First-Line Index to HH1
EL 6893, Henry E. Huntington Library (Bridgewater ms.)
Compiled by Ted-Larry Pebworth
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line (scribal abbreviation symbols have been silently expanded).
Additional Information: Two scribes entered the texts, and a third hand made additions and corrections in a few items: 1) Scribe A entered items 1-111 on fols. 4 recto through the top of 105 verso, with fols. 83 recto-84 verso left blank, and items 128-146 on fols. 116 recto through 140 verso, as well as the prose works on fols. 162 recto-185 recto (items 147-177), with fols. 141 recto-161 verso left blank. 2) Scribe B entered items 112-127, beginning near the middle of fol. 105 verso and continuing through 115 recto, with fol. 115 verso left blank, and made corrections and noted variants in many of the poems copied by scribe A. 3) A third hand has made additions and corrections in a few poems copied by Scribe A, notably in items 64 and 67 below.
Before or during the time that the text was entered by Scribe A, the middle two leaves were cut from the nineteenth gathering; the stubs are visible between fols. 75 and 76. Donne’s verse letter to Henry Wotton beginning “Sr, Letters more then kisses mingle souls” (item no. 83, below) spans the excision, extending from fol. 75 recto through 76 recto, with no loss of text.
This index last corrected 6-7-12.
Entered by Scribe A: Cross HH1.1, ff. 4-5 HE .1. On the Cross Since Christ embrac'd ye Cross it self, dare I Lect HH1.2, f. 5-5v HE .2. Stande still & I will reade to thee Canon HH1.3, ff. 5v-6 HE [om] For Gods sake hold your tongue, & lett me love LovInf HH1.4, ff. 6v-7 HE [om] If yet I haue not all your love ElNat HH1.5, f. 7-7v HE Elegye Natures lay Idyott, I taught yee to love ElServe HH1.6, ff. 7v-8v HE Elegie Oh lett mee not serve so as those men serue ValWeep HH1.7, ff. 8v-9 HE A vale=diction Let mee power fourth Air HH1.8, f. 9-9v HE [om] Twice or thrice had I loved thee Image HH1.9, f. 10 HE [om] Image of her whom I love more then shee SunRis HH1.10, f. 10v HE [om] Busy ould foole vnruly sonne ValMourn HH1.11, f. 11-11v HE A valediction As virtuous men pass myldely a way LovGrow HH1.12, ff. 11v-12 HE The Spring I scarce beleve my loue to be so pure ValBook HH1.13, ff. 12-13 HE A valediction of ye Book Il'e tell the now (deare love) what yu shalt doe ValName HH1.14, ff. 13v-14v HE A valediction to my name / in the window My name engrav'd heerin Curse HH1.15, ff. 14v-15 HE The Curse who euer ghesses thinks or dreames hee knowes Witch HH1.16, f. 15-15v HE A songe. I fix myne eye on thyne, & there LovUsury HH1.17, ff. 15v-16 HE [om] For every hower yt thou wilt spare mee nowe Fever HH1.18, f. 16-16v HE A Fever Oh do not dye for I shall hate BedfRef HH1.19, ff. 16v-18 HE To the Countess of B. Madame / You haue refin'de mee, & to worthiest things Ind HH1.20, f. 18-18v HE A Song I can love both faire & browne BedfCab HH1.21, f. 18v HE Epitath Madam / That I might make your Cabanett my Tombe [first six lines only; see HH1.37] Will HH1.22, ff. 18v-19v HE The will Before I sigh my last gasp, lett mee breath Fun HH1.23, ff. 19v-20 HE The funerall Who euer comes to shrowd mee, do not harm LovDiet HH1.24, f. 20-20v HE Loves Dyett To what a combersome vnwildiness ConfL HH1.25, ff. 20v-21 HE [om] Some man vnworthy to bee possessor SGo HH1.26, f. 21-21v HE Song Goe & catche a falling starre Commun HH1.27, ff. 21v-22 HE [om] Good wee must love, & must hate ill WomCon HH1.28, f. 22-22v HE [om] Nowe thou hast lov'd mee one whole daye LovAlch HH1.29, ff. 22v-23 HE Mummye Some that haue deeper digd loves myne then I Expir HH1.30, f. 23 HE Valediction So soe, leave of this last lamenting kiss nc HH1.31, f. 23v *HE Fragment Belieue not him whom loue hath left so wise TWHail HH1.32, ff. 23v-24 HE [om] All hayle swete poett, more full of more strong fyre [erroneously subscribed doubtfull Author by scribe B] TWHence HH1.33, f. 24-24v HE [om] Sr / At once from hence my lynes & I depart [erroneously subscribed Incerti authoris by Scribe B] BedfReas HH1.34, ff. 24v-25 HE To the Countess of B: Madam / Reason is our sowles left hand, faith, her right Compu HH1.35, f. 25 HE [om] for my first 20 yeares, synce yesterday Sorrow HH1.36, f. 25v HE [om] Sorrow, wch to this house scarce knew ye way BedfCab HH1.37, f. 26 HE [om] My fortune & my choise this custome break [see HH1.21] nc HH1.38, f. 26-26v *HE On the death of Mris Boulstred Stay, vew this Stone, & if thou beest not such nc HH1.39, f. 26v *HE [om] Heere do repose, but in lamented waste BoulNar HH1.40, ff. 26v-27v HE An Elegie vpon ye death / of Mris Bowlstred Language, thou art to narrow, & to weak nc HH1.41, ff. 27v-28 *HE [om] Death be not proud, thy hand gaue not this blow [subscribed I B by Scribe B] Dream HH1.42, f. 28v HE Dreame Dere love, for nothing less then thee [subscribed after, When I died last. by Scribe B] nc HH1.43, ff. 29-31 *HE Satires to Sr Nic: Smith 1602 Sleep (next societie & true frendshipp [subscribed By Sr Iohn Roe by Scribe B] nc HH1.44, f. 31-31v *HE To Ben: Johnson 6 Jan: 1603 The State & mens affayres are the best playes [I.R. added to the heading and the poem subscribed I: R. by Scribe B] nc HH1.45, f. 32 *HE [om] Vengeance will sitt above our faults; but till nc HH1.46, f. 32v *HE Elegie True love tynd's [sic] witt, but hee whose witt doth move nc HH1.47, f. 33 *HE To Ben: Johson: [sic] 9 Novembr 1603 If great men wrong mee, I will spare my selfe [subscribed doubtfull author by Scribe B] HWNews HH1.48 ff. 33v-34 HE A Letter to Sr Henry Wooton Here is no more newes then virtue, I may as well nc HH1.49, ff. 34-35 *HE A fragment Now why should love a Footboyes place despise ElComp HH1.50 ff. 35-36 HE Elegie As the sweet sweate of Roses in a still nc HH1.51, f. 36 *HE Against absence Absence, Heare my protestation nc HH1.52, ff. 36v-37 *HE An Elegi to Sr Tho: Roe 1603 Deare Thom: / Tell her, if shee to hyred servants showe [subscribed I. R. by Scribe B] Carey HH1.53, ff. 37-38 HE To the Ladie Carey Madam / Heere, where by all, all saynts invoked are ElExpost HH1.54, ff. 38v-39v HE Elegye To make the doubt clere, that no womans true Token HH1.55, ff. 39v-40 HE [om] Sennde mee some token that my hope may liue MHPaper HH1.56, ff. 40-41 HE [om] Mad paper stay & grudge not here to burne Anniv HH1.57, ff. 41-41v HE [om] All kings & all their favorites LovExch HH1.58, ff. 41v-42v HE [om] Love, any Devill els but you Prohib HH1.59, f. 42v-43 HE I D [for the first two stanzas; the final stanza is headed T R] Take heede of loving mee Under HH1.60, f. 43-43v HE [om] I haue done one braver thing EdHerb HH1.61, ff. 43v-44v HE A letter to Sr Edward Harbert Man is a lump, where allbeasts [sic] kneaded be ElJeal HH1.62, ff. 44v-45 HE [om] Fond woman that would haue thy husband dye nc HH1.63, f. 45v *HE [om] Thou send'st mee prose & rymes, I send for those EpEliz HH1.64, ff. 45v-47v HE Vppon the mariage of / the Prynce Palatyne / & the Princes on St / Valentynes Daye Hayle Bisshop Valentyne, whose day this is Julia HH1.65, f. 48 *HE Julia Hark, newes o Envy, Thou shalt heare descry'de nc HH1.66, f. 48v *HE Tempore Hen: 3. The state of Fraunce, as now it stands Eclog HH1.67A, f. 49-51 HE Eclogue (pt1) Vnseasonable man, Statue of Ice Eclog HH1.67B, ff. 51-53 HE Epithalmion (pt2) Thou art repriv'd old yeare; thou shalt not dye [actually a continuation of item 67A, but presented here as a separate poem] Blos HH1.68, ff. 53v-54 HE The Blossome Little thinkest thou poore flower Relic HH1.69, f. 54-54v HE The Relique When my graue is broke vp againe [erroneous terminal flourish after stanza one] Damp HH1.70, f. 55 HE The Dampe When I am dead & Doctors knew not whie Prim HH1.71, ff. 55v-56 HE The Primrose Vpon this primrose hill HG HH1.72, ff. 56-57 HE To Sr Henry Goodyeare Who makes the past, a patterne for next year BedfHon HH1.73, ff. 57-58 HE To the Countess of Bedford Honor is so sublime perfection Leg HH1.74, f. 58v HE [om] When I die'd last, (& deare I dye nc HH1.75, f. 59-59v *HE Satyre. Men write that love & reason disagree ElAnag HH1.76, ff. 60-61 HE Elegia Marry & love, thie Flavia for shee Sat2 HH1.77, ff. 61-63 HE Satire Sr though (I thanke God for it) I doe hate Sat1 HH1.78, ff. 63-65 HE Satyre 2 Away thou changeling, motley Humorist Sat3 HH1.79, ff. 65-67 HE Satyre 3 Kind pitty choake my spleene; braue scorne forbids Sat4 HH1.80 ff. 67v-72 HE Satira 4ta Well I may now receaue, & dy, my synne Sat5 HH1.81 ff. 72-74 HE Satira 5ta Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe (Muse) nor they nc HH1.82, f. 74-74v *HE To I D from Mr H. W. Worthie Sr / Tis not a coate of gray, or Shepheards life HWKiss HH1.83, ff. 75-76 HE To Mr H W. I. D. Sr, Letters more then kisses myngle soules ElBrac HH1.84, ff. 76v-78v HE The Bracelett Not that in coolor it was like thy haire Ecst HH1.85, ff. 78v-80v HE The Extasye Where (like a Pillow on a Bedd) nc HH1.86, f. 81 *HE Doctor Donnes Sonnets [heading canceled] Loue bredd of glannces, twixt amorous eyes Appar HH1.87, f. 81 HE Another Sonnett When by thy scorne (o murdress) I am deade [note under the heading in the hand of Scribe B: see ye beginning of this after ye obsequies.] nc HH1.88, f. 81v *HE To a Watch restored to it mystres Goe & Count her better howers [note under the heading: none of D D and subscribed W. L., both in the hand of Scribe B] RWThird HH1.89, f. 82-82v HE A letter of Doctor Dunne to one / that desired some of his papers Like one whoe in her third widowhood doth profess BLANK LEAVES, ff. 83-84v ElWar HH1.90, f. 85-85v HE Making of men Till I haue peace wth thee, warre other men ElFatal HH1.91, ff. 85v-87 HE His wife would haue gone / as his Page| By our first strannge & fatall inter view Citizen HH1.92, ff. 87-88 *HE [om] I sing no harme (good sooth) to any wight SSweet HH1.93, ff. 88v-89 HE Sonnet Sweet loue I do not go for weeryness of thee [Scribe B corrects Sweet to Sweetest and weeryness to wearyness] Broken HH1.94, ff. 89-89v HE [om] Hee is stark madd whoe ever sayes Twick HH1.95, ff. 89v-90 HE In a Garden Blasted wth sighs & surrounded wth teares ElAut HH1.96, ff. 90-91 HE An autumnall face: On the Ladie Sr Ed: Herbart mothers Danvers Noe Spring nor summer beauty hath such grace [Scribe B inserts Ladie before Danvers] Break HH1.97, f. 91v HE [om] Tis true, 'tis day, what though it bee ElPerf HH1.98, ff. 92-93 HE Discouered by a perfume Once, & but once found in thy company ElProg HH1.99, ff. 93-95 HE Loves Progress Who ever loves, if hee do not propose nc HH1.100 f. 95-95v *HE [om] Dear love, contynue nyce & chast ElChange HH1.101, f. 96-96v HE [om] Although thy hand & faith & good works too Mess HH1.102, ff. 96v-97 HE [om] Send home my long strayed eyes to mee ElPict HH1.103, f. 97-97v HE Travelling he leaves his Picture / with his mystris Heere take my Picture, though I bid fare well ElPart HH1.104, ff. 97v-98 HE At his Mistris departure Since shee must goe & I must moorn, com night Flea HH1.105, f. 98v HE The Flea Mark but this Flea; & mark in this GoodM HH1.106, f. 99 HE [om] I wonder by my troth what thou & I LovDeity HH1.107, f. 99v-100 HE Loves Deitie I long to talk with some ould lovers Ghost Mark HH1.108, ff. 100-101 HE A funerall Elegie vpon / the Lady Markham Man is the world & death the Ocean BoulRec HH1.109, ff.101v-102v HE An Elegie funerall / vpon Mris Bowlstred Death I recant, & say vnsaid by mee Storm HH1.110, ff. 103-104 HE Doctor Duns description of a / a [sic] storme suffered in the Iland /voyage 1597, & sent to Mr Ch / Brooke. Thou wch art I,'tis nothing to be so Calm HH1.111, ff.104v-105v HE A Calme described Our Storme is past & the stormes tyrannous rage Entered by Scribe B: Triple HH1.112, f. 105v HE [om] I am two fooles, I knowe ElBed HH1.113, f. 106-106v HE Going to Bed Come mistres come all rest my pow'rs defy Antiq HH1.114, f. 107 HE Epigrams / 1 If, in his study, Hamon hath such care [The heading Epigrams serves as a general heading for nine numbered epigrams, only one of which, item 117 below, has a separate heading in addition to its number.] Disinher HH1.115, f. 107 HE 2 Thy father all from thee, by his last will Liar HH1.116, f. 107 HE 3 Thou in the feilds walk'st out thy supping houres Merc HH1.117, f. 107 HE 4 / Mercurius Gallobelgicus. Græcus Like Æsops fellowe slaves, (0 Mercury!) Phrine HH1.118, f. 107 HE 5 Thy flattering picture, Phrine, is lyke thee Philo HH1.119, f. 107 HE 6 Phylo wth 12 yeares study hath beene greiv'd Klock HH1.120, f. 107 HE 7 Klockius so deeply hath vow'd ne're to come Ralph HH1.121, f. 107 HE 8 Compassion in ye world againe is bred Wall HH1.122, f. 107v HE 9 Under an undermin'de & shot=bruisd wall EpLin HH1.123, ff.107v-109v HE Epithalamion on a Citizen The sunn=beames in ye east are spred HarLtr HH1.124, f. 109v HE To ye countesse of Bedford Madame / I have learn't by those lawes [prose letter, subscribed Io: Donne] Har HH1.125, ff. 110-114v HE Obsequies / To ye Lord Harrington, brother / to ye Lady Lucy countesse of Bedford ffayre soule, wch was't, not only, as all soules bee SelfAc HH1.126, f. 114v HE 10th Epigram Yr mistresse yt you followe whores oft taxeth you nc HH1.127, f. 115 *HE This hath relation to when by thy / I scorne O Murdresse &c [clover ornament] sup. Cruell, seince thou doest feare ye curse BLANK PAGE, f. 115v Entered by scribe A: Lam HH1.128, ff. 116-125v HE The lamentations of Jeremy, for ye / most parte according to Tremelius Howe sitts this Cittie late most populous HSMade HH1.129, f. 126 HE Devine Meditations Thou hast made mee, & shall thy work decaye [The heading Devine Meditations serves as the general heading for the twelve holy sonnets following, all but the first of which are numbered] HSDue HH1.130 f. 126-126v HE 2 As due by many titles, I resigne HSSighs HH1.131 ff. 126v-127 HE 3 O might those sighs & teares return againe HSPart HH1.132 f. 127 HE 4 Father? part of his double interest HSBlack HH1.133 f. 127-127v HE 5 O my black soule, now thou art summoned HSScene HH1.134 ff. 127v-28 HE 6 This is my Playes last schene, Here heavens appoint HSLittle HH1.135 f. 128 HE 7 I am a little world made cunninglie HSRound HH1.136 f. 128-128v HE 8 At the round earths ymagind corners blow HSMin HH1.137 f. 128v HE 9 If poysenous Myneralls, or if the Tree HSSouls HH1.138 f. 129 HE 10 If faithfull Sowles be a like glorified HSDeath HH1.139 f. 129-129v HE 11 Death be not proud though wee have called thee HSWilt HH1.140 f. 129v HE 12 Wilt thou love God, as hee thee, then digest Annun HH1.141 ff. 130-131 HE Vppon the Annuntiation & Passion / falling vpon one day Anno Dmn / 1608 Tamelie fraile flesh abstayne to Day, to Day nc HH1.142 f. 131 *HE On the blessed virgin Marie In that o Quene of Queenes, thy Birth was free Lit HH1.143 ff.131v-136v HE A Letanie Father of Heaven & him by whome GoodF HH1.144 f. 137-137v HE Good Fryday Lett mans Soule bee a spheare, & then in this Cor1 HH1.145 ff. 138-140 HE The Crowne Daigne at my hands this Crowne of prayers & praise Christ HH1.146 f. 140-140v HE At his going wth my lo: / of Doncaster. 1619. In what torne Ship soeuer I embarque BLANK LEAVES, ff. 141-l6lv ff. 162-185 contain Paradoxes under the HE Problemes BLANK LEAVES, ff. 185v-192v