IDENTILIN$$ F162.HH1/HSDue Bridgewater MS El 6893 (ff. 126r-v)/TJS/corTLP/o/1-6-92 162.HH1.0HE %X2 162.HH1.001 As due by many titles, I resigne, 162.HH1.002 My self to thee O God; first was I made 162.HH1.003 By thee, & for thee, & when I was decayed, 162.HH1.004 Thy bloud bought that which before was thine, 162.HH1.005 I am thy Son, made with thee->>>thy<< >>%Vfelfe<< to shine [126v 162.HH1.006 Thy Servant, whose paynes thou hast still repai\d 162.HH1.007 Thy sheepe, thy Image, & (till I betraide 162.HH1.008 my self) a Temple of thie Spirit divine. 162.HH1.009 why doth the Devill thus vsurp in mee? 162.HH1.010 why doth hee steale, nay ravish thats thy right? 162.HH1.011 Except thou rise, & for thy one work fight, 162.HH1.012 Oh I shall soone dispaire when I shall see, 162.HH1.013 That y%5u%6 lovst mankind well, yet wilt not chuse mee, 162.HH1.014 And Sathan hates mee, yet is loth to loose mee. 162.HH1.0SSom 162.HH1.0$$ %1ll. 10 12 ind 1 sp; HE centered%2