IDENTILIN$$ F176.C09/HSSighs Luttrell (f. 94v) /TJS/mf/GAS/o/8-13-92 176.C09.0HE %X3 176.C09.001 oh might those sighs & teares returne againe 176.C09.002 Into my brest & eyes which I haue spent 176.C09.003 That I might in this holy discontent 176.C09.004 mourne, with some fruite, as I haue mournd in vaine. 176.C09.005 In mine Idolatry what showres of raine 176.C09.006 mine eyes did wast? what greefe mine heart did rent? 176.C09.007 That sufferance was my sin I now repent, 176.C09.008 'Cause I did suffer I must suffer paine. 176.C09.009 Th'hydropique Drunkard & night-scouting theefe 176.C09.010 The itchy Letcher, & selfe tickling Proud 176.C09.011 Haue y%5e%6 remembrance of past ioyes for releife 176.C09.012 of com%Mon Ills. To poore me is allowd 176.C09.013 no ease, for long yet vehement greefe hath binne 176.C09.014 Th'effect & cause, y%5e%6 punishment & Sinne. 176.C09.0SSom 176.C09.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind 2-4sp; HE centered%2