IDENTILIN$$ File F021O34 Rawl poet 117\ff.218v-r(rev)\GL\P:EWS\o\6-3-92\C:JSC&T-LP\C:T-LP 4-17-96 021.O34.HE1 His partinge w%5th%6 his /M%5ris%6 021.O34.001 Since she must goe, and I must mourne, come night 021.O34.002 Inviron me w%5th%6 darknesse whilst I wright 021.O34.003 shadowe y%5t%6 hell vnto me w%5ch%6 alone 021.O34.004 I am to suffer when my loue is gone. 021.O34.005om 021.O34.006om 021.O34.007om 021.O34.008om 021.O34.009om 021.O34.010om 021.O34.011om 021.O34.012om 021.O34.013om 021.O34.014om 021.O34.015om 021.O34.016om 021.O34.017om 021.O34.018om 021.O34.019om 021.O34.020om 021.O34.021om 021.O34.022om 021.O34.023om 021.O34.024om 021.O34.025om 021.O34.026om 021.O34.027om 021.O34.028om 021.O34.029om 021.O34.030om 021.O34.031om 021.O34.032om 021.O34.033om 021.O34.034om 021.O34.035om 021.O34.036om 021.O34.037om 021.O34.038om 021.O34.039om 021.O34.040om 021.O34.041om 021.O34.042om 021.O34.043om 021.O34.044om 021.O34.045 Haue we for this kept guards like spye one spye 021.O34.046 Had corespondence, when the foe stood bye? 021.O34.047 Stolne (more to sweeten them) ou%5r%6 manye blisses 021.O34.048 of meetinges, conference, ymbracements, kisses. 021.O34.049 shadowed w%5th%6 necligence, ou%5r%6 most respectes 021.O34.050 Varied ou%5r%6 language through all dialectes 021.O34.051 Of beckes, wynkes, lookes, and often vnder board 021.O34.052 Spoke dialogues w%5th%6 ou%5r%6 feet, far from ou%5r%6 woordes 021.O34.053 Haue wee proude all these secretts of ou%5r%6 arte. 021.O34.054 yea thy pale inwards and thy pantinge harte. 021.O34.055 And after all this >%Vpassed< purgatory 021.O34.056 Must sadd diuorce make vs the vulgar story? 021.O34.057om 021.O34.058om 021.O34.059om 021.O34.060om 021.O34.061om 021.O34.062om 021.O34.063om 021.O34.064om 021.O34.065om 021.O34.066om 021.O34.067 Fortune do thy worst, my freind and I haue armes 021.O34.068 Though not agaynst thy stroakes, agaynst thy harmes. 021.O34.069 Rend vs in sunder thou canst not deuide 021.O34.070 Ou%5r%6 bodyes soe, but that ou%5r%6 soule's are tyed 021.O34.071 And we can loue by letters still, and guiftes 021.O34.072 And thoughtes, and dreames, loue never wanteth shiftes. 021.O34.073 I will not looke vppon the quickninge sonne 021.O34.074 But streight hir bewtye to my sence shall runne. 021.O34.075 The ayre shall note hir softe; the fyer most pure 021.O34.076 Waters suggest hir cleare, and the earth sure [CW:om] 021.O34.077 Tyme shall not lose ou%5r%6 passages, the springe [218r (rev)] 021.O34.078 How fresh ou%5r%6 loues was in the begin%Minge, 021.O34.079 The summer how it ripened in the eare. 021.O34.080 And Autume what ou%5r%6 golden harvests weare 021.O34.081 The Winter Ile not thinke one to spight thee 021.O34.082 But cownte thee a lost season, so shall shee.>>|<< 021.O34.083om 021.O34.084om 021.O34.085om 021.O34.086om 021.O34.087om 021.O34.088om 021.O34.089om 021.O34.090om 021.O34.091om 021.O34.092om 021.O34.093om 021.O34.094om 021.O34.095 And this to th' comforte of my deare I vowe 021.O34.096 My deeds shall still be what my deedes are nowe, 021.O34.097 The poles shall moue to teach me eare I starte, 021.O34.098 And when I change my loue, Ile change my harte; 021.O34.099 Nay if I waxe but cold in my desire 021.O34.100 Thinke heaven hath motion lost, and the world fyer. 021.O34.101 Much more I could? but many wordes haue made 021.O34.102 That ofte suspected, w%5ch%6 men would p%Pswade, 021.O34.103 Take therfore all in this? I loue so trewe 021.O34.104 As I will never looke for lesse in you. 021.O34.0SSom 021.O34.0$$ ll. 1-4, 45-56, 67-82, 95-104 only; no ind; >>pag.95.<< in M opposite HE (?)