IDENTILIN$$ F009.B47/ElComp Stowe 962/ ff. 130v-131v/ GL/cor GAS/8-1-92 009.B47.0HE Ellegie.| [HE enclosed in rules above and below] 009.B47.001 As the sweete sweate of roses in a still 009.B47.002 as y%5t%6 w%5ch%6 from Chast muscats pores doth trill 009.B47.003 As the Almightie balme of the earlie East%Yl%Z 009.B47.004 Such are the sweete dropps >on< my mistresse brest 009.B47.005 And on her necke her skinn such lustre settes 009.B47.006 They seeme noe sweete dropps but pearlie Coronettes 009.B47.007 Ranke sweatie froth thy mistresse browe defiles 009.B47.008 Like spermaticke issue of ripe monstrous boyles [CW: or like y%5t%6 scum] 009.B47.009 Or like y%5t%6 scum%M w%5ch%6 by Needs lawlesse law 009.B47.010 Inforc'd, Sansorres starued men did draw 009.B47.011 ffrom p%Pboyld shoes & bootes, & all the rest 009.B47.012 W%5ch%6 were w%5th%6 any Soueraigne fatnesse blest 009.B47.013 And like vile lyinge stones in saffrond tynne 009.B47.014 Or warts or wheales they hange vppon her skinn 009.B47.015 Round >as y%5e%6 world< %Jis%K %Jher%K heade on euery side 009.B47.016 Like to that fatall ball that fell in Ide 009.B47.017 Or that whereof god had such Ielousie 009.B47.018 As for the rauishinge thereof we die 009.B47.019 Thy heade is like a rough hewne statu' of Iett 009.B47.020 Where markes for eyes, nose, mouth, are scarsly sett 009.B47.021 Like the first Chaos, or flatt-seemeinge-face 009.B47.022 Or Cynthia, when the earthes shadowes her embrace: 009.B47.023 Like * Proserpins white beautie keepinge Chest 009.B47.024 Or Ioues best fortunes vrne, is her fraye brest. 009.B47.025 Thine like worme=eaten=trunkes cloth'd in Ceales skine, 009.B47.026 Or graue, y%5ts%6 durt w%5th%6out, & stinch w%5th%6in 009.B47.027 And like y%5t%6 slender stalke at whose end standes. 009.B47.028 The woodbine quiueringe, are her, armes & handes. 009.B47.029 Like rough barkt elme=boughes, or the russett skinn 009.B47.030 Of men late scourg'd for madnesse or for sinn 009.B47.031 Like sunn parcht quarters or the Cittie gate 009.B47.032 Such is thie tann'd skinnes lamentable state 009.B47.033 And like a bunch of ragged carrettes stand 009.B47.034 Thy short swolne fingers on thy gowtie hand 009.B47.035 Thou like the Cym%Mickes masculine equall fire 009.B47.036 W%5ch%6 in the Limbeckes warme wombe doth inspier 009.B47.037 Into the earthes worthlesse durt, a soule of gold 009.B47.038 Such Cherishinge heate her best lou'd p%Pt doth hold 009.B47.039 Thyne like the dreade mouth of a fired gunn 009.B47.040 Or like hot liquid mettles newly runn 009.B47.041 Into clay mould, or like to that AE%Ltna 009.B47.042 Where rou%Md about the grasse is burnt away? [CW: Are not then yo%5r%6] 009.B47.043 Are not then yo%5r%6 kisses as filthy, and more 009.B47.044 As a worme suckinge an inuenom'd sor? 009.B47.045 Doth thy fearefull hand in feelinge quake 009.B47.046 As one w%5ch%6 gath'ringe flowers still fear'd a snake 009.B47.047 Is not yo%5r%6 last act %Yviolent%Z >harsh< >and< violent 009.B47.048 as when a plow a stony grounde doth rent 009.B47.049 Soe kisse good Turtles soe deuoutly nice 009.B47.050 As preist in handlinge reuerent sacrafice 009.B47.051 And such in searchinge woundes the surgeon is 009.B47.052 As we when we imbrace or touch or kisse 009.B47.053 Leaue her, & I will leaue Comparinge thus 009.B47.054 Shee & Comparisons are odious.| 009.B47.0SS om 009.B47.0$$ %1ll. 26-29 written in LM of f.131 parallel w/edge of page and with a drawn hand pointing to where they belong--the ink and pen are different from the rest but GAS thinks they're probably scribal; HE enclosed in rules above and below;%2 A: %1in LM opp. ll. 1 and 14;%2 B: %1in LM opp. ll. 7 and 19; ll. 7, 53, 54 ind 3sp; l. 19 ind 2sp; miscatching bottom of f. 130v; appears that several words were added at a later time--see GAS's corrections%2 "in Ceales skine," repeated in LM as ">in Sceales skinn:<" "Of men late" repeated in LM as "Of men late. et:"