IDENTILIN$$ File 021AF1 Mapletoft? ms. in 1633\pp.[419-22]\JSC\mf\9-21-94\ 021.AF1.0HE %X%1Elegie%2 XV. 021.AF1.001 Since She must goe, and I must mourn, come night, 021.AF1.002 Environ me with darkness, whilst I write: 021.AF1.003 Shadow that hell unto me, which alone 021.AF1.004 I am to suffer when my Love is gone. 021.AF1.005 Alas the darkest Magick cannot doe it, 021.AF1.006 And that great Hell to boot are shadowes to it. 021.AF1.007 Should Cinthia quit thee Venus, and each starre, 021.AF1.008 It would not form one thought dark as mine are, 021.AF1.009 I could lend them obscureness now, and say 021.AF1.010 Out of my self, There should be no more Day, 021.AF1.011 Such is already my self-want of sight, 021.AF1.012 Did not the fire within me force a light. 021.AF1.013 Oh Love that fire and darkness should be mixt, 021.AF1.014 Or to thy Triumphs such strange torments fixt? 021.AF1.015 Is't because thou thy self art blind, that we 021.AF1.016 Thy Martyrs must no more each other see? 021.AF1.017 Or takest thou pride to break us on thy wheel, 021.AF1.018 And view old Chaos in the pains we feel? 021.AF1.019 Or have we left undone same mutual right, 021.AF1.020 That thus with parting thou seek'st us to spight? 021.AF1.021 No, No, the fault is mine, impute it to me, 021.AF1.022 Or rather to conspiring destinie, 021.AF1.023 Which (since I lov'd) for me before decreed, 021.AF1.024 That I should suffer when I lov'd indeed, 021.AF1.025 And therefore sooner now than I can say, [p.(420)] 021.AF1.026 I saw the golden fruit, 'tis wrapt away. 021.AF1.027 Or I had watcht one drop in the vast stream, 021.AF1.028 And I left wealthy onely in a dream. 021.AF1.029 Yet Love, thou'rt blinder then thy self in this, 021.AF1.030 To vex my Dove-like friend for my amiss. 021.AF1.031 And where one sad truth may expiate 021.AF1.032 Thy wrath, to make her fortune run my fate. 021.AF1.033 So blinded Iustice doth, when Favorites fall, 021.AF1.034 Strike them, their house, their friends, their favourites all. 021.AF1.035 Was't not enough that thou didst dart thy fires 021.AF1.036 Into our blouds, inflaming our desires, 021.AF1.037 And mad'st us sigh, and blow, and pant, and burn, 021.AF1.038 And then thy self into our flames did'st turn? 021.AF1.039 Was't not enough, that thou did'st hazard us 021.AF1.040 To paths in love so dark and dangerous, 021.AF1.041 And those so ambush'd round with houshold spies, 021.AF1.042 And over all thy husbands towring eyes 021.AF1.043 Inflam'd with th' ouglie sweat of Iealousie, 021.AF1.044 Yet went we not still on in Constancie? 021.AF1.045 Have we for this kept guards like spie%Y,%Z on spie? 021.AF1.046 Had correspondence whilst the foe stood by? 021.AF1.047 Stoln (more to sweeten them) our many blisses 021.AF1.048 Of meetings, conference, embracements, kisses? 021.AF1.049 Shadow'd with negligence our best respects? 021.AF1.050 Varied our language through all dialects 021.AF1.051 Of becks, winks, looks, and often under-boards 021.AF1.052 Spoak dialogues with our feet far from our words? 021.AF1.053 Have we prov'd all the secrets of our art, 021.AF1.054 Yea, thy pale inwards, and thy panting heart? 021.AF1.055 And, after all this passed Purgatory, 021.AF1.056 Must sad divorce make us the vulgar story? 021.AF1.057 First let our eyes be rivited quite through 021.AF1.058 Our turning brains, and both our lips grow to: 021.AF1.059 Let our arms clasp like Ivy, and our fear [p.(421)] 021.AF1.060 Freez us together, that we stick here, 021.AF1.061 Till fortune, that would ruine us with the deed, 021.AF1.062 Strain his eyes open, and yet make them bleed. 021.AF1.063 For Love it cannot be, whom hitherto 021.AF1.064 I have accus'd, should such a mischiefe doe. 021.AF1.065 Oh fortune, thou'rt not worth my least exclaim, 021.AF1.066 And plague enough thou hast in thine own name. 021.AF1.067 Do thy great worst, my friend and I have armes 021.AF1.068 Though not against thy strokes, against thy harmes. 021.AF1.069 Rend us in sunder, thou canst not divide 021.AF1.070 Our bodies so, but that our soules are ty'd, 021.AF1.071 And we can love by Letters still, and gifts, 021.AF1.072 And thoughts and dreams, Love never wanteth shifts. 021.AF1.073 I will not look upon the quickning Sun, 021.AF1.074 But straight her beauty to my sense shall run, 021.AF1.075 The ayre shall note her soft, the fire most pure, 021.AF1.076 Waters suggest her clear, and th'earth sure. 021.AF1.077 Time shall not lose our passages, the spring 021.AF1.078 How fresh our love was in the beginning, 021.AF1.079 The Summer how it inripened the Year, 021.AF1.080 And Autumn what our golden harvests were. 021.AF1.081 The Winter I'le not think on to spite thee, 021.AF1.082 But count it a lost season, so shall shee. 021.AF1.083 And dearest friend, since we must part, drown night 021.AF1.084 With hope of Day, burthens well born are light. 021.AF1.085 The cold and darkness longer hang somewhere, 021.AF1.086 Yet Phoe%Lbus equally lights all the Sphere. 021.AF1.087 And what we cannot in like portion pay, 021.AF1.088 The world enioyes in Mass, and so we may. 021.AF1.089 Be then ever Your self, and let no woe, 021.AF1.090 Win on your health, your youth, your beauty, so 021.AF1.091 Declare your self base fortunes ennemy, 021.AF1.092 No less be your contempt than her inconstancy.. 021.AF1.093 That I may grow enamourd on your mind, [p.(422)] 021.AF1.094 When my own thoughts I here neglected find. 021.AF1.095 And this to th'comfort of my Dear I vow, 021.AF1.096 My Deeds shall still be what my deeds are now, 021.AF1.097 The Poles shall move to teach me ere I start, 021.AF1.098 And when I chang my Love, Ile change my heart. 021.AF1.099 Nay if I wax but cold in my desire, 021.AF1.100 Think heaven hath motion lost, and the world fire: 021.AF1.101 Much more I could, but many words have made 021.AF1.102 That oft suspected which men most perswade. 021.AF1.103 Take therfore all in this, I love so true, 021.AF1.104 As I will never look for less in You. 021.AF1.0SSom 021.AF1.0$$ ll. 1-104; One of several elegies copied from a 1669ed.[?] into the back of a 1633 ed. No ind.; ?mark end of l.14 not clear; last word in l.92 partly covered by mf. dirt, but only one letter really illegible