First-Line Index to DD
C. A. Patrides, ed., The Complete English Poems of John Donne (1985)
Compiled February 2014 by Danielle Lake
with assistance from Tracy McLawhorn
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) its location in the artifact (by page nos.), and (c) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line. Generic section headings appear as given in the volume.
This index last corrected 2-26-14.
Flea | pp. 47-48 | HE The Flea. Marke but this flea, and marke in this, |
GoodM | pp. 48-49 | HE The good-morrow. I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I |
SGo | pp. 50-51 | HE Song. Goe, and catche a falling starre, |
WomCon | p. 51 | HE Womans constancy. Now thou hast lov’d me one whole day, |
Under | pp. 52-53 | HE The undertaking. I have done one braver thing |
SunRis | pp. 53-54 | HE The Sunne Rising. Busie old foole, unruly Sunne, |
Ind | pp. 54-55 | HE The Indifferent. I can love both faire and browne, |
LovUsury | pp. 56-57 | HE Loves Usury. For every houre that thou wilt spare mee now, |
Canon | pp. 57-59 | HE The Canonization. For Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love, |
Triple | pp. 59-60 | HE The triple Foole. I am two fooles, I know, |
LovInf | pp. 60-61 | HE Lovers infinitenesse. If yet I have not all thy love, |
SSweet | pp. 62-63 | HE Song. Sweetest love, I do not goe, |
Leg | pp. 63-64 | HE The Legacie. When I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye |
Fever | pp. 64-66 | HE A Feaver. Oh doe not die, for I shall hate |
Air | pp. 66-67 | HE Aire and Angels. Twice or thrice had I loved thee, |
Break | p. 68 | HE Breake of day. ‘Tis true, ’tis day, what though it be? |
Anniv | pp. 68-69 | HE The Anniversarie. All Kings, and all their favorites, |
ValName | pp. 70-73 | HE A Valediction of my name, /in the window. My name engrav’d herein, |
Twick | pp. 73-74 | HE Twicknam garden. Blasted with sighs, and surrounded with teares, |
ValBook | pp. 75-77 | HE Valediction to his booke. I’ll tell thee now (deare Love) what thou shalt doe |
Commun | p. 78 | HE Communitie. Good wee must love, and must hate ill, |
LovGrow | pp. 79-80 | HE Loves growth. I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure |
LovExch | pp. 80-82 | HE Loves exchange. Love, any devill else but you, |
ConfL | pp. 82-83 | HE Confined Love. Some man unworthy to be possessor |
Dream | pp. 83-84 | HE The Dreame. Deare love, for nothing lesse then thee |
ValWeep | pp. 84-85 | HE A Valediction of weeping. Let me powre forth |
LovAlch | pp. 86-87 | HE Loves Alchymie. Some that have deeper digg’d loves Myne then I, |
Curse | pp. 87-88 | HE The Curse. Who ever guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes |
Mess | p. 89 | HE The Message. Send home my long strayed eyes to mee, |
Noct | pp. 90-92 | HE A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, /Being the shortest day. Tis the yeares midnight, and it is the dayes, |
Witch | p. 92 | HE Witchcraft by a picture. I fixe mine eye on thine, and there |
Bait | pp. 93-94 | HE The Baite. Come live with mee, and bee my love, |
Appar | pp. 94-95 | HE The Apparition. When by thy scorne, O murdresse, I am dead, |
Broken | pp. 95-96 | HE The broken heart. He is starke mad, who ever sayes, |
ValMourn | pp. 97-98 | HE A Valediction forbidding mourning. As virtuous men passe mildly away, |
Ecst | pp. 99-102 | HE The Extasie. Where, like a pillow on a bed, |
LovDeity | pp. 102-03 | HE Loves Deitie. I long to talke with some old lovers ghost, |
LovDiet | pp. 103-05 | HE Loves diet. To what a combersome unwieldinesse |
Will | pp. 105-07 | HE The Will. Before I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath, |
Fun | pp. 107-08 | HE The Funerall. Who ever comes to shroud me, do not harme |
Blos | pp. 109-10 | HE The Blossome. Little think’st thou, poore flower, |
Prim | pp. 110-11 | HE The Primrose. Upon this Primrose hill, |
Relic | pp. 112-13 | HE The Relique. When my grave is broke up againe |
Damp | pp. 113-14 | HE The Dampe. When I am dead, and Doctors know not why, |
Dissol | pp. 114-15 | HE The Dissolution. Shee’is dead; And all which die |
Jet | p. 116 | HE A Jeat Ring sent. Thou art not so black, as my heart, |
NegLove | p. 117 | HE Negative love. I never stoop’d so low, as they |
Prohib | pp. 118-19 | HE The Prohibition. Take heed of loving mee, |
Expir | p. 119 | HE The Expiration. So, so, breake off this last lamenting kisse, |
Compu | p. 120 | HE The Computation. For the first twenty yeares, since yesterday, |
Para | pp. 120-21 | HE The Paradox. No Lover saith, I love, nor any other |
Fare | pp. 121-23 | HE Farewell to love. Whilst yet to prove, |
Lect | pp. 123-24 | HE A Lecture upon the Shadow. Stand still, and I will read to thee |
Token | pp. 124-25 | HE Sonnet. The Token. Send me some tokens, that my hope may live, |
SelfL | pp. 125-26 | HE [Selfe Love.] He that cannot chuse but love, |
Hero | p. 127 | HE Hero and Leander. Both rob’d of aire, we both lye in one ground, |
Pyr | p. 127 | HE Pyramus and Thisbe. Two, by themselves, each other, love and feare |
Niobe | p. 128 | HE Niobe. By childrens births, and death, I am become |
Ship | p. 128 | HE A burnt ship. Out of a fired ship, which, by no way |
Wall | p. 128 | HE Fall of a wall. Under an undermin’d, and shot-bruis’d wall |
Beggar | p. 129 | HE A lame begger. I am unable, yonder begger cries, |
SelfAc | p. 129 | HE A selfe accuser. Your mistris, that you follow whores, still taxeth you: |
Licent | p. 129 | HE A licentious person. Thy sinnes and haires may no man equall call, |
Antiq | p. 129 | HE Antiquary. If in his Studie he hath so much care |
Disinher | p. 130 | HE Disinherited. Thy father all from thee, by his last Will, |
Phrine | p. 130 | HE Phryne. Thy flattering picture, Phryne, is like thee, |
Philo | p. 130 | HE An obscure writer. Philo, with twelve yeares study, hath beene griev’d |
Klock | p. 130 | HE Klockius. Klockius so deeply hath sworne, ne’r more to come |
Martial | p. 131 | HE Raderus. Why this man gelded Martiall I muse |
Merc | p. 131 | HE Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus. Like Esops fellow-slaves, O Mercury, |
Ralph | p. 132 | HE Ralphius. Compassion in the world againe is bred: |
Liar | p. 132 | HE The Lier. Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping howers, |
Cales | p. 132 | HE Cales and Guyana. If you from spoyle of th’old worlds farthest end |
Wing | p. 133 | HE Sir John Wingefield. Beyond th’old Pillers many have travailed |
Jug | p. 133 | HE The Jughler. Thou call’st me effeminat, for I love womens joyes; |
ElJeal | pp. 135-36 | HE Elegie I. /Jealosie. Fond woman, which would’st have thy husband die, |
ElAnag | pp. 137-39 | HE Elegie II. /The Anagram. Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee |
ElChange | pp. 140-41 | HE Elegie III. /Change. Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too, |
ElPerf | pp. 141-44 | HE Elegie IV. /The Perfume. Once, and but once found in thy company, |
ElPict | pp. 144-45 | HE Elegie V. /His Picture. Here take my Picture, though I bid farewell; |
ElServe | pp. 146-47 | HE Elegie VI. Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve |
ElNat | pp. 148-49 | HE Elegie VII. Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love, |
ElComp | pp. 149-52 | HE Elegie VIII. /The Comparison. As the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still, |
ElAut | pp. 152-54 | HE Elegie IX. /The Autumnall. No Spring, nor Summer Beauty hath such grace, |
Image | pp. 154-55 | HE Elegie X. /The Dreame. Image of her whom I love, more then she, |
ElBrac | pp. 156-60 | HE Elegie [XI]. /The Bracelet. /Upon the losse of his Mistresses Chaine, /for which he made satisfaction. Not that in colour it was like thy haire, |
ElPart | pp.161-65 | HE Elegie [XII]. /His parting from her. Since she must go, and I must mourn, come night, |
Julia | pp. 165-66 | HE Elegie [XIII]. /Julia. Harke newes, o envy, thou shalt heare descry’d |
Citizen | pp. 167-69 | HE Elegie [XIV]. /A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife. I sing no harme good sooth to any wight, |
ElExpost | pp. 170-72 | HE Elegie [XV]. /The Expostulation. To make the doubt cleare, that no woman’s true, |
ElFatal | pp. 173-75 | HE Elegie [XVI]. /On his Mistris. By our first strange and fatall interview, |
ElVar | pp. 175-78 | HE Elegie [XVII]. The heavens rejoyce in motion, why should I |
ElProg | pp. 179-83 | HE Elegie [XVIII]. /Loves Progress. Who ever loves, if he do not propose |
ElBed | pp. 183-85 | HE Elegie [XIX]. /To his Mistress /Going to Bed. Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defie, |
ElWar | pp. 186-88 | HE Elegie [XX]. /Loves Warre. Till I have peace with thee, warr other men, |
Sappho | pp. 189-191 | HE [om] Where is that holy fire, which Verse is said |
EpEliz | pp. 192-97 | HE An Epithalamion, Or marriage Song /on the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palantine /being married on St. Valentines day. Haile Bishop Valentine, whose day this is, |
Eclog | pp. 197-208 | HE Ecclogue. /1613. December 26. /Allophanes finding Idios in the country in Christmas time, /reprehends his absense from court, at the mariage of the /Earle of Sommerset, Idios gives an account of his purpose /therein, and of his absence thence. Allophanes. /Unseasonable man, statue of ice, |
EpLin | pp. 209-12 | HE Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne. The Sun-beames in the East are spred, |
Sat1 | pp. 214-18 | HE Satyre I. Away thou fondling modly humorist, |
Sat2 | pp. 219-24 | HE Satyre II. Sire, though (I thanke God for it) I do hate |
Sat3 | pp. 224-29 | HE Satyre III. Kinde pitty chokes my spleene; brave scorn forbids |
Sat4 | pp. 229-40 | HE Satyre IV. Well; I may now receive, and die; My sinne |
Sat5 | pp. 241-44 | HE Satyre V. Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they |
Coryat | pp. 245-48 | HE Upon Mr Thomas Coryats Crudities Oh to what heigth will love of greatnesse drive |
Storm | pp. 250-53 | HE The Storme. /To Mr. Christopher Brooke. Thou which art I, (’tis nothing to be soe) |
Calm | pp. 254-56 | HE The Calme.. Our storme is past, and that storms tyrannous rage, |
HWKiss | pp. 256-59 | HE To Sir Henry Wotton. Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules; |
HG | pp. 260-62 | HE To Sir Henry Goodyere. Who makes the Past, a patterne for next yeare, |
RWThird | pp. 262-64 | HE To Mr Rowland Woodward. Like one who’in her third widdowhood doth professe |
HWNews | pp. 264-65 | HE To Sir Henry Wotton. Here’s no more newes, then vertue, ‘I may as well |
BedfReas | pp. 266-67 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. Madame, /Reason is our Soules left hand, Faith her right, |
BedfRef | pp. 268-70 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. Madame, /You have refin’d mee, and to worthyest things |
EdHerb | pp. 271-72 | HE To Sir Edward Herbert. at Julyers. Man is a lumpe, where all beasts kneaded bee, |
BedfWrit | pp. 273-76 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. T’have written then, when you writ, seem’d to mee |
BedfTwi | pp. 277-79 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. /On New-yeares day. This twilight of two yeares, not past nor next, |
HuntMan | pp. 280-83 | HE To the Countesse of Huntingdon. Madame, /Man to Gods image, Eve, to mans was made, |
TWHail | pp. 283-84 | HE To Mr T. W. All haile sweet Poët, more full of more strong fire, |
TWHarsh | p. 285 | HE To Mr T. W. Hast thee harsh verse as fast as thy lame measure |
TWPreg | pp. 285-86 | HE To Mr T. W. Pregnant again with th’old twins Hope, and Feare, |
TWHence | pp. 286-87 | HE To Mr T. W. At once, from hence, my lines and I depart, |
CB | p. 287 | HE To Mr C. B. Thy friend, whom thy deserts to thee enchaine, |
SB | p. 288 | HE To Mr S. B. O thou which to search out the secret parts |
BB | pp. 289-90 | HE To Mr B. B. Is not thy sacred hunger of science |
RWSlumb | pp. 290-91 | HE To Mr R. W. If, as mine is, thy life a slumber be, |
ILRoll | p. 292 | HE To Mr I. L. Of that short Roll of friends writ in my heart |
ILBlest | pp. 292-93 | HE To Mr I. L. Blest are your North parts, for all this long time |
ED | p. 294 | HE To E. of D. with six holy Sonnets. See Sir, how as the Suns hot Masculine flame |
HWVenice | pp. 294-96 | HE To Sir H. W. /at his going Ambassador to Venice. After those reverend papers, whose soule is |
MHPaper | pp. 296-98 | HE To Mrs M. H. Mad paper stay, and grudge not here to burne |
BedfHon | pp. 299-301 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. Honour is so sublime perfection, |
BedfDead | pp. 301-02 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. /Begun in France but never perfected. Though I be dead, and buried, yet I have |
Carey | pp. 303-06 | HE A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mrs Essex Riche, /From Amyens. Madame, /Here, where by all, all Saints invoked are, |
Sal | pp. 306-09 | HE To the Countesse of Salisbury. /August. 1614. Faire, great, and good, since seeing you, wee see |
BedfShe | pp. 309-10 | HE Elegie to the Lady Bedford. You that are she and you, that’s double shee, |
HuntUn | pp. 311-15 | HE To the Countesse of Huntingdon. That unripe side of earth, that heavy clime |
GHerb-trans | pp. 316-17 | HE To Mr. George Herbert, /which my Seal, /of the Anchor and Christ A sheafe of Snakes used heretofore to be |
MHMary | p. 317 | HE To the Lady Magdalen Herbert, of St Mary Magdalen. Her of your name, whose fair inheritance |
AltVic | pp. 318-19 | HE A Letter written by Sir H. G. and J. D. /alternis vicibus Since ev’ry Tree beginns to blossome now, |
EG | pp. 319-20 | HE To Mr. E. G. Even as lame things thirst their perfection, so |
RWZeal | p. 320 | HE To Mr R. W. Zealously my Muse doth salute all thee, |
HWHiber | p. 321 | HE Henrico Wottoni /in Hibernia belligeranti. Went you to conquer? and have so much lost |
RWEnvy | p. 322 | HE To Mr R. W. Kindly I envy thy songs perfection |
RWMind | p. 323 | HE To Mr R. W. Muse not that by thy Mind thy body is led: |
Praise | pp. 325-27 | HE To The Praise of the Dead, and the Anatomy. /[by Joseph Hall?] Wel dy’de the world, that we might live to see |
FirAn | pp. 327-45 | HE The First Anniversary. /An Anatomy of the World. When that rich soule which to her Heaven is gone, |
FunEl | pp. 346-49 | HE A Funerall Elegie. Tis lost, to trust a Tombe with such a ghest, |
Harb | pp. 350-51 | HE The Harbinger to the Progres. /[by Joseph Hall] Two soules move here, and mine (a third) must move |
SecAn | pp. 352-71 | HE The Second Anniversary. /Of the Progres of the Soule. Nothing could make mee sooner to confesse |
Henry | pp. 372-76 | HE Elegie /On the untimely Death /of the incomparable Prince, Henry. Look to me, Faith; and look to my Faith, God: |
Sorrow | pp. 376-77 | HE Elegie on the L. C. Sorrow, who to this house scarce knew the way: |
Mark | pp. 378-80 | HE Elegie on the Lady Marckham. Man is the World, and death th’Ocean,+ |
BoulRec | pp. 381-84 | HE Elegie on Mris Boulstred. Death I recant, and say, unsaid by mee |
prose (Har ltr) | p. 384 | HE To the Countesse of Bedford. Madame, /I have learned |
Har | pp. 385-94 | HE Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, /brother to the Lady Lucy, /Countesse of Bedford. Faire soule, which wast, not onely, as all soules bee, |
prose (Ham ltr) | p. 395 | HE An hymne to the Saints, /and to Marquesse Hamylton. /To Sir Robert Carr. Sir, /I presume you rather try |
Ham | pp. 395-97 | HE [om] Whether that soule which now comes up to you |
BoulNar | pp. 397-400 | HE Elegie. Language thou art too narrow, and too weake |
BedfCab | pp. 400-01 | HE On himselfe. Madame, /That I might make your Cabinet my tombe, |
prose (Metem ltr) | pp. 403-05 | HE Epistle Others at the Porches |
Metem | pp. 405-27 | HE The Progresse of the Soule. /First Song. I sing the progresse of a deathlesse soule, |
Cor1 | pp. 429-30 | HE La Corona. Deigne at my hands this crown of prayer and praise, |
Cor2 | p. 430 | HE Annunciation Salvation to all that will is nigh, |
Cor3 | p. 431 | HE Nativitie. Immensitie cloystered in thy deare wombe, |
Cor4 | pp. 431-32 | HE Temple. With his kinde mother who partakes thy woe, |
Cor5 | p. 432 | HE Crucifying. By miracles exceeding power of man, |
Cor6 | pp. 432-33 | HE Resurrection. Moyst with one drop of thy blood, my dry soule, |
Cor7 | pp. 433-34 | HE Ascention. Salute the last and everlasting day, |
HSMade | p. 434 | HE I Thou hast made me, And shall thy worke decay? |
HSDue | p. 435 | HE II As due by many titles I resigne |
HSSighs | pp. 435-36 | HE III O might those sighes and teares returne againe |
HSBlack | p. 436 | HE IV Oh my black Soule! now thou art summoned |
HSLittle | p. 437 | HE V I am a little world made cunningly |
HSScene | pp. 437-38 | HE VI This is my playes last scene, here heavens appoint |
HSRound | pp. 438-39 | HE VII At the round earths imagin’d corners, blow |
HSSouls | p. 439 | HE VIII If faithfull soules be alike glorifi’d |
HSMin | p. 440 | HE IX If poysonous mineralls, and if that tree, |
HSDeath | pp. 440-41 | HE X Death be not proud, though some have called thee |
HSSpit | p. 441 | HE XI Spit in my face you Jewes, and pierce my side, |
HSWhy | p. 442 | HE XII Why are wee by all creatures waited on? |
HSWhat | pp. 442-43 | HE XIII What if this present were the worlds last night? |
HSBatter | p. 443 | HE XIV Batter my heart, three person’d God; for, you |
HSWilt | p. 444 | HE XV Wilt thou love God, as he thee! then digest, |
HSPart | pp. 444-45 | HE XVI Father, part of his double interest |
HSShe | pp. 445-46 | HE [XVII] Since she whom I lov’d hath payd her last debt |
HSShow | p. 446 | HE [XVIII] Show me deare Christ, thy Spouse, so bright and clear. |
HSVex | p. 447 | HE [XIX] Oh, to vex me, contraryes meet in one: |