IDENTILIN$$ File F011HH1 Huntington EL6893\ff.44v-45r\GL\mf\P:TLP\o\1-2-92\C:JSC 011.HH1.HE1om 011.HH1.001 Fond woman that would haue thy husband dye 011.HH1.002 & yet complaynst of his great iealousy, 011.HH1.003 If swolne w%5th%6 poyson, he lay in his last bedd 011.HH1.004 his bodie w%5th%6 a seare bark couered 011.HH1.005 drawing his breath as thick & short as can 011.HH1.006 the nymblest crotchetting musitian; 011.HH1.007 ready w%5th%6 loathsom vomyting to spue 011.HH1.008 his sowle out of one hell, into a newe, 011.HH1.009 made deafe, w%5th%6 his %Jpoore%K%5>>pure<<%6 kindreds howling cryes 011.HH1.010 begging with few faynd teares great legacies 011.HH1.011 Thou wouldest not weep, but iolly & frolick bee 011.HH1.012 as a slaue, w%5ch%6 to morrow should be free,[CW:om] 011.HH1.013 yet weepest tho%5*%6->>>tho%5u%6<<, when thou seest him hungerly [45r] 011.HH1.014 swallow his owne death harts=bane iealosie 011.HH1.015 O giue him many thanks, hee's curteous, 011.HH1.016 that in suspecting, kindlie warneth vs; 011.HH1.017 wee must not, as wee vs'd flowt openly 011.HH1.018 in scoffing riddles his deformytie, 011.HH1.019 nor at his bourd together being sate 011.HH1.020 with words or touch >%Vscarse< looks adulterate 011.HH1.021 %Y&%Z%V>>nor<< when hee->>>he's<< swolne & pamperd w%5th%6 high fare 011.HH1.022 sitts downe & snorts, cag'de in his baskett chare 011.HH1.023 must wee vsurp his owne bed any more 011.HH1.024 or kiss and->>or< play in his howse as before 011.HH1.025 now I see my dangers for y%5t%6 is 011.HH1.026 his Realme, his Castle & his Dyocess 011.HH1.027 But (if as envious men y%5t%6 would revile 011.HH1.028 their Prince, or coyne his gould, himself exile 011.HH1.029 into another Countrey, & do it there) 011.HH1.030 wee into some third place retyred were 011.HH1.031 there will we scorne his howshold pollicyes 011.HH1.032 his silly plotts & pensionary spyes 011.HH1.033 As the Inhabitants of Thames right side 011.HH1.034 doe Londons Maior, or, 'Germans, the popes pryde 011.HH1.0SS [om] whirlwind flourish 011.HH1.0$$ %1No ind.%2