IDENTILIN$$ File F012NY1 NYPL Cave MS\pp.11-12\M:TLP\mf\P:EWS\o\4-10-91\C:JSC 012.NY1.0HE %1Elegia%2. 5%5ta%6. 012.NY1.001 Oh lett not me serue so, as those men serue [p.11] 012.NY1.002 Whome Hono%5rs%6 smoaks at once fatten & sterue: 012.NY1.003 Poorly enrich't w%5th%6 great mens words or lookes; 012.NY1.004 Nor so write my name in thy louing books 012.NY1.005 As those idolatrouse flatterers w%5ch%6 still 012.NY1.006 Theire princes stiles w%5th%6 many realmes fullfill. 012.NY1.007 Whence they noe tribute haue, & where noe swaye [CW:om] 012.NY1.008 Such seruices I offer as shall pay [p.12] 012.NY1.009 Themselus; I hate dead names: oh then let mee 012.NY1.010 ffauorite in ordinarie, or noe fauorite bee. 012.NY1.011 When my soule was in her owne bodie sheath'd 012.NY1.012 Nor yet by oaths betroth'd, nor kisses breath'd 012.NY1.013 Into my purgatorie, faithlesse thee 012.NY1.014 Thy harte seem'd wax, & steele thy constancie 012.NY1.015 Soe carelesse flowres straw'd on the waters face 012.NY1.016 The curled whirlpooles, sucke, smack, & embrace, 012.NY1.017 Yet drown them; soe the tapers bearing eie 012.NY1.018 Amourously twinckling, beckens the giddy flye 012.NY1.019 Yet burns his wings: and such the Deuill is 012.NY1.020 Scarce visiting them that are intirly his. 012.NY1.021 When I beheild, a streame w%5ch%6 from the spring 012.NY1.022 Doth w%5th%6 doubtfull melodiouse murmuringe 012.NY1.023 Or in a speechlesse slumber calmly ride. 012.NY1.024 Her wedded channells bosome, & there chide 012.NY1.025 And bend her browes & swell, if any boughe 012.NY1.026 Doe but stoope downe to kisse her [space] browe; 012.NY1.027 Yet if her often gnawing kisses winn 012.NY1.028 The trayterouse banke to gape & lett her in: 012.NY1.029 She rusheth violently, & doth diuorce 012.NY1.030 Her from her natiue & her long kept course, 012.NY1.031 And rores & braues it, & in gallant scorne 012.NY1.032 In flattering eddies promising retourne 012.NY1.033 She flouts the channell who thencforth is dry 012.NY1.034 Then say I that is shee and this am I. [CW:om] 012.NY1.035 Yet let not thy deep bitternesse, begett [p.13] 012.NY1.036 Carelesse despayre in me, for that will whett 012.NY1.037 My mynd to scorne, and oh loue dull'd w%5th%6 paine 012.NY1.038 Was ne'er so wise nor well ar'md as disdayne 012.NY1.039 Then w%5th%6 new eies I shall surveigh thee & spie 012.NY1.040 Death in thy cheeks & darknesse in thy eie. 012.NY1.041 Though hope breed faith & loue, thus taught I shall 012.NY1.042 As nations doe from %1Roome%2, from thy loue fall. 012.NY1.043 My hate shall outgrow thine, and vtterlye 012.NY1.044 I will renounce thy dalliance: and when I 012.NY1.045 Am recusant in that resolute state 012.NY1.046 What hurts it mee to be'excommunicate? 012.NY1.0SS Finis Eleg. 5%5tae%L%6. Jo: Donn. 012.NY1.0$$ %1No ind.;%2 Vth %1in RM op. HE%2