Volume 2: The Elegies
ElAnag The Anagram. [Marry and love thy Flavia]
ElAut The Autumnal. [No spring nor summer beauty]
ElBed Going to Bed. [Come, Madam, come]
ElBrac The Bracelet. [Not that in color it was like thy hair]
ElChange Change. [Although thy hand and faith]
ElComp The Comparison. [As the sweet sweat of roses in a still]
ElExpost The Expostulation. [To make the doubt clear]
ElFatal On His Mistress. [By our first strange and fatal interview]
ElJeal Jealousy. [Fond woman which would’st have thy husband die]
ElNat Nature’s Lay Idiot. [Nature’s lay idiot]
ElPart His Parting From Her. [Since she must go]
ElPerf The Perfume. [Once and but once found in thy company]
ElPict His Picture. [Here take my picture]
ElProg Love’s Progress. [Whoever loves, if he doe not propose]
ElServe Oh Let Me Not Serve So. [Oh let me not serve so ]
ElVar Variety. [The heavens rejoice in motion]
ElWar Love’s War. [Till I have peace with thee]
Sappho Sappho to Philaenis. [Where is that holy fire]
Citizen A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife. [I sing no harme, goodsooth, to any wight]
Julia Elegy. Iulia. [Hearke newes, รด Enuy, Thou shalt heare descry’d]