First-Line Index to TT1

First-Line Index to TT1

ms. Dalhousie I, Texas Tech University

Compiled by JoAnna Klein from the facsimile of Ernest W. Sullivan, II

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical; pr = prose), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.

nc pr      TT1.1,    f. 1r-v       HE %XThe ArtchBishopp %VGor: Abbotes to Kinge Iames ye first of Eng:|
                                   ffor as mutch as we doe firmely beleeue yt the Scriptures doe directly con=
nc pr      TT1.2,    f. 2r-v       HE %XHis ma:ties answere to ye presedent discourse.|
                                   To the first article yt ye scripture directlye or by consequence doth
                    ff. 3-4v       [blank]
nc pr      TT1.3,    f. 5r-v       HE [om]
                                   Conditor celi et terre, rex regum, et dominus dominantium,
nc pr      TT1.4,    f. 6          HE [om]
                                   A sheilde of redd a crose of greine
                    ff. 6v-8v      [blank]
nc         TT1.5,    f. 9r-v       HE [om]
                                   My minde to me a kingdome is
nc         TT1.6,    f. 10         HE %Xmr: Lamb: Cookes Epi: to his Bro: Hen:
                                   What shall I give thee beinge dead yt I
nc         TT1.7,   ff. 10v-11     HE [om]
                                   Vnto that sparklinge witt that spiritt of fier
nc         TT1.8,    f. 11         HE [om]
                                   How happie is he borne or tawghte,
                    ff. 11v-15     [blank]
nc                   f. 15v        HE [om]
                                   The shippard Thirsis longed to die
ElAnag     TT1.9,    f. 16r-6v     HE [om]
                                   Marrye: and loue thy flauia for she
Curse      TT1.10,   f. 17         HE %XA curse:|
                                   Whoever: guesses, thinkes, or dreames, hee knowes
nc         TT1.11,   f. 17v        HE [om]
                                   Bewayre fayre Mayd; of musicke courtiers oathes
nc         TT1.12,   f. 17v        HE [om]
                                   Lost Iewells may be recouered, virginitye neuer:|
nc         TT1.13,   f. 18         HE [om]
                                   yst for a fauor, or for some dislike
nc         TT1.14,   f. 18         HE %Xa songe:
                                   I die when as I doe not see
nc         TT1.15,   f. 18         HE [om]
                                   Onste and no more, so sayd my love
nc         TT1.16,   f. 18v        HE [om]
                                   for a louinge constand harte
nc         TT1.17,   f. 19         HE %Xa songe
                                   When my hart seemes most ingaged
nc         TT1.18,  ff. 19v-20     HE [om]
                                   Some who the speakinge sparke of my first loue did spie
                     f. 20v        [blank]
Sat3       TT1.19,  ff. 21-22      HE %XSatire
                                   Kind pittie choakes my spleene braue scorne forbidds
Sat4       TT1.20,  ff. 22-24      HE [om]
                                   Well I may now receiue and die my sinne
Sat5       TT1.21,  ff. 24v-25     HE %XA Satire 3
                                   Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe Muse nor they
Sat2       TT1.22,  ff. 25v-26v    HE [om]
                                   Sir though (I god thank god for itt I doe hate
ElBrac     TT1.23,   f. 27r-v      HE %XEligia. 1.
                                   Not that in colour it was like thy haire
nc         TT1.24,   f. 28r-v      HE %XA Paradoxe in praise of a painted face
                                   Not kisse? By loue I must and make Impression
nc         TT1.25,   f. 29r-v      HE %XA Verie woman
                                   Woman is a dowbakd man or shee ment
nc pr      TT1.26,   f. 29v        HE %XHer next part
                                   Her lightnes getts her to swimm att Topp of the Table
nc pr      TT1.27,   f. 30         HE %XA good woman
                                   A good woman is a comfort like a man Shee lackes
nc         TT1.28,   f. 30         HE %XThe Epitaph to Mr Ouerbu: wife
                                   The spann of my daies measured here I rest
ElComp     TT1.29,  ff. 30v-31     HE %XEligia 2
                                   As the sweet sweat of Roses in a still
ElPerf     TT1.30,   f. 31r-v      HE %XElegia 3.
                                   Once and but once found in thy company
ElChange   TT1.31,   f. 32         HE %XEligia 4.
                                   Although thy hand and faith and good woorkes too
ElWar      TT1.32,   f. 32v        HE %XEligia 5
                                   When I haue peace with thee warr other men
ElBed      TT1.33,   f. 33         HE %XEligia 6
                                   Come Madame come all rest my powers defie
ElAut      TT1.34,   f. 33v        HE Widdowe Her[LM]
                                   No spring nor summer beautie hath such grace
nc         TT1.35,  ff. 34-36v     HE [om]
                                   I knowe not how it comes to passe
nc         TT1.36,   f. 36v        HE %XLenvoy
                                   My maisters all that read this rime
nc         TT1.37,   f. 37         HE [om]
                                   If any aske what Tarquin meant to mary
nc         TT1.38,   f. 37         HE [om]
                                   It was a question in Harroldry
nc         TT1.39,   f. 37v        HE [om]
                                   Mris Attorney scorning long to brooke
Storm      TT1.40,   f. 38r-v      HE %XA Storme
                                   Thou wch art I (tis nothing to be soe
Calm       TT1.41,   f. 39r-v      HE %XA Calme
                                   Our storme is past and that stormes tirannous rage
RWThird    TT1.42,  ff. 39v-40     HE [om]
                                   Like one who in her third widdowhood doth professe
HWNews     TT1.43,   f. 40         HE [om]
                                   Here is no more newes then vertue I may as well
nc         TT1.44,   f. 40v        HE [om]
                                   Deare loue continue nice and chast
nc         TT1.45,   f. 41         HE [om]
                                   Wonder of Beautie Goddesse of my sence
nc         TT1.46,   f. 41         HE [om]
                                   ffaire Eies doe not thinke scorne to read of loue
nc         TT1.47,   f. 41v        HE %XAn Epistle to Mr Ben: Iohnson Ian 6 1603 |
                                   The state and mens affaires are the best plaies
nc         TT1.48,   f. 42         HE %XAnother Epistle to Mr Ben: Iohnson Nov 9 1603
                                   If great men wrong mee I will spare my selfe
nc         TT1.49,   f. 42r-v      HE %XAn Eligie to Mrs Boulstredd
                                   Shall I goe force an Eligie abuse
nc         TT1.50,  ff. 42v-43     HE %XAn Eligie to Sr Thomas Roe 1603
                                   Tell her if shee to hired seruantes shewe
nc         TT1.51,   f. 43         HE %XElegia |
                                   True loue tindes witt but he whose witt doth mooue
nc         TT1.52,   f. 43v-44     HE %XAn Elegie
                                   Come ffooles I feare you not all whom I owe
Leg        TT1.53,   f. 44         HE %XElegie
                                   When I died last and deare I die
Broken     TT1.54,   f. 44v        HE %Eligie
                                   He is starke madd who euer saies
nc         TT1.55,   f. 45         HE [om]
                                   Absence heare thou my protestation
Twick      TT1.56,   f. 45r-v      HE Twittnam Garden [LM]
                                   Blasted with sighes and svrrounded wth teares
GoodM      TT1.57,   f. 45v        HE [om]
                                   I wonder by my troth what thou and I
LoveAlch   TT1.58,   f. 46         HE %XMummy
                                   Some that haue deeper diggd Loues mine then I
Break      TT1.59,   f. 46         HE [om]
                                   T'is true t'is day what though itt bee
SunRis     TT1.60,   f. 46v        HE [om]
                                   Busie old foole vnrulie Sunn
Lect       TT1.61,  ff. 46v-47     HE [om]
                                   Stand still and I will read to thee
Triple     TT1.62,   f. 47         HE [om]
                                   I am two fooles I knowe
Image      TT1.63,   f. 47v        HE %XElegie
                                   Image of her whome I loue more then shee
LovDiet    TT1.64,  ff. 47v-48     HE %XLoues Diett
                                   To what a cumbersome vnwildines
ValMourn   TT1.65,   f. 48r-v      HE %XElegie
                                   As vertuous men passe mildlie away
Mark       TT1.66,  ff. 48v-49     HE %XAn Eligie vpon the death of the La: Markham
                                   Man is the world and death the Ocean
BedfShe    TT1.67,   f. 49v        HE %XAn Elegie to the La: Bedford
                                   Yow that shee and yow thats double shee
BoulRec    TT1.68,   f. 50r-v      HE %XAn Eligie vpon the death of Mris Boulstredd
                                   Death I recant and say vnsaid by mee
BoulNar    TT1.69,   f. 51r-v      HE %XAnother Eligie vpon the death of Mris Boulstredd
                                   Language thou art to narrow and too weake
ElServe    TT1.70,  ff. 51v-52     HE Elegie [on right side of same line with BoulNar SS]
                                   Oh lett not mee serue so as those men serue
Will       TT1.71,   f. 52r-v      HE %XLoues Legacie
                                   Before I sigh my last gaspe lett mee breath
nc         TT1.72,  ff. 52v-53     HE %XTo the Countesse of Rutland
                                   Madam / So may my verses pleasing bee
ElExpost   TT1.73,  ff. 53v-54     HE %XElegie
                                   To make the doubt more cleare that no womans true
SGo        TT1.74,   f. 54         HE %XA song
                                   Goe and catch a falling starr
LovDeity   TT1.75,   f. 54v        HE %XLoues Deitie
                                   I long to talke wth some old louers ghost
Fun        TT1.76,   f. 54v-55     HE %XThe Funerall
                                   Who euer com**es to shrowd mee doe not harme
LovUsury   TT1.77,   f. 55         HE [om]
                                   ffor euery houre that thou wilt spare me now
Flea       TT1.78,   f. 55v        HE [om]
                                   Marke butt this flea and marke in this
Commun     TT1.79,   f. 55v-56     HE [om]
                                   Good wee must loue and must hate ill
WomCon     TT1.80,   f. 56         HE [om]
                                   Now thou hast lou'd mee one whole day
nc         TT1.81,   f. 56v        HE [om]
                                   A fine yong Priest of kin to frier ffrapper
nc         TT1.82,   f. 57         HE [om]
                                   A Taylour thought a man of vpright dealing
nc         TT1.83,   f. 57         HE [om]
                                   The famous learned Tullie long agoe
nc         TT1.84,   f. 57         HE [om]
                                   You wished me to take a wife faire rich & yong
Faust      TT1.85,   f. 57         HE [om]
                                   faustinus keepes his sister & a whore
nc         TT1.86,  ff. 57v-58     HE [om]
                                   Goe soule the bodies guest
nc         TT1.87,   f. 58         HE [om]
                                   Emelia embraceing many guifts and loues
nc         TT1.88,   f. 58         HE %XThe fruites of a good conscience
                                   To shine in silke and glister all in gold
nc         TT1.89,  ff. 58v-60v    HE %XThe Remedy of Loue
                                   When Loue did read the title of my booke
nc         TT1.90,  ff. 60v-62     HE %XThe second part of the Remedy of Loue.
                                   Hitherto haue I breathd now will I bring
nc         TT1.91    f. 62v        HE [om]
                                   Dido was the Carthage Queene
nc         TT1.92    f. 62v        HE [om]
                                   Dido wept but what of this
nc         TT1.93    f. 63         HE %XAn epitath:
                                   Heire lyes an honest cobler whom curst fate
                     f. 63v        [blank]
nc         TT1.94   ff. 64-65      HE %XAn Elegie upon the death of the / %XLate Lord Howard Baron 
                                      of Effing= / %X=ham dead, the 10. Dec: 1615.
                                   I did not know the lord, nor doe I striue
nc         TT1.95   ff. 65v-67     HE %XOn the Duke of Richmonds / %Xfate an Elegie:|
                                   It was the morne that ushered that blest day
                    ff. 67v-69v    [blank]