First-Line Index to H8
ms. Eng. 966.7, Harvard University Library (Norton ms. 4620, Utterson ms.)
Compiled June 26, 1994, by Katie Hannah
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (noncan = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line. %X = element centered on the page.
Additional information: The original foliation, visible at the top left of most rectos, skips f. 56. A revised foliation rectifying this error has since been added and is reflected in the list below and in the folio citations in the textual apparatus of edited poems. ff. numbered in left margin of recto; not all ff. are numbered.
Mess H8.1 f. 1 HE %XA Songe L I.D. Send home my long strayd eyes to mee, Image H8.2 f. 1v HE %XOf Sleepe. I.D. Image of her whom I loue more then shee Triple H8.3 f. 2 HE %Xffooles. I am two fooles I know Appar H8.4 f. 2v HE %XApparition./ When by thy scorne o Murdresse I am dead Canon H8.5 ff. 3-3v HE %XCanonizatio. L I.D. ffor Gods sake hold your tongue & let me loue Leg H8.6 f. 4 HE %XA Songe. When I dyed last, & deare I dye Broken H8.7 ff. 4v-5 HE %XSonge. D. Hee is stark madd who euer sayes noncan H8.8 f. 5 HE %XA Sonnet. Thou art not faire for all thy redd & white (12 ll.) ElAut H8.9 ff. 5v-6 HE %XSpringe. Noe springe nor Sum%Mers beauty hath such grace ElAnag(pt 2) H8.10 ff. 6v-7 HE om Weomen are like Angells & the faire bee (ll. 29-56) NegLov H8.11 f. 7 HE %XThe Nothinge. I neuer stoopte soe lowe as they LovDiet H8.12 ff. 7v-8 HE %XLoues Diett L I.D. To what a cumbersome vnweildines LovDeity H8.13 ff. 8v-9 HE %XLoues Deity. I long to talke with some old louers ghost Sappho H8.14 f. 9 HE om Mee in my glasse I call thee, but (alas!) (ll. 55-64) Damp H8.15 f. 9v HE I.D. When I am dead, & Doctors know not why; EpEliz H8.16 ff. 10-12 HE %XSt Valentine Haile Bishopp Valentine whose day this is MHPaper H8.17 ff. 12v-13 HE om Madd papers stay & grudge not here to burne Storm H8.18 ff. 13v-14v HE %XA Storme. per I.D: Thou wch art I; (tis nothing to be soe) Calm H8.19 ff. 15-15v HE %XA Calme. I.D. Our storme is past, & that stormes tyrannous rage noncan H8.20 f. 16 HE %XIn obrium mertuum Why should not Pilgrimes to thy body come, (26 ll.) [SS. F.B.] noncan H8.21 f. 16v HE om Shall I like an Hermite dwell (32 ll.) noncan H8.22 f. 17 HE om (Victorious beauty) though your eyes (25 ll.) noncan H8.23 f. 17v HE %XSr Henry Wotton. How happy is he borne or taught, (24 ll.) noncan H8.24 f. 18 HE om Beware faire Maides of musky Courtiers oathes, (24 ll.) noncan H8.25 f. 18v HE %XA Wife. Such as I haue to my owne heart propounded (14 ll. ) noncan H8.25 f. 18v HE %XEpigram. One calls mee freind, yet vrges mee to pay ElFatal H8.26 ff. 19-19v HE %XIoh: Donne By our first strange & fatall enterveiw noncan H8.27 f. 20 HE %XI.D. Absence heare my protestation (24 ll.) Token H8.28 f. 20v HE %XI.D. Send mee some token that my hope may liue, noncan H8.29 ff. 21-21v HE %XD. Deare loue continue nice & chaste (34 ll.) Prohib(pt 1) H8.30 f. 22 HE om Take heed of loueing mee [SS. I.D.] (ll. 1-16 only) Prohib(pt 2) H8.31 f. 22 HE %XAnsweare. Yet loue & hate mee too! (ll. 17-24 of Prohib) noncan H8.32 f. 22v HE %XI.D. Vengeance will sitt aboue our faults but till (20 ll.) Commun H8.33 f. 23 HE %XI.D. Good wee must loue & must hate ill, Curse H8.34 ff. 23v-24 HE %XThe Curse. I.D. Who euer guesses, thinkes, or dreames he knowes Antiq H8.35 f. 24 HE %XEPIGRAMS. per I.D. If in his study Hamon hath such care Disinher H8.36 f. 24 HE om Thy father all from thee by his last will Liar H8.37 f. 24 HE om Thou in the feild walkst out thy supping howers Merc H8.38 f. 24v HE %XMercurius Gallobelgicus. Like AE%Lsops fellow-slaues o Mercury Phrine H8.39 f. 24v HE om Thy flattering picture Phrine is like thee Philo H8.40 f. 24v HE om Philo with twelue yeares study hath bin greiued Klock H8.41 f. 24v HE om Rockius soe deeply hath vow'd n'ere more to come noncan H8.42 f. 24v HE om Smugg the Smith for ale & spice (2 ll.) noncan H8.43 f. 25 HE %XOn the blessed / %XVirgin Mary. I.D. In that o%C Queene thy birth was free (14 ll.) noncan H8.44 f. 25v HE %XI.D. Sonnett If I freely may discouer (19 ll.) Lit H8.45 ff. 26-30v HE %XI.D. A Letanie. ffather of heauen, & him by whom noncan H8.46 f. 30v HE %XMr Hoskins to his Sonne. Sonne Beniamin while thou art yong (4 ll.) Cross H8.47 ff. 31-32 HE %XOf the Crosse. I.D. Since Christ imbrac'd the Crosse himselfe, dare I noncan H8.48 f. 32 HE om Doe but consider this small dust (10 ll.) LovExch H8.49 ff. 32v-33 HE %XI.D. Sonnet. (Loue) any diuell els but you ElProg H8.50 ff. 33v-35 HE %XI.D. Loues Progresse. Who euer loues if hee doe not propose Fare H8.51 ff. 35v-36 HE %XFarewell to loue. Mr An: Saintleg Whilst yet to proue LovUsury H8.52 f. 36v HE %XI.D. ffor euery hower that thou willt spare to mee Under H8.53 ff. 37-37v HE %XID. I haue done one brauer thinge Air H8.54 ff. 37v-38 HE %XAire & Angells. Twice or thrice had I lou'de thee GoodM H8.55 f. 38v HE %XI.D. I wonder by my troth wt thou & I LovGrow H8.56 f. 39 HE %XA Springe. I.D. I scarce beleiu'd my loue to be soe pure Fever H8.57 ff. 39v-40 HE %XA Feaver. I.D. Oh doe not dye, for I shall hate SSweet H8.58 ff. 40v-41 HE om Sweetest loue I doe not goe for weariness of thee, noncan H8.59 f. 41 HE %XSonnett Maddam, / That flea wch crept betweene yor breasts (14 ll.) Prim H8.60 ff. 41v-42 HE %XID. The Primerose. Vpon this Primerose hill Blos H8.61 ff. 42-43 HE %XID. The Blossome. Little think'st thou poore flower Relic H8.62 ff. 43-43v HE %XID. The Relique. When my graue is broke vp agayne Fun H8.63 f. 44 HE %XThe Funerall. I.D. Who euer comes to shrow'd mee doe not harme noncan H8.64 ff. 44v-45 HE %XI.D. Beleiue your glass, & it will tell you (deare) (45 ll.) noncan H8.65 f. 45v HE %XID. ffortune neuer fayles, if shee bidd take place (26 ll.) Anniv H8.66 ff. 46-46v HE %XD. All Kings, & all their ffauourites Para H8.67 ff. 46v-47 HE %XID. Noe louer sayth I loue, nor any one Expir H8.68 f. 47 HE %XSonnet. / %XValedictio Amoris. Soe so leaue off this last lamenting kisse Will H8.69 ff. 47v-48v HE %XI.D. LOVES LEGACIE. Before I sigh my last gaspe let mee breath Eclog(pt 1) H8.70 ff. 49-51 HE %XECLOGVE. I.D. / Allophanes . . . there. Allop: Vnseasonable man, statue of ice (ll. 1-104) Eclog(pt 2) H8.71 ff. 51-52v HE %XEPITHALAMION. / %X1. The tyme of ye marriage. Thou art repriu'de old yeare, thou shalt not dye (ll. 105-70) Ind H8.72 f. 53 HE %XSonge. I.D. I can loue both fayre & browne, Cor1 H8.73 f. 53v HE %XLA CORONA. I. D. Daigne at my hand this Crowne of Prayer & Praise. Cor2 H8.74 f. 53v HE %X2. Saluation to all that will is nigh; Cor3 H8.75 54 HE %X3. >>Quid Enim ni**<< Immensity cloystered in thy deare wombe Cor4 H8.76 f. 54 HE %X4. >>4. ******* *** ********<< With his kinde mother who partakes thy woe; Cor5 H8.77 f. 54v HE %X5. By miracles exceeding power of man, Cor6 H8.78 ff. 54v-55 HE %X6. Moist with one dropp of thy bloud, my dry soule Cor7 H8.79 f. 55 HE %X7. Salute y%5e%6 last & euerlasting day Goodf H8.80 ff. 55v-56 HE %XGOOD FRIDAY. 1613. I.D. Lett Mans Soule be a Spheare & then in this HWKiss H8.81 ff. 56v-57v HE %XI.D. S%5r%6 / More then kisses letters mingle Soules, TWHail H8.82 ff. 58r-v HE %XTo M%5r%6 T.W. I.D. All haile sweete Poet more full of more strange fire RWThird H8.83 ff. 58v-59v HE %XTo M%5r%6 Rowland Woodward. I.D. Like one, who in hir third widdow-hood doth profess HG H8.84 ff. 59v-60v HE %XTo S%5r%6 Henry Goodyer. Who makes the past y%5e%6 patterne for next yeare BedfReas H8.85 ff. 60v-61v HE %XTo the Countess of Bedford. I.D. Maddam, / Reason is o%5r%6 Soules left hand, faith her right ElBrac H8.86 ff. 61v-63 HE %XArmilla. I.D. Not that in colour it was like thy haire, noncan H8.87 ff. 63v-64v HE %XTo the Countess of Rutland. ff.B. Maddam soe may my verses pleasing bee (70 ll.) noncan H8.88 ff. 64v-65v HE om Haue I renounc'd my faith, or basely sold ff. 66r-v blank [scribblings] Sat1 H8.89 ff. 67r-v HE %XSATYR. 1. L I.D. Away thou changling motley Humorist Sat2 H8.90 ff. 68-69v HE %XSATYR. 2./. S%5r%6 though (I thake god for it) I doe hate Sat3 H8.91 ff. 70-71v HE %XSATYR. 3./I.D. Kinde pitty choakes my spleene, braue scorne forbids Sat4 H8.92 ff. 72-75v HE %XSATYR. 4. I.D./ Well - I may now receaue & dye: my sin Sat5 H8.93 ff. 76-77 HE %XSATYR. 5. Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe (Muse) nor they noncan H8.94 ff. 77v-78 HE %XSATYR. 6. S%5r%6 Th: Roe. Men write that loue & reason disagree, (44 ll.) noncan H8.95 ff. 78v-80v HE %XSATYR. 7. per I.D. Sleepe next society of true frendshipp (134 ll.) ff. 81-82v blank ElComp H8.96 ff. 83r-v HE %XELEGIES. As the sweete sweate of Roses in a Still, ElPerf H8.97 ff. 84-85 HE %XELEGIE. 2%5a%6. I.D. Once & but once found in thy company ElJeal H8.98 ff. 85v-86 HE %XELEGIE. 3%5a%6. ffond woman w%5ch%6 woulds't haue thy husband dye, ElServe H8.99 ff. 86-87 HE %XELEGIE. 4%5a%6. Oh lett mee not serue soe as those men serue, ElNat H8.100 ff. 87r-v HE %XELEGIE 5%5a%6. Natures lay Ideott I taught thee to loue ElChange H8.101 ff. 88r-v HE %XELEGIE 8%5a%6. I.D. Although thy hand, & faith, & good workes too ElPict H8.102 f. 89 HE %XELEGIE. 9%5a%6. I.D. Here take my picture though I bidd farewell ElAnag(pt 1) H8.103 ff. 89v-90 HE %XELEGIE. 10 %5a%6. I.D. Marry & loue thy fflauia, for shee (ll. 1-28 only)--cf. item 10 BedfShe H8.104 ff. 90r-v HE %XI.D. An ELEGIE to the La: Bedford. You that are shee & yo%5u%6 that's double shee ElExpost H8.105 ff. 91-92 HE %XELEGIE. I.D. To make the doubt cleare that noe woman's true noncan H8.106 ff. 92r-v HE %XAn ELEGIE to M%5rs%6 Boulstred. I.R. Shall I goe force an Elegy? abuse (38 ll.) Mark H8.107 ff. 93-94 HE %XA Funerall Elegye Vpon / %Xthe death of the Lady / %XMarkham. Man is the world, & death the Ocean noncan H8.108 f.94v HE %XOn the Countesse of Rutland. / %XFranc: Beaumont. I may forgett to eate, to drinke, to sleepe ElWar H8.109 ff. 95r-v HE %XELEGIE. 6%5a%6. I.D. Till I haue peace with thee, warr other men, noncan H8.110 ff. 96-97v HE om Why didst thou dye so soone? Oh pardon mee (94 ll.) noncan H8.111 ff. 98-99v HE %XAn Elegye on the late Lo: / %XWillm Howard Baron E'fingham / % Xwho dyed Decem: 10. 1615. D%5r%6 Corbet. I did not know the Lord, nor doe I striue (87 ll.) noncan H8.112 ff. 99v-100 HE %XAn Elegie vpon the death / %Xof S%5r%6 Thomas Overbury / %XKni ght. D%5r%6 Corbett. Hadst thou like other S%5rs%6 & Knights of worth (32 ll.) noncan H8.113 ff.100v-101v HE %XAn Elegie on the death of S%5r%6 John / %XBurrowes slayne in t he Iland of Rez. 1627. Oh wound vs not with this sad tale! forbeare (78 ll.; mss. ends before end of poem)