IDENTILIN$$ F008O39/ Rawl. poet. 212 (f.152v-151r rev)/TJS/mf/3-4-92/cor EWS/o/6-2-92 008.O39.HE1 Ad amica%M de perditione armillae%L euius.| 008.O39.001 Not y%5t%6 in coulour it was like thy haire 008.O39.002 (For Armletts of y%5t%6 thou mightst lett mee weare 008.O39.003 Nor y%5t%6 thy hand it oft embrac't & kist 008.O39.004 (For soe it had y%5t%6 good w%5ch%6 oft I mist 008.O39.005 Nor for y%5t%6 sillye old moralitye 008.O39.006 (That as these links are tyed our loves should bee 008.O39.007 Mourne I y%5t%6 I thy sevenfold chaine have lost 008.O39.008 Nor for y%5e%6 lucke sake, but y%5e%6 bitter cost. 008.O39.009 Oh shall 12 righteous Angells, w%5ch%6 as yett 008.O39.010 Noe leaven of vild soader did admitt 008.O39.011 Nor yett by any fault have strayd or gone 008.O39.012 From y%5e%6 first state of their creation, 008.O39.013 Angells, w%5ch%6 heaven co%Mmannded to p%Pvide 008.O39.014 All things to mee, to bee my faithfull guide 008.O39.015 To gaine new frends, to appease great enemies 008.O39.016 My soule to co%Mfort when I lye or rise 008.O39.017 Shall these 12 innocents by thy seveare 008.O39.018 Sentence (dread Iudge) my sinnes great burden beare 008.O39.019 Shall they bee damn'd, & in y%5e%6 furnace throwne 008.O39.020 And punisht for offences not their owne? 008.O39.021 They save not mee, they doe not ease my paines 008.O39.022 When in y%5t%6 hell they are burn't, & tyed in chaines. 008.O39.023 Weare they but crownes of France I cared not 008.O39.024 ffor most of these their naturall countrye rott 008.O39.025 I thinke possesseth they come heere to vs 008.O39.026 Soe pale, so lame, so leane, so ruinous. 008.O39.027 And howsoere french kings most Christian bee 008.O39.028 Their crownes are circu%Mcizd most Iewishlie. 008.O39.029 Or weare they Spannish stampes still travailing 008.O39.030 That are become as Catholicke as their king 008.O39.031 Those vnlickt bearewhelps, vnfild pistoletts 008.O39.032 That more then Ca%Mnon shott availes or letts 008.O39.033 That negligently left vnrounded looke 008.O39.034 Like many angled figures in y%5e%6 booke 008.O39.035 Of some great coniurer y%5t%6 would enforce 008.O39.036 Nature, as these doe Iustice, fro%M her course 008.O39.037 That (like y%5e%6 soule runnes through head feete & heart [f.152rev 008.O39.038 As streames like vaynes runnes through earths every p%Pte) 008.O39.039 Visitt all countryes, & have slilye made 008.O39.040 Gorgious ffrance ragged, ruind & decaid 008.O39.041 Scotland, w%5ch%6 knew noe state proude in one day 008.O39.042 And mangled 17 headed Belgia. 008.O39.043 Or weare it such gold as that wherew%5th%6all 008.O39.044 Allmighty Chimicks fro%M each minerall 008.O39.045 Haveing by subtill fire a soule out pulld 008.O39.046 Are durtely & desperately guld, 008.O39.047 I would not spitt to quench y%5e%6 fier therin 008.O39.048 For they are guiltie of much hainous sinne 008.O39.049 But shall my harmles Angells p%Pish, shall 008.O39.050 I loose my guarde, my life, mine ease, my all? 008.O39.051 Much hope y%5t%6 they should nourish will bee dead 008.O39.052 Much of mine able youth & livelyhead 008.O39.053 Will vanish; if thou love lett them alone 008.O39.054 For tho%5u%6 wilt love mee lesse when they are gone. 008.O39.055 Oh bee content y%5t%6 some lowd squeaking crier 008.O39.056 Well pleasd w%5th%6 one thinne threadbare groat for hyer 008.O39.057 May like a divell roare through every streete 008.O39.058 And gall y%5e%6 finders co%Mscience if they meete. 008.O39.059 Or lett mee creepe to some dread coniurer 008.O39.060 That w%5th%6 fantastique scheames doth keepe a sturre 008.O39.061 And hath devided heaven in tenements 008.O39.062 And w%5th%6 whoores, theeves, & murderers stuft his rents 008.O39.063 So full, y%5t%6 though hee passe them all in sinne 008.O39.064 Hee'le leave him selfe noe roome to enter in 008.O39.065 And if when all his arte & time is spente 008.O39.066 Hee say twill neare bee found; Oh bee co%Mtent 008.O39.067 Receave fro%M him y%5e%6 doome vngrudginglie 008.O39.068 Be'cause hee is y%5e%6 mouth of destenye 008.O39.069 Thou saiest (alas) y%5e%6 gold doth still remaine 008.O39.070 Though it bee chaungd & putt into a chaine 008.O39.071 Soe in y%5e%6 first fallen Angells resteth still 008.O39.072 Wisdome & knowledge, but tis turnd to ill [f.151v-rev 008.O39.073om 008.O39.074om 008.O39.075om 008.O39.076om 008.O39.077om 008.O39.078om 008.O39.079 But thou art resolute, thy will bee done 008.O39.080 Yet w%5th%6 such anguish as her onely sonne 008.O39.081 The mother in y%5e%6 hungrye grave doth laye 008.O39.082 Vnto y%5e%6 fier these Martyrs I betraye 008.O39.083 Good soule! for yo%5u%6 give life to everye thinge 008.O39.084 Good Angells! for good messages yo%5u%6 bringe 008.O39.085 Destind yo%5u%6 might have beene to such a one 008.O39.086 That would have lovd & worshipt yo%5u%6 alone 008.O39.087 One y%5t%6 would suffer hunger, nakednes, 008.O39.088 Yea death ere hee would make yo%5r%6 number lesse. 008.O39.089 But I am guilty of yo%5r%6 sadd decay 008.O39.090 May yo%5r%6 few fellows longer w%5th%6 mee staye. 008.O39.091 But o%C though wretched finder, whome I hate 008.O39.092 Soe y%5t%6 I allmost pittie thy estate 008.O39.093 Gold beeing y%5e%6 heaviest mettall amongst all 008.O39.094 May my most heavy curse vpon thee fall 008.O39.095 Heere, fetterd, manacled, & tyed in chaines 008.O39.096 ffirst maist tho%5u%6 bee, then chained to hellish paines 008.O39.097 Or bee w%5th%6 forraine gold bribd to betraye 008.O39.098 Thy countrey & faile both of that & paye. 008.O39.099 May y%5e%6 next thinge tho%5u%6 stoopest to reach co%Mtaine 008.O39.100 Poyson, whose nimble fume rott thy moist braine 008.O39.101 Or, libles or some interdic'ted thinge 008.O39.102 W%5ch%6 negligently kept thy ruine bring. 008.O39.103 Lustbredd diseases rott thee & dwell w%5th%6 thee 008.O39.104 Itchie desire & noe abilitie 008.O39.105 May all y%5e%6 ill y%5t%6 gold hath ever wrought 008.O39.106 All mischeifs y%5t%6 all divells ever thought 008.O39.107 Want after plentye, poore & gowty age 008.O39.108 The plagues of travailers, love, marriadge, 008.O39.109 Afflict thee, & more, at thy lives last moment 008.O39.110 May thy swolne sinnes themselves to thee p%Psent. 008.O39.111 But I forgive repent thee honest man 008.O39.112 Gold is restorative, restore it than 008.O39.113 But if from it thou beest loath to departe 008.O39.114 Because tis cordiall, would t'were at thy harte. 008.O39.0SSom 008.O39.0$$ %1lines 1, 9 37, 55, 69, 79, 91, 111 hang left 1-3sp; not evident that the scribe knew he was missing lines 73-78%2