IDENTILIN$$ File F011H030 Harvard, Eng. 966.1\ff 27v-28\M:GL\mf\P:DF\o\5-7-92\C:JSC 011.H03.0HEom 011.H03.001 Fond weoman which would'st haue thy husband dy 011.H03.002 And yet complain'st of his great Ielousy 011.H03.003 If swolne with poyson, he lay in his Bed 011.H03.004 His body with a seare-barke couered 011.H03.005 Drawinge his breathe as thicke and shorte as can 011.H03.006 The nimblest Crotchetinge musitian 011.H03.007 Ready with loathsome vomittinge to spue 011.H03.008 His Soule out of one Hell into a new 011.H03.009 Made deafe with his poore kindred's howlings Cries 011.H03.010 Begginge with few faind' teares great Legacies 011.H03.011 Thou would'st not weep, but iolly and frelike bee 011.H03.012 As a Slaue which to Morrowe shall be free 011.H03.013 Yet weep'st thou when thou see'st him hungerly 011.H03.014 Swallowe his owne death hearts-bane Iealousy 011.H03.015 O giue him many thankes, hee's courteous 011.H03.016 That in suspectinge kindly warneth vs 011.H03.017 wee must not as wee vse flout openly 011.H03.018 In scoffinge riddles his deformity./ [CW:Nor#att#his] 011.H03.019 Nor at his boord togeather beinge sate [28] 011.H03.020 W%5c%6h wordes, or touche, scarce lookes adulterate 011.H03.021 Nor when he Swolne and pamper'd with his fare 011.H03.022 Sitts downe and snorts cag'd in his Baskett Chaire 011.H03.023 Muste we vsurpe his owne bed any more 011.H03.024 Nor kisse and play, in his house as before 011.H03.025 Nowe I see my[var.>>many<<] dangers, for that is 011.H03.026 His realme, his Castle, and his Diocesse 011.H03.027 But if as enuious men which would reuile 011.H03.028 Their Prince or coyne his Gold, themselues exile 011.H03.029 Into another Countrey; and doe it there) 011.H03.030 wee into some third place retyred were 011.H03.031 There will wee scorne his houshould Policyes 011.H03.032 His silly plotts, and pentionary spies 011.H03.033 As the Inhabitants of Thames right side 011.H03.034 Doe London's Mayre, or Germans the Popes deride.| 011.H03.0SS I. D.| 011.H03.$$ %1No ind.;%2 >>St. ms. 127<< %1penciled in LM op. l. 1%2