First-Line Index to C2
MS Add. 5778, Cambridge University Library (Cambridge Balam ms.)
Compiled by Ted-Larry Pebworth
Headings added by Nazenin Ozkan Carpenter, May 2012
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form, (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
This index last corrected 6-11-12.
f. 5r-v Heading and prose epistle of Metem (see next item)
Metem C2.l ff. 5v-12 HE Infinitati Sacrum. 16.o/ Augusti. 1601./ Metempsychosis./ Poema Satyricon./
Epistle.| First Songe.
I singe the Progresse of a Deathles Soule
Cor C2.2 ff. 12-13 HE Holy Sonnetts. /La Corona.
Digne at my hands thys Crowne of Prayer and Prayse
HSDue C2.3 f. 13v HE Sonnetts.Holy. /1.
As due by many Titles I resigne
HSBlack C2.4 f. 13v HE 2.
Oh my blacke Soule, now thou art Summoned
HSScene C2.5 f. 13v HE 3.
This is my Playes last Scene, here Heavens appoynt
HSRound C2.6 f. 14 HE 4.
At ye round Earths Imagin'd Corners, blowe
HSMin C2.7 f. 14 HE 5.
If Poysonous Myneralls, and yf that Tree
HSDeath C2.8 f. 14 HE 6.
Death be not Prowd, though some haue called Thee
HSSpit C2.9 f. 14v HE 7.
Spitt in my Face you Jewes, and Pierce my side
HSWhy C2.1O f. 14v HE 8.
Why are wee by all Creatures waited on?
HSWhat C2.11 f. 14v HE 9.
What yf this Present, were the Worlds last night?
HSBatter C2.12 f. 15 HE 10.
Better[sic] my Hart, Three Person'd God; for you
HSWilt C2.13 f. 15 HE 11.
Wilt thou loue God, as Hee, Thee, then Digest
HSPart C2.14 f. 15 HE 12.
Father, part of his doble Interest
Sat1 C2.15 ff. 15v-16v HE Satyre.
Away thou fondlinge Motley Humorist
Sat2 C2.16 ff. 16v-18 HE Satyre .2.d
Sr. Though (I thanke God for yt) I doe hate
Sat3 C2.17 ff. 18-19 HE Satyre .3d.
Kind Pittye choakes my Spleene; Brave scorne forbids
Sat4 C2.18 ff. 19-22 HE Satyre
Well, I may now receive, & dye; my sin
Sat5 C2.19 ff. 22-23v HE Satyre
Thou shalt not laugh in thys leafe, Muse, nor they
ElBrac C2.20 ff. 23v-25 HE Elegie. 1st.
Not yt in Couller yt was lyke thy hayre
ElBed C2.21 f. 25-25v HE Elegie. 2d.|
Come, Madame, Come, All Rest my powers defye
ElJeal C2.22 ff. 25v-26 HE Elegie. 3d.
Fond woaman wch wouldst haue thy husband dye
ElAnag C2.23 ff. 26-27 HE Elegie. 4th.
Marry, and love thy Flavea, for shee
ElChange C2.24 f. 27r-v HE Elegie. 5th.
Although thy hand and fayth, and good workes too
ElPerf C2.25 ff. 27v-28v HE Elegie. 6th.
Once and but once found in thy Companye
ElPict C2.26 ff. 28v-29 HE Elegye. 7th.
Here take my Picture, though I bid farwell
Sorrow C2.27 f. 29 HE Elegye. 8th. [29]
Sorrowe, who to this house, scarce knew the way
ElServe C2.28 ff. 29-3O HE Elegye. 9th.
Oh, lett me not serve soe, as those Men serve
ElWar C2.29 f. 30-30v HE Elegye.
Till I haue Peace wth thee, warr other Men
ElFatal C2.30 ff. 30v-31v HE Elegie: 11th.
By our first strange & fatall Interviewe
ElNat C2.31 f. 31v HE Elegie. 12th.
Natures lay Ideott, I taught Thee to loue
ElProg C2.32 ff. 32-33 HE Elegie. 13th.
Who ever loues, yf hee doe not propose
Storm C2.33 ff. 33-34 HE The Storme to Mr Christopher Brooke.
Thou wch art I, (t'is nothinge to bee soe)
Calm C2.34 ff. 34-35 HE The Calme.|
Our Storme ys past, & yt Stormes Tyrannous rage
HWKiss C2.35 ff. 35-36 HE To Sr Henry Wotton.|
Sr, letters, more then kisses, mingle Soules
Cross C2.36 ff. 36-37 HE The Crosse.
 Since Christ embrac'd the Crosse yt selfe, Dare I
Mark C2.37 ff. 37-38 HE Elegie on the Ladye Markeham/,
Man is the World, and Death the ocean
BoulRec C2.38 ff. 38-39 HE Eligie on Mrs Boulstred./
Death, I Recant, and say vnsay'd by Mee
HG C2.39 f. 39-39v HE To Sr Henry Goodyere
Who makes the Past, a Patterne for next Yeare
RWThird C2.40 ff. 39v-40 HE To Mr Rowland Woodwarde.|
Lyke One Who in her Third Widowheade doth profes
HWNews C2.41 f. 40-40v HE To Sr Henry Wootton.
Here ys noe more newes, then vertue, I may as well
BedfReas C2.42 ff. 40v-41 HE To the Countesse of Bedford.
Madame. /Reason ys our Soules lefthand, Fayth her Right
BedfRef C2.43 ff. 41-42 HE To the Countesse of Bedford.
Madame. /You haue refyn'd Mee, and to worthyest Things
EdHerb C2.44 f. 42-42v HE To Sr Edward Herbert. At Iuliers
Man is a lumpe, where all Beasts kneaded Bee
Annun C2.45 ff. 42v-43 HE The Annuntiation:
Taymelye frayle Bodye, abstayne to day; To day
Goodf C2.46 ff. 43v-44 HE Goodfryday. 1613. Ridinge towards Wales.
Let Mans Soule be a spheare, and then in thys
Carey C2.47 ff. 44-45 HE A Letter to the Ladye Carey, and /Mrs Essex Riche. from Amyens. [44]
Madame. /Here where by all, all Saints invoked are
Sal C2.48 ff. 45-46 HE To the Countesse of Salisburye. /August 1614.|
Fayre, great, and good, since seeinge yow, wee see
Lit C2.49 ff. 46-49v HE The Letanye. >>To S:r Tho: Roe<< /The Father. /1.
Father of Heaven, and hym by whome
Mess(a) C2.50 ff. 49v-50 HE Songe.
Send home my longe strayde eyes to Mee
Bait C2.51 f. 50-50v HE om
Come liue wth Mee, and be my Loue
Appar C2.52 f. 50v HE The Apparition
When by thy Scorne, O Murdres, I am dead
Broken(a) C2.53 ff. 50v-51 HE Songe.
Hee ys starke Madde, who ever sayes
Lect C2.54 f. 51-51v HE om
Stand still and I will reade to Thee
ValMourn C2.55 ff. 51v-52 HE A Valediction
As Virtuous Men passe myldlye away
GoodM C2.56 f. 52-52v HE om
I wonder by my Troth, what Thou, and I
SGo C2.57 ff. 52v-53 HE Songe.
Goe, and catch a Fallinge Starre
WomCon C2.58 f. 53 HE om
Now Thou hast lov'd Mee one whole day
Image C2.59 f. 53-53v HE om
Image of her whome I loue, more then Shee
SunRis C2.60 ff. 53v-54 HE To the Sonne.
Busy old Foole, vnrulye Sunne
Ind C2.61 f. 54 He Songe.
I can loue both fayre & browne
LovUsury C2.62 f. 54-54v HE om
For every hower that Thou wilt spare mee now
Canon C2.63 ff. 54v-55 HE The Canonization.|
For godsake holld yor Tongue, and lett Mee love
Triple C2.64 f. 55-55v HE Song.
I am two Fooles, I knowe
LovInf C2.65 ff. 55v-56 HE om
Yf yet I haue not all Yor loue
SSweet C2.66 f. 56-56v HE Song.|
Sweetest loue I doe not goe, for Wearines of Thee
Leg C2.67 ff. 56v-57 HE Song.|
When I dyed last, and Deare I dye
Fever C2.68 f. 57 HE Feaver.|
Oh do not dye, for I shall hate
Air C2.69 f. 57v HE Ayre and Angells.|
Twice or Thrice had I lou'd Thee
Break C2.70 ff. 57v-58 HE om
Tis true, tis day, what though yt be
Anniv C2.71 f. 58-58v HE om
All Kings, and all theyre Favorites
ValName C2.72 ff. 58v-59v HE A Valediction of my Name, in the Windowe.|
My name engrau'd herein
ElAut C2.73 ff. 59v-60v HE Elegie Autumnall.
No springe, nor Summer Beauty, hath such grace
Twick C2.74 f. 60v HE om
Blasted wth sighes, and surrounded wth Teares
ValBook C2.75 f. 61-61v HE Valediction of the Booke.|
Ile tell Thee now, (deare loue) what thou shalt doe
Commun C2.76 ff. 61v-62 HE om
Good wee must loue, and must hate Ill
LovGrow C2.77 f. 62-62v HE Springe.
I scarce beleeve my love to be soe pure
LovExch C2.78 ff. 62v-63 HE om
Loue any Devill else but yow
ConfL C2.79 f. 63-63v HE om
Some Man vnworthy to bee possessor
Dream C2.80 ff. 63v-64 HE The Dreame.
Deare Loue, for nothinge lesse then Thee
ValWeep C2.81 f. 64-64v HE A Valediction.|
Lett mee powre forth
LovAlch C2.82 ff. 64v-65 HE Mummie.
Some yt haue deeper digg'd loues Myne then I
Flea C2.83 f. 65 HE The Flea.
Marke but thys Flea, and marke in Thys
Curse C2.84 f. 65-65v HE The Curse.
Who ever gesses, thinks, or dreames, he knowes
Ecst C2.85 ff. 65v-67 HE The Extasye.|
Where lyke a Pillowe on a Bedd
Under C2.86 f. 67 HE om
I haue done one Braver Thinge
LovDeity C2.87 f. 67v He Loues Deytye.|
I long to talke wth some olld lovers Ghost
LovDiet C2.88 ff. 67v-68 HE Loves Dyett.|
To what a Cumbersome vnwildinesse
Will C2.89 ff. 68v-69 HE The Will.
Before I sigh my last gaspe, let Mee breath
Fun C2.90 f. 69r-v HE The Funerall.|
Who ever comes to shroude Mee, doe noe harme
Blos C2.91 ff. 69v-70 HE The Blossome.|
Little thinkest Thou poore Flower
Prim C2.92 f. 70r-v HE The Primerose.|
Vpon thys Primerose hill
Relic C2.93 ff. 70v-71 HE The Relique.
When my Grave ys broake vp agayne
Damp C2.94 f. 71r-v HE The Dampe.|
When I an[sic] dead, and Doctors know not Why
EpEliz C2.95 ff. 71v-73 HE An Epithalamion, or Maryadge Song
Hayle Bishop Valentine, whose day, this ys
Eclog C2.96 ff. 73-77 HE Ecclogue. [73]
Vnseasonable Man, Statue of Ice
Har C2.97 ff. 77-80v HE Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, brother to the Countesse of Bedford./
Fayre Soule, wch was not onely, as all soules bee
[non-canonical poems on f. 81r-v]
Christ C2.98 f. 81v HE Doctor Dunn's going into Bohemia /Himme to Christ.
In what torne shipp soeuer I embarke,
[non-canonical poems on ff. 82r-85r]
Broken(b) C2.99 f. 85v HE om
Hee is stark madde, who euer sayes
[non-canonical poems on f. 86r-v]
Mess(b) C2.100 f. 87r HE om
Send home my long strayed eyes to mee
[non-canonical poems on ff. 87v-134r]