook B7.80, ff, 53v-54v HE A valediction of this Booke Ile tell the now deare love what thou shalt doe [bottom third of f. 54v is blank, except for CW: The] Expir B7.81, ff. 55r HE The Expiration Soe, soe, breake off this lust lamentinge kisse Under B7.82, ff. 55r-v HE Platonique Loue| I haue done one braver thinge [bottom half of f. 55v is blank, except for CW: Some] ConfL B7.83, ff. 56r HE Omitted Some man vnworthy to be professor [bottom fifth of f. 56r is blank except for flourish & CW: Songes] Mess B7.84, ff. 56v HE Songes wch: were made to certaine / Ayres wch: were made before| Send home my longe stray'd eyes to mee SSweet B7.85, ff. 57r HE Omitted Sweetest Loue I doe not goe for weariness of thee Bait B7.86, ff. 57v HE Omitted Come live wth: mee, and be my love Hero B7.87, ff. 58r HE Epigrammes|. / Hero and Leander Both robb'd of aire, wee both lie on the grownd Pyr B7.88, ff. 58r HE Piramis and Thisby Two by themselves, each other, Loue and feare Niobe B7.89, ff. 58r HE Niobe| By Childrens birth, and death I am become Ship B7.90, ff. 58r HE A burunt Shippe| Out of a fired shipp wch by noe waye Wall B7.91, ff. 58r HE ffall of a walle Vnder an vnderminde, and shott bruized wall Beggar B7.92, ff. 58v HE A Lame Beggar I am vnable yonder Begger Cryes Licent B7.93, ff. 58v HE A Licentious person Thy skinns, and hayre maye no man equall call Antiq B7.94, ff. 58v HE Antiquarie If in his Study he haue so much care Merc B7.95, ff. 58v HE Mercurius Gallo Belgicus Like AE%Lsops fellow slaues, O Mercury Phrine B7.96, ff. 58v HE Phrine Thy flatteringe picture, Phrine, is like thee Philo B7.97, ff. 59r HE An obscure Writer Philo wth. twelve yeare study hath beene greiu'd Klock B7.98, ff. 59r HE Omitted Klockius so deeply hath sworne nere to come Martial B7.99, ff. 59r HE Randerus Why this man gelded Martial I muse EpLin B7.100, ff. 59r-60v HE Epithalamion made at / Lincolnes Inn|. The Sun-beames in the East are spred Eclog B7.101, ff. 61r-65v HE Eclogue / Inducinge an Epithalamion at the / Marriage of the: E: of S:| vnseasonable man statue of Ice [bottom fourth of f. 65v is blank, except for CW: Paradoxes] B7.102, ff. 66r-v HE Paradoxes / That all things kill themselues To affect, yea to effect their owne deathes, all liueinge are B7.103, ff. 66v-67r HE That woemen ought to paint themselues|. ffowleness is loathsome, can that be soe too wch: helpes it? B7.104, ff. 67r-68r HE That olde men are more fantastique| / then younge| Who reades this Paradoxe but thinckes me more B7.105, ff. 68r-69r HE That Nature is our worst / Guide|. Shall shee be guide to all Creatures wch: is herself one? B7.106, ff. 69r-v HE That only Cowards dare dye|. Extreames are equally remou'd from the meane, soe that B7.107, ff. 69v-70v HE That the guiftes of the body are better then / the guifts of the minde or fortune| I saye againe that the body makes the minde, not that B7.108, ff. 71r-72r HE That a wise man is knowne by / much laughinge| Ride si sapis o puella ride. If thou beest wise laugh B7.109, ff. 72r-v HE That Good is more com%Mon / then euill I have not beene so pittifully tired wth any vanatie, as B7.110, ff. 72v-73v HE That by discord things increase So I asseuer this the more boldly because whilest I B7.111, ff. 73v-74r HE That it is possible to find some vertue / in some woemen|. I am not of sear'd impudency that I dare Defame woe= / men [bottom third of f. 74r is blank, except for CW: Probleme 1] B7.112, ff. 74v HE Probleme. 1 Why are Courtiers sooner Atheistes then men of B7.113, ff. 74v-75r HE 2th Why doth Sr: W: R: write the history of these B7.114, ff. 75r HE 3th Why doe greate men choose of all Dependantes to B7.115, ff. 75r HE 4th Why doth not gould soyle the ffingers? Doth it B7.116, ff. 75v HE 5th Why dye nowe for love now? because woemen are B7.117, ff. 75v-76r HE 6th Why do yonge laye-men so much study divinity? B7.118, ff. 76r-v HE 7th. Why hath the Com%Mon opinion afforded woemen soules? B7.119, ff. 76v-77r HE 8th / why are the fairest falsest? I meane not of false Alcumy Beauty, for then the B7.120, ff. 77r-78r HE 9th / Why haue Bastards best fortunes Bacause fortune herselfe is a whore But such are B7.121, ff. 78r HE 10th / why Puritans make longest Sermons It needs not for perspicuousnes, for God knowes they B7.122, ff. 78r-79r HE 11 / Why doth the Poxe soe much affect / to vndermine the Nose Paracelsus perchaunce sayes true, that every disease B7.123, ff. 79r HE 12th / Why doe woemen delight soe much / in ffeathers They thinck that ffeathers imitate winges, soe show B7.124, ff. 79r-v HE 13th / Why are States men most / incredulous Are they all wise enough to follow their excellent B7.125, ff. 80r-v HE Why Venus Starr only doth / cast a Shaddowe| Is it because it is nearer the earth? But they whose B7.126, ff. 80v-81r HE Why is venus Starr Multi-nominous / called both Hesperus, and vesper.| The Moone hath as many names, but not that as B7.127, ff. 81r-v HE Why are newe Officers least / oppressinge|? Must the olde Proverbe, That olde Dogges bite sonest; B7.128, ff. 82r HE Why is there more varietie of Greene / then of other Collours|. It is because it is the ffigure of youth wherein nature [bottom half of f. 82r is blank; f. 82v is completely blank] Lit B7.129, ff. 83r-88r HE A Letanie ffather of Heaven, and him by whom GoodF B7.130, ff. 88r-v HE Good Friday / Made as I was ridinge westward / that daye Let mans soule be a spere, and then in this Cross B7.131, ff. 89r-90r HE of the Crosse Since Christ embrac'd the Cross it selfe, dare I Res B7.132, ff. 90r-v HE Resurrection. [large space] imperfect Sleepe, sleepe, old Sunn, thou canst not haue repast Christ B7.133, ff. 90v-91r HE A Hymne to: Christ. In what torne shipp soever I embarck [bottom half of f. 91r is blank, except for CW: To Christ] Father B7.134, ff. 91v HE To Christ [stanzas 2&3 reverse order] Wilt thou forgive that sinn where I begann [bottom fourth/fifth of f. 91v is blank, except for CW: Infinitati] Metem B7.135, ff. 92r-102r HE Infinitati Sacram. 160. Augusti / 1601 / Metempsychosis / Poema Satyricon / Epistle I singe the Progresse of a deathless Soule [bottom third of f. 92v is blank, except for CW: ffirst] Corona B7.136, ff. 102v-104r HE Diuine Poems / La Corona Deigne at my hand this Crowne of prayre, and praise HSDue B7.137, ff. 104r-v HE Omitted As due by many titles I resigne HSBlack B7.138, ff. 104v HE Omitted Oh my black soule, thou now art summoned HSScene B7.139, ff. 104v-105r HE Omitted This is my playes last scene, Here heau'ns appoynt HSRound B7.140, ff. 105r HE Omitted At the round Earthes imagin'd Corners blowe HSMin B7.141, ff. 105r-v HE Omitted If poysonous Mineralls, and if that Tree HSDeath B7.142, ff. 105v HE Omitted Death be not proud, though som%Me hath called thee HSSpit B7.143, ff. 105v-106r HE Omitted Spitt in my face, yee Iewes, and peirce my side HSWhy B7.144, ff. 106r HE Omitted Why are wee all Creatures waited on? HSWhat B7.145, ff. 106r-v HE Omitted What if this present were the worlds last night HSBatter B7.146, ff. 106v HE Omitted Batter my hart three person'd God for you HSWilt B7.147, ff. 106v-107r HE Omitted Wilt thou love God, as hee thee, then digest HSPart B7.148, ff. 107r HE Omitted ffather, part of his double Interest [bottom fifth of f. 107r is blank, except for CW: Epistle] [f. 107v completely blank] Ham B7.149, ff. 108r HE Epistle: >>Epistle|<< Sr: / I presume yow rather trye what yow can doe in mee; [bottom half of 108r is blank, except for SS: ID & CW: A Hymne] Ham B7.150, ff. 108v-109r HE A Hymne to the Saincts, and / to Marquis Hambleton / >>The Lady *um**<< Whether that soule wch now comes vnto yow [bottom half of f. 109r is blank, except for SS: ID] B7.151, ff. 109v HE Omitted Had shee a glasse, & fear'd the fire,