IDENTILIN$$ F20209d|IG9D Eng Ignat/9d/ 202j.9d.0$$ IgResemb (sig. A4, p. 1) 202j.9d.001 %1Resemble%2 Ianus %1with a diverse face;%2 202k.9d.0$$ IgSport (sig. A4v, p. 2) 202k.9d.001 %1My litle wandring sportful Soul,%2 202k.9d.002 %1Guest, and companion of my bo-[/]dy,%2 202d.9d.0$$ IgLark (sig. A5, p. 3) 202d.9d.001 %1The Larke by busie and laborious[/] wayes,%2 202d.9d.002 %1Having climb'd up th'ethereall hil, doth[/] raise%2 202d.9d.003 %1His Hymnes to%2 Phoe%Lbus %1Harpe: And[/] striking then%2 202d.9d.004 %1His sailes, his wings, doth fall downe[/] backe agen,%2 202d.9d.005 %1So suddenly, that one may safely say,%2 202d.9d.006 %1A stone came lazily that came that way,%2 202e.9d.0$$ IgNoise (sig. B10v, p. 38) 202e.9d.001 %1With so great noyse & horror,%2 202e.9d.002 %1That had that powder taken fire,[/] by which%2 202e.9d.003 %1All the Isle of Britaine had[/] flowne to the Moone,%2 202e.9d.004 %1It had not equalled this noyse and[/] horror.%2 202g.9d.0$$ IgPiece (sig. C1v, p. 44) 202g.9d.001 %1That the least piece which thence[/] doth fall,%2 202g.9d.002 %1Will do one as much good as all.%2 202b.9d.0$$ IgFeath (sigs. D10v-11, pp. 86-87) 202b.9d.001 %1Feathers or strawes swim on the[/] waters face,%2 202b.9d.002 %1Brought to the bridge, where[/] through a narrow place%2 202b.9d.003 %1The water passes, throwne backe,[/] and delai'd%2; 202b.9d.004 %1And having daunc'd a while, and[/] nimbly plaid%2 202b.9d.005 %1Vpon the watry circles, Then have[/] bin%2 [cw:%1By%2] 202b.9d.006 %1By the streames liquid snares, and[/] jawes, suck'd in,%2 [87] 202b.9d.007 %1And sunke into the wombe of that[/] swolne bourne,%2 202b.9d.008 %1Leave the beholder desperate of[/] returne:%2 202c.9d.0$$ IgFlow (sig. F11, p. 135) (p. 134 cw:%1As%2) 202c.9d.001 %1As a flower wet with last nights[/] dew, and then%2 202c.9d.002 %1Warm'd with the new Sunne, doth[/] shake off agen%2 202c.9d.003 %1All drowsinesse, & raise his trem-[/] bling Crowne,%2 202c.9d.004 %1Which crookedly did languish, and[/] stoope downe%2 202c.9d.005 %1To kisse the earth, and panted now[/] to finde%2 202c.9d.006 %1Those beames return'd, which had[/] not long time shin'd,%2 202INFOLN$$ Verses set off by space and italics from prose context. Runover lines indented. 202e.001 ind 2 sp. Same typesetting as 9c copies collated: CUL(Peterborough E.2.30a)/GAS Mar 90; EWS L(C.122.a.2b) summer 1983; EWS O summer 1989