IDENTILIN$$ F139WN1|BedfTwi|Dolau Cothi ms.|pp. 157-59\JW\EWS trans\2-3-95\P:T-LP\o\5-13-95\C:JGW\9-29-99; JSC 10-20-99 139.WN1.HE1 To the Countesse of B:/ att New=Yeares tide.| [p.157] 139.WN1.001 This twylight of two yeares; not past, nor next 139.WN1.002 Some Embleme is of mee, or I of this: 139.WN1.003 Who Meteor like, of stuffe, and forme perplext 139.WN1.004 Whose, what and where in disputation is, 139.WN1.005 If I should call mee any thinge, should misse 139.WN1.006 I summe the yeares, and mee; and finde mee nott 139.WN1.007 Debtor, to the Old, nor Creditor to new; 139.WN1.008 That cannot saie, my thanks, I haue forgott 139.WN1.009 Nor trust I this with hopes: and yett scarse true, 139.WN1.010 This brauerie is, since these tymes shewd mee yow. 139.WN1.011 In recompence I would shew future tymes 139.WN1.012 What yow were, and teach them, to vrge toward such, 139.WN1.013 Verse embalmes Vertue, And Tombes or thrones of Rimes, 139.WN1.014 Preserues fraile transitorie Fame, as mvch 139.WN1.015 As Spice doth bodies, from corrupt aires touch 139.WN1.016 Mine are short liud: The tincture of your name 139.WN1.017 Creates in them, but dissipates as fast 139.WN1.018 New Spiritts, for stronge Agents, with the same 139.WN1.019 Force that doth warme, And cherish vs, doth wast, 139.WN1.020 kept hott with strong extracts, no bodies last. 139.WN1.021 So my verse, built of your iust praise, might want 139.WN1.022 Reason, and likelyhood, the firmest Base 139.WN1.023 And made of Miracle, now faith is scant. 139.WN1.024 Will vanish soone, and so possesse no place, 139.WN1.025 And yow and itt, too, mvch grace might disgrace [CW:when.] 139.WN1.026 When all (as truth commands assent) confesse [p.158] 139.WN1.027 All truth of yow, yett they will doubt, how I 139.WN1.028 One corne of one lowe Ant=hills dust, and lesse 139.WN1.029 Should name, knowe, or expresse, a thing so high 139.WN1.030 And not an,[sic] Inch measure Infinitie 139.WN1.031 I cannot tell them, nor my selfe, nor you; 139.WN1.032 But leaue, least truth bee endangerd by my praise 139.WN1.033 And turne to God who knowes I thinke this true, 139.WN1.034 And vseth oft, when such a hart missaies, 139.WN1.035 To make itt good: for such a praser praies 139.WN1.036 Hee will best teach yow, how you should lay out 139.WN1.037 His stocke of beautye, learning, fauour, blood, 139.WN1.038 Hee will perplex securitie with doubt 139.WN1.039 And cleere those doubts, hid from you, and showe you good, 139.WN1.040 And so increase your appetite, and food. 139.WN1.041 Hee will teach yow, that good, and bad haue not 139.WN1.042 One latitude in Cloysters, and in Court; 139.WN1.043 Indifferent there the greatest space hath gott 139.WN1.044 Some pitie is not good there: some vaine disport 139.WN1.045 On this side Sin%Me, with that place may comport. 139.WN1.046 Yett hee as hee bounds Seas, will fix your howres 139.WN1.047 Which pleasure, and delight may not ingresse 139.WN1.048 And though what none els lost, bee truliest yours, 139.WN1.049 Hee will make yow, what yow did not possesse 139.WN1.050 By vsinge others, not Vice but weakenes. 139.WN1.051 Hee will make yow speak truths, and credibly, 139.WN1.052 And make you doubt that others doe not so; 139.WN1.053 Hee will prouide you keys, and Locks; to spy, 139.WN1.054 And scape Spies, to good ends: And hee will showe 139.WN1.055 What yow may not acknowledge, what not know. [CW:om] 139.WN1.056 For your owne Conscience, hee giues Innocence, [p.159] 139.WN1.057 But for your Fame a discreet warines; 139.WN1.058 And though to scape, then to revenge offence 139.WN1.059 Bee better, hee shewes both: And to represse 139.WN1.060 Ioy, when your state swells, sadnesse when tis lesse. 139.WN1.061 From neede of teares, hee will defend your Soule, 139.WN1.062 Or make A Re=baptisinge of one teare, 139.WN1.063 Hee cannott, thats hee will nott disenrowle 139.WN1.064 Your Name: and when with Actiue Ioye wee heere.[sic] 139.WN1.065 This Priuate Gospell, then tis our new Yeare 139.WN1.0SS [long scribal slash from last word into RM] 139.WN1.0$$ 5-l. sts separated by vertical sps; within each st ll. 2, 4, & 5 ind; original page numbering = 178-80