IDENTILIN$$ F176.H06/HSSighs/MS Eng 966.5 O'Flahertie (p. 26; f. 16v)/corTJs/o/5-21-92 176.H06.0HE >>P<< %X3 176.H06.001 O might those Sighs and teares returne agayne 176.H06.002 Into my brest and eyes, w%5ch%6 I haue spent, 176.H06.003 That I might in this holy discontent 176.H06.004 Mourne, with some fruite, as I haue mournd in vayne, 176.H06.005 In mine Idolatry. what showers of rayne 176.H06.006 Mine eyes did wast? what greefes my hart did rent? 176.H06.007 That sufferance was my sinne I now repent, 176.H06.008 'Cause I did suffer I must suffer payne. 176.H06.009 Th' Hydroptique drunkard, and night scouting theefe 176.H06.010 The itchy Letcher, and selfe-tickling proude 176.H06.011 Haue the remembrance of past ioyes, for releefe 176.H06.012 of com%Ming Ills. To (poore) mee is allowd 176.H06.013 No ease, for long yet vehement greefe hath bin 176.H06.014 Th'effect and cause, the punishment and sinne 176.H06.0SSom 176.H06.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind 3-5sp;%2 P. %1left of HE in 2nd hand%2