IDENTILIN$$ F171.NY3/HSBatter Westmoreland (f. 36v)/ TJS/cor-TLP/o/4-12-91;GAS/o/9-27-02 171.NY3.0HE .16. 171.NY3.001 Batter my hart, three-persond God, for you 171.NY3.002 As yet but knock, breathe, shine, & seeke to mend; 171.NY3.003 That I may rise, & stand, orethrow me; and bend 171.NY3.004 Your force to breake, blow, burne, & make me new. 171.NY3.005 I like an vsurp'd towne to'another dew 171.NY3.006 Labor to'admit you, but Oh to no end. 171.NY3.007 Reason your viceroy in me, me should defend, 171.NY3.008 But is captiv'd and proves weake or vntrew. 171.NY3.009 Yet dearly Ilove you, & wouldbe loved faine: 171.NY3.010 But ame betroth'd vnto your enemy: 171.NY3.011 Diuorce me, vnty or breake y%5t%6 knott agayne, 171.NY3.012 Take me to you, emprison me, for I 171.NY3.013 Except you enthrall me neuer shalbe free, 171.NY3.014 Nor euer chast except you rauishe mee. 171.NY3.0SS slash mark used as horizontal rule 171.NY3.0$$ %1line 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE left of l. 1 in margin%2