IDENTILIN$$ F010O21 Eng poet f.9\pp.83-86\GL\mf\P:EWS\o\6-4-92\C:JSC 010.O21.0HE Elegie.| 010.O21.001 Once; and but once found in thy Company 010.O21.002 all thy supposed scapes are layd to mee 010.O21.003 and as a theefe at barr is question'd there 010.O21.004 for all the men that haue beene robd that yeere. [CW:om] 010.O21.005 So am I by this traytrous meanes supris'de [84] 010.O21.006 by thy hydroptique father Catechiz'd 010.O21.007 Though hee had wont to search w%5t%6 glazed Eyes 010.O21.008 as thou he came to kill a Cocatrice 010.O21.009 Though he haue sworne that he would remoue 010.O21.010 Thy beautyes beauty and food of o%5r%6 loue 010.O21.011 hope of his goodes if I w%5th%6 thee were seene 010.O21.012 Yet close, and secret, as o%5r%6 soules wee haue beene 010.O21.013 Though thy immortall mother w%5c%6 did lye 010.O21.014 Still buried in her bed yet will not dy 010.O21.015 Take this aduantage, to sleepe out day light 010.O21.016 & watch thy entryes and returnes, at night 010.O21.017 and when she takes thy hand and would see%Me kind 010.O21.018 doth search what ringes; & armlettes she ca%M find. 010.O21.019 & kissing notes the colour of thy face 010.O21.020 & fearing least th'art swolne, doth thee embrace 010.O21.021 To try whether thou longing name strange meates 010.O21.022 and notes thy Palines; blushinges; sighes; & sweates 010.O21.023 & politiquely to thee will Confesse 010.O21.024 y%5e%6 sinns of her owne youths ranke lustines 010.O21.025 Yet loue these sorceryes did remoue and moue 010.O21.026 thee; to gull thine owne mother for my loue 010.O21.027 Thy breathre%M, w%5c%6 like faery sprightes 010.O21.028 oft skipt into o%5r%6 Chamber those sweet nightes 010.O21.029 and kis't and ingled on their fathers knee [CW:om] 010.O21.030 were brib'd to tell next day what they did see [85] 010.O21.031 y%5e%6 grimme- eightfoot,- high- ironbound seruingman 010.O21.032 y%5t%6 oft names god in oathes and onely than 010.O21.033 he that to barre the first gate doth as wide 010.O21.034 as the great Rhodian Colossus stride. 010.O21.035 w%5c%6 if in hell no other paines there were 010.O21.036 makes one feare hell because he must bee there 010.O21.037 though by thy father he were hyr'd; for this; 010.O21.038 could neuer wittnesse; any touch or kisse 010.O21.039 but (oh too commo%M Ille,) I brought w%5t%6 mee 010.O21.040 that w%5c%6 betrayd mee to mine enemy. 010.O21.041 a loud p%Pfume w%5c%6 at my entrance cri'de 010.O21.042 euen at thy fatheres nose so wee were spi'de 010.O21.043 When like a Tyrant king that in his bedd. 010.O21.044 Smelt gunpoulder, the pale wretch shiuered 010.O21.045 had it beene some bad smell he would haue thought 010.O21.046 y%5t%6 his owne feet or breath y%5t%6 smell had brought 010.O21.047 But as wee in o%5r%6 Ile imprisoned 010.O21.048 were cattle onely and diuers dogs ar bred. 010.O21.049 The pretious Vnicornes strange monsters call 010.O21.050 so thought he good strange w%5c%6 had none at all. 010.O21.051 I taught my silkes my whislinges to forbeare 010.O21.052 euen my opprest shoes dombe & speechlesse were 010.O21.053 onely thou bitter sweete whome I haue layd 010.O21.054 next mee; mee traytrously hast betrayde. [CW:om] 010.O21.055 And vnexpected hast>%Ye%Z< >%Yin%Z< uisiblely [86] 010.O21.056 at once fled into him and stayd w%5th%6 mee 010.O21.057 Base excrement of earth, w%5c%6 dost confound 010.O21.058 sence fro%M distinguishing the sick fro%M sound 010.O21.059 by thee the silly amorous suckes his death 010.O21.060 by drawing in a leprous harlotes breath 010.O21.061 by thee the greatest staine to mans estate 010.O21.062 falls on vs to bee cal'd effeminate 010.O21.063 though y%5u%6 bee much loued in the princes hall 010.O21.064 there thinges that seeme exceed substantiall 010.O21.065 Gods; when you fum'd on altares were pleas'd well 010.O21.066 because you were burn't, not y%5t%6 they lik't y%5r%6 smell 010.O21.067 Ye'are loathsome all being take%M simply alone 010.O21.068 shall wee loue ill things %Y**%Z>ioy