IDENTILIN$$ File F011.WN1/ElJeal Dolau Cothi ms. 6748 (pp. 23-24)/ EWS/o/7-15-85 011.WN1.0HE %XElegie 011.WN1.001 Fond woman which wouldst haue thy hvsband die 011.WN1.002 And yet complainst of his great Ielosie 011.WN1.003 If swolne with poyson hee lay in his bed, 011.WN1.004 His boddie with a sore barke couered 011.WN1.005 Drawinge his breath as thick and short as cann 011.WN1.006 The Nimblest Crotchetings Musitian%T: 011.WN1.007 Readie with loathsome vomitinge to spue 011.WN1.008 His Soule out of one hell into a newe, 011.WN1.009 Made deafe with his poore kyndreds howlinge cries, 011.WN1.010 Begginge with feaw faind teares, great Legacies. 011.WN1.011 Thou wouldst not weepe but iolie, and frolicke bee, 011.WN1.012 As a slaue which to morrowe should bee free. 011.WN1.013 Yet weepst thou when thou seest him hungerlie 011.WN1.014 Swallowe his owne death, harts baine Ielousie? 011.WN1.015 O giue him many thanks hees courteous 011.WN1.016 That in suspectinge kyndlie warneth vs; 011.WN1.017 Wee mvst not as wee vsd flout openlye 011.WN1.018 In scoffinge ridles his deformitie; 011.WN1.019 Nor at his bord together beinge sate [CW: with] 011.WN1.020 With words, nor touch, scarce lookes, adulterate! [24 011.WN1.021 Nor when hee swolne, and pamperd with greate fare, 011.WN1.022 Sitts downe, and snorts, cagd in his baskett chaire, 011.WN1.023 Must wee vsurpe his owne bedd any more 011.WN1.024 Nor kisse and plaie in his howse as before, 011.WN1.025 Now I see many dangers; for that is 011.WN1.026 His realme, his Castle, and his Diocis 011.WN1.027 But if as enuious men which whould revile 011.WN1.028 Their Prince, or coyne his gould them selues exile 011.WN1.029 Into Another countrye, and doe it there 011.WN1.030 Wee plaie in another howse, what should wee feare? 011.WN1.031 There wee will scorne his howsehold Policies, 011.WN1.032 His sillie plotts, and Pensionarie Spies: 011.WN1.033 As the inhabitants of Thames right side. 011.WN1.034 Doe Londons Maior, or Germans the Popes pride|. 011.WN1.0SSom 011.WN1.0$$ %1no ind.%2