IDENTILIN$$ F169.NY3/HSWhy Westmoreland (f. 36r)/ TJS/cor-TLP/o/4-12-91;GAS/o/9-27-02 169.NY3.0HE .14. 169.NY3.001 Why ame I by all Creatures wayted on? 169.NY3.002 Why do the prodigall Elements supply 169.NY3.003 Life & foode to mee, beeing more pure then I, 169.NY3.004 Simple, & farther fro%M corruption? 169.NY3.005 Why brookst thou ignorant horse subiection? 169.NY3.006 Why dost thou Bull & bore, so selily 169.NY3.007 Dissemble weaknes, & by one Mans stroke dy 169.NY3.008 Whose whole kind you might swallow & feed vpon? 169.NY3.009 Alas I'ame weaker, wo'is me, & worse then you, 169.NY3.010 You haue not sin'd, nor neede be timorous. 169.NY3.011 But wonder at a greater wonder; for to vs 169.NY3.012 Created Nature doth these things subdue, 169.NY3.013 But their Creator, whom Sin >%Y%Z<>%Vnor< Nature tyed, 169.NY3.014 For vs his creatures & his foes hath dyed. 169.NY3.0SS slash mark used as horizontal rule 169.NY3.0$$ %1lines 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind; HE left of l. 1 in margin%2