IDENTILIN$$ File F019Y03 Yale, B148\p 93\GL\P:DF\o\2-26-92\C:JSC 019.Y03.0HE Picture 019.Y03.001 Heere take my Picture %5th%6ough I bidd farewell 019.Y03.002 %5th%6ine in my hearte where my soule dwells shall dwell 019.Y03.003 'Tis like mee now, butt I dead 'twill bee more 019.Y03.004 when wee are shadowes bo%5th%6 %5th%6en 'twas before 019.Y03.005 when wea%5th%6er beaten I come backe my hand 019.Y03.006 p%Phapps w%5th%6 rude oares torne or sunne-beames tand 019.Y03.007 My face & breast of hayreclo%5th%6 & my head 019.Y03.008 w%5th%6 cares rash suddeine cruell stormes orespread 019.Y03.009 My body a sacke of bones brooken w%5th%6in 019.Y03.010 & powders blew staines scattered one my skinne 019.Y03.011 If Riuall fooles tax y%5ee%6 to haue loued a man 019.Y03.012 soe foule, soe cou%5r%6se as (oh) I may seeme %5th%6an 019.Y03.013 This shall say w%5t%6: I was, & %5th%6ou shalte say 019.Y03.014 do%5th%6 his hurts reach mee, do%5th%6 my wor%5th%6 decay 019.Y03.015 Or doe %5th%6ey reach his iudginge minde %5th%6at hee 019.Y03.016 should like & loue lesse, w%5t%6: hee did loue to see 019.Y03.017 That w%5ch%6 in him was faire & delicate 019.Y03.018 was butt y%5e%6 milke w%5ch%6 in loues Childish state 019.Y03.019 Did nourish ytt whoe is now growne tough inough 019.Y03.020 to feed one y%5t%6 w%5ch%6 to disvs'd tasts seemes tough: 019.Y03.0SS I: D: ffinis 019.Y03.0$$ %1Final couplet ind. 2 sp.%2