IDENTILIN$$ F008.C05/ElBrac MS E.E.4.14 More ms. /ff. 67-8/ TJS/mf/7-6-92/cor GAS/o/8-12-92 008.C05.HE1 %XElegye .7. 008.C05.001 Not that in Colour Yt was lyke thy hayre 008.C05.002 ffor armelettes of that thou mayst lett me weare 008.C05.003 Nor that thy hande Yt ofte imbracde and kiste 008.C05.004 ffor soe Yt had the good which ofte I miste 008.C05.005 Nor for that sillye olde mortallitye, 008.C05.006 That as those linkes weare tyede our loue should bee 008.C05.007 Nor mourne I that thy seuen foulde Chayne haue loste 008.C05.008 Nor for the lucke sake, but the bitter Coste 008.C05.009 Oh shall i2 righteouse Angells, which as Yett 008.C05.010 Noe leuen of vilde soder did admitt; 008.C05.011 Nor Yett by any taynte haue strayde or gone 008.C05.012 ffrom the first state of theyer Cratione 008.C05.013 Angelles which heauen Commanded to prouide 008.C05.014 All thinges for me, and be my faythfull guyde 008.C05.015 To gayne newe freindes, t'appease greate enemyes 008.C05.016 My soule to Comforte when I lye or ryse: 008.C05.017 Shall these i2 Innocentes by thy seuere 008.C05.018 Sentence (dreade Iudge) my sinns greate burthen beare 008.C05.019 Shall theye be damned, and in the fornace throwne, [67v 008.C05.020 And punisht for offences, not theyre owne? 008.C05.021 Theye saue not me, theye doe not ease my paynes 008.C05.022 When in that hell theye r burnte, and tyde in Chaynes 008.C05.023 Weare theye but Crownes of ffraynce, I Cared not, 008.C05.024 ffor moste of them theyre naturall Cuntrye-rot 008.C05.025 I thinke possesseth: theye Come heare to vs 008.C05.026 Soe leane, soe lame, soe p%5a%6le, soe ruinouse. 008.C05.027 And howsoeare ffrench kinges most Christian bee 008.C05.028 Theyre Crownes are Circumsised most Iewishlie 008.C05.029 Or weare theye Spanishe stampes, still trauillinge 008.C05.030 That are become as Catholiques as theire kinge; 008.C05.031 Those vnlickt beare-whelpes, vnfylde Pistoletts 008.C05.032 Which more then Cannon shott auayles or letts 008.C05.033 Which negligently lefte vnrounded, looke| 008.C05.034 Like many angled figures in the booke 008.C05.035 Of some greate Coniurer whoe woulde inforce 008.C05.036 Nature, as these doe Iustice from hir Course. 008.C05.037 Which as the soule quickens heade foote and hearte 008.C05.038 As streames lyke veynes, rune through the earthes euery par\t 008.C05.039 Visitt all Cuntries, and haue slilye made 008.C05.040 Gorgeouse ffrance ragged, ruined and decayed 008.C05.041 Scotland, (which knewe noe state) proude in one daye; 008.C05.042 And mangled seauenteene headed Belgia. 008.C05.043 Or weare it golde, such as that wherewith all, 008.C05.044 All mightie Chimicks from each minerall, 008.C05.045 Hauinge by subtle fyre a soule out pullde, 008.C05.046 Are durtelye, and desperatlye gullde: 008.C05.047 I woulde not spitt to quench the fyre, theye were in 008.C05.048 ffor theye are guiltie of much haynouse sinn 008.C05.049 But shall my harmelesse Angells perishe? shall 008.C05.050 I >%^< loose my ffoode, my ease, my guarde, my all? 008.C05.051 [%1LM:%2[%1trimmed%2]h hope which / [%1trimmed%2]shoulde nour / [%1trimmed%2]ould be dead;] 008.C05.052 Much of my able Youth, and lustie heade 008.C05.053 Will vanishe: Yf thou loue, lett them alone, 008.C05.054 ffor thou willt loue me lesse when theye begone 008.C05.055 O be Content, that some loude squeakinge Cryer 008.C05.056 Well pleased with one leane thred-bare groate or hyre 008.C05.057 May like a diuell, roare throughe euerye streete; 008.C05.058 Or gall the finderes Conscience Yf theye meete 008.C05.059 Or lett me Creepe to some deade Coniurer, 008.C05.060 That with fantastique Scheames fills much paper, 008.C05.061 Which hath deuided heauen in tenements, 008.C05.062 And with whores, theeues, and murderers stufte his rents 008.C05.063 Soe full, that though he passee->>passes< them all in sin 008.C05.064 Hhe leaues himselfe noe roome to enter in. 008.C05.065 And, Yf when all, his Arte, and tyme is spente, 008.C05.066 Hhe saye, twill neare be founde: O be Contente; 008.C05.067 Receayue the doome from him vngrudginglye 008.C05.068 Because he is the mouth of Destenye. 008.C05.069 Thou sayst alas the golde doeth still remayne [68r 008.C05.070 Though Ytt be Changde and putt in to a Chayne. 008.C05.071 Soe in the first fallen Angells, resteth still, 008.C05.072 Wisdome and knowledge, but tis turnd to ill. 008.C05.073 As these should doe good workes, and shoulde prouide 008.C05.074 Necessities, but nowe must nurse thy pryde. 008.C05.075 And theye are still %Yd%Z badd Angells, mine are none 008.C05.076 ffor forme giues beinge, and theyre forme is gone. 008.C05.077 Pittye these Angells, Yett theyre dignityes. 008.C05.078 Passe pictures powers, and principallityes. 008.C05.079 But thou art resolute: thy will be done; 008.C05.080 Yett with such anguish, as hir onely sonne 008.C05.081 The mother in the hungrye graue doeth laye 008.C05.082 Vnto the fyre those Angells I betraye. 008.C05.083 Good soules! for You giue light to euerye thinge 008.C05.084 Good Angells! for good messeages You bringe 008.C05.085 Destinde You might haue beene to such a one 008.C05.086 [%1LM:%2>As would haue loued / and worshipp you / alone<] 008.C05.087 that->>As< woulde haue suffered hunger, nakeddnesse, 008.C05.088 Yea death, rather then he woulde make you numberle[%1trimmed%2] 008.C05.089 But I am guiltye of Your sad Decaye, 008.C05.090 May Your fewe fellowes longer with me staye 008.C05.091 But oh thou wretched finder, whome I hate 008.C05.092 Soe much, as I allmoste pittye thy estate: 008.C05.093 Golde beinge the heauyest mettall amongst all 008.C05.094 May my most heauy Curse vpon the fall. 008.C05.095 Heare fettred, manacled, and hangde in Chaynes; 008.C05.096 ffirst mayest thou bee, then Chayned to hellishe paynes. 008.C05.097 Or be with forrayne Golde bribde to betraye 008.C05.098 Thy Cuntrie; and fayle bothe of that and Paye 008.C05.099 May the nexte thinge thou stoopst to reach, Contayne[%1trimmed%2] 008.C05.100 Poyson, whose nimble fume rott thy moyst brayne 008.C05.101 Or libells, or some inter-dicted thinge 008.C05.102 Which * neglegentlye keepte, thy enuye bringe. 008.C05.103 Lust bredd diseases rott the, and dwell with thee 008.C05.104 Itchye desyres with out Abilitye: 008.C05.105 May all the hurte, which euer golde hath wrought; 008.C05.106 All mischiffes, which all diuells euer thought: 008.C05.107 Wante after plentye, poore and gowtye age 008.C05.108 The plagues of trauaylers, loue, and marryage 008.C05.109 Affect the, and at thy lyfes latest moment, 008.C05.110 May thy swolne sines, themselues to the present. 008.C05.111 But I forgiue; Repente then, honest man, 008.C05.112 Golde is restoratiue, Restore Yt than: 008.C05.113 Or Yf with Yt thou beeste loathe to departe, 008.C05.114 Because tis Cordiall, woulde tweare at thy harte 008.C05.0SS [flourish across bottom of page] 008.C05.0$$ %1no ind; MS. trimmed, with loss of some scribal marginal notes%2