IDENTILIN$$ F167.B07/HSDeath BL Add. 18647 (f. 105v) / TJS/mf/GAS/o/7-17-92 167.B07.0HEom 167.B07.001 Death be not proud, though som%Me hath called thee 167.B07.002 Mightie, and Dreadfull, for thou art not soe; 167.B07.003 ffor those whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrowe 167.B07.004 Dye not poore Death; nor yet canst thou kill mee 167.B07.005 ffrom rest, and sleepe w.%5ch%6 but thy pictures bee 167.B07.006 Much pleasure then from thee; much more must flowe 167.B07.007 And soonest our best men doe w%5th%6 thee goe 167.B07.008 Rest of thy bones, and Soules deliverie; 167.B07.009 Thou art slaue to fate, Chance, kinges and desperate men, 167.B07.010 And do'st w%5th%6 poyson, warr, and sicknes dwell 167.B07.011 And Poppie, or Charmes, can make vs sleepe aswell 167.B07.012 And better then thy stroke; why swell'st thou then 167.B07.013 One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally 167.B07.014 And death shalbe no more, Death thou shalt dye 167.B07.0SSom 167.B07.0$$ %1even lines ind%2