IDENTILIN$$ F004B40|Lansdowne 740|ff. 59v-62v|TWH\cf\2-21-95|P:TJS|o|7-15-95|C:MJJ\3-20-96; JSC\10-28-98 004.B40.0HEom 004.B40.001 Well; I maye now receyue, and die; my sinn 004.B40.002 indeed is great, but I haue byn in 004.B40.003 a purgatorie such as feared %1Hell%2 is 004.B40.004 a recreation, and scant mapp of this. 004.B40.005 my mynd neither w%5th%6 prides itch, nor yett hath byn 004.B40.006 poysoned w%5th%6 Loue, to see, or to be seen; 004.B40.007 I had noe suite there, nor newe suite to shew, 004.B40.008 yett went to Court; but as %1Glare%2 w%5ch%6 did goe 004.B40.009 to A masse in iest, catch'd, was fayne to disbursse 004.B40.010 the hundred Markes, w%5ch%6 is the statuts cursse 004.B40.011 before he scap'd, Soe it pleasde my Desteny 004.B40.012 >(,%>)< to thinke me 004.B40.013 as prone to all ill, and of good as forgett= 004.B40.014 full, as proude, [%1erasure%2] lustfull, and as much in dett 004.B40.015 as vayne, and wittlesse, and as false as they 004.B40.016 w%5ch%6 dwell at Court, for once going that way, 004.B40.017 therfore I suffred this. towards me did run 004.B40.018 a thing, more strange, then one %1Nilus%2 slyme the sun 004.B40.019 ere bredd; or all w%5ch%6 into %1Noahes%2 Arke came; 004.B40.020 A thing w%5ch%6 would haue posed %1Adam%2 to name; 004.B40.021 stranger then seven %1Antiquaris%2 studies, 004.B40.022 then %1Affrik%2 monsters, %1Guiana's%2 rarities; 004.B40.023 Stranger then strangers; one whoe for a %1Dane%2 004.B40.024 in the %1Danes%2 massacre had sure byn slayne, 004.B40.025 if he had lived then; and w%5th%6out help dies, 004.B40.026 when next the pre%Mteces agaynst strangers rise; 004.B40.027 one, whome he watch at noone letts scarce goe by; 004.B40.028 one to whome, the exam%Mying Iustice sure would cry 004.B40.029 S%5r%6, by your pristhood tell me what you are; 004.B40.030 his clothes were strange, though course; & black, though bare, 004.B40.031 Sleeuelesse his Ierkyn was, and it had been 004.B40.032 Veluett, but t'was now, (soe much ground was seen 004.B40.033 become Tuftaffetae%L; and our children shall 004.B40.034 see it playne Rash while, then naught at all,.[sic] 004.B40.035 this thing hath traveild, and saith speakes all tonges, 004.B40.036 and only knoweth, what to all states belongs; [CW:made#of.] 004.B40.037 made of the' %Yancients%Z>%5accents,%6< and best phrase of all these, [f.60] 004.B40.038 he speakes on Language. if strang meates displese 004.B40.039 arte cann deceyue, or hunger force my taste. 004.B40.040 but pedants motlye tounge, soldiers bumbaste 004.B40.041 mountebancks Drugtounge, nor the termes of law 004.B40.042 are stronge ynough preparatives, to draw 004.B40.043 mee to bear this; yett I must be content, 004.B40.044 w%5th%6 his tounge, in his tounge cald complement,.[sic] 004.B40.045 in w%5ch%6 he cann winne widdowes; and paie scores; 004.B40.046 make men speake treson, Cossen suttlest whores; 004.B40.047 out flatter favouritts; or out lye either 004.B40.048 %1Iouius%2, or %1Surius%2; or both together>,%>.< 004.B40.049 He names me, and comes to me, I whisper, god, 004.B40.050 how haue I sinned, that thie wrathes furious rod, 004.B40.051 this fellow, chooseth me, %Y'%Zhe saith, Sir 004.B40.052 I loue your iudgment, whom do yo%5u%6 preferr 004.B40.053 for the best Lynguist; and I seelylie 004.B40.054 said, that I thought, %1Calipines%2 Dictionarie, 004.B40.055 nay, but of men, most sweet Sir. %1Beza%2 then, 004.B40.056 some %1Iesuitts%2, and two reverent men 004.B40.057 of our >%Vtoo< %1Accademies%2, I named; there,%>>then,< 004.B40.058 he stop't me; and said; nay, your %1Apostles%2 were 004.B40.059 good pretty Linguists; and so %1Panirge%2 was; 004.B40.060 yett a poor gentleman, all these may passe 004.B40.061 by traveile. then as if he would haue sould 004.B40.062 his tounge he praysde it, and such %Ywo*d*s%Z>%5wonders%6< tould, %Yw*****s%Z 004.B40.063 that I was fayne to saye; yf you had live'd Sir, 004.B40.064 tyme ynough to haue byn interpreter 004.B40.065 to %1Babels=bricklayers%2, sur[%1blot%2] the Towre had stood. 004.B40.066 He adds; if of Courtlife you know%>>>knew<< the good, 004.B40.067 you would leaue lonelinesse. I said, not alone 004.B40.068 my lonelynes is, but spartanes fashion, 004.B40.069 to teach by painting %1Drunckards%2 doth not last 004.B40.070 now; %1Aratines%2 pictures haue made few chast. 004.B40.071 Noe more cann %1Princes%2 courts; thoughe ther be few 004.B40.072 better pictures of vice; %1Teach%2 me vertue; [CW:om] 004.B40.073 He like to a high stretch't %1Lute%2 string Squeak't, O Sir, [f.60v] 004.B40.074 tis sweet, to talke of Kinges At [lc]westmynster 004.B40.075 said I, the man that keepes the Abbey %1Tombes%2, 004.B40.076 and for his price doth, w%5th%6 whoe euer comes 004.B40.077 of all Sir%>>Our< %1Harries%2, and S%>>O<%5r%6 %1Edwards%2 talke, 004.B40.078 from King, to Kinge, and all their kynn can walke, 004.B40.079 yo%5r%6 eares shall heare naught but Kinge>%Ys%Z<; yo%5r%6 eies meet 004.B40.080 Kings only; the waie to it, is King street; 004.B40.081 %1He%2 smack'd, and cryed, he's base, mechanicke, course, 004.B40.082 so are all yo%5r%6 %1Englishmen%2 in their discourse; 004.B40.083 are not yo%5r%6 %1Frenchmen%2 neat>?< %Jfine%K[%1Mvar%2:>>mine<<] as yo%5u%6 see? 004.B40.084 I haue but one ffrenchman; looke he followes mee. 004.B40.085 certes, they are neatlie cloth'd, I of this mynd am, 004.B40.086 your only wearing is yo%5r%6 Grogaran: 004.B40.087 not soe, Sir, I haue more; vnder this pitch 004.B40.088 he would not flie, I chaf'd him; but as itch 004.B40.089 scratched into smart, and as blunt yron ground 004.B40.090 into an edge, hurts worsse, so, I foole, found 004.B40.091 crossing hurt me; to fitt my Sullennesse 004.B40.092 he to another Key, his stile doth >>a<%Vto< a bigg wife at sight of loathe'd %1Meate%2 004.B40.116 reddy to traveile, so I sighe and sweate, 004.B40.117 to hear his[sic] %1Makron%2 talke in vayne; for yett 004.B40.118 either my humour, or his owne to fitt; 004.B40.119 he like a privelidged spie, whom nothing can 004.B40.120 Discreditt, %1Libells%2 now gaynst ech great man, 004.B40.121 he names a price for euery office paid; 004.B40.122 he saith our warrs thrive ill, because Delayd; 004.B40.123 that offices are intayld, and that there are 004.B40.124 perpetuities of them, lasting as farr 004.B40.125 as the last daye; and that Great officers 004.B40.126 doe w%5th%6 the %1Piratts%2 share, and %1Dunkerkers%2; 004.B40.127 whoe wastes in meat, in clothes, in horsse, he noates, 004.B40.128 whoe loues whores, whoe boyes, and who goates. 004.B40.129 I more amaz'd then %1Circes%2 prisoners, when 004.B40.130 they felt them selues turne beastes, felt my self then, 004.B40.131 becom%Ming %1Traytor%2; and my thought I saw 004.B40.132 one of our %1Giante*%2 %J%1Statu%Uts%2%K[%1Mvar%2:>>%YStatu%Ues%Z<<] ope his Iaw 004.B40.133 to sucke me in, for hearing him; I found 004.B40.134 that as brunt[sic] venom'd %1Lechers%2 do grow sound 004.B40.135 by giving others their sores, I might grow 004.B40.136 guiltie, and he free, therfore I did show 004.B40.137 all signes of Lothing, but since I am in, 004.B40.138 I must paye myne, and my >%Vfore%5make%6< from prison; 004.B40.155 at home, in wholsom sollitarines 004.B40.156 my pretious soule began the wretchednes 004.B40.157 of suters at Court to Mourne, and A trannce 004.B40.158 like his, whoe Dremp't he saw %1Hell%2, did advance 004.B40.159 it self on me, >%Vand< such men as he saw there 004.B40.160 I saw at court; and worsse, and more, lowe feare 004.B40.161 becomes the guiltie, not the accuser; then 004.B40.162 shall I, nons slave, of high borne or raysed men 004.B40.163 fear frownes? and my Mistres truth betray thee,%>>>thee<< 004.B40.164 to the' huffing bragart, pufte %1nobilitye%2? 004.B40.165 No. no. thou w%5ch%6 since yesterdaie hast bynn 004.B40.166 almost about the whole worlde, hast thou seen 004.B40.167 O Sun, in all thie Iourney, vanity 004.B40.168 such as swells the bladder of our Court? I 004.B40.169 thinke he w%5ch%6 made your waxen %1Garden%2, and 004.B40.170 transported it from %1Italy%2 to stand%>>>%J%Ystand%Z%K#Strand<< 004.B40.171 w%5th%6 vs at %1London%2, flowtes our presence; for 004.B40.172 iust such gaye painted things, w%5ch%6 noe sapp, nor 004.B40.173 tast haue in them [%1erasure%2] ours are; and Naturall 004.B40.174 some of the stockes are, their%Y,%Z fruites bastard all; 004.B40.175 T'is ten aclock, and past: All whom the Mues, 004.B40.176 %1Ballowne%2, %1Tennis%2, %1Diett%2, or the %1Stewes%2 004.B40.177 had all the Morning held, now the seconde 004.B40.178 time made reddy, that day, in flocks are found 004.B40.179 in the presence, and I; >()< 004.B40.180 As fresh and sweet the apparrells bee, as bee [CW:the#%Jfeilds%K] 004.B40.181 the feilds they sould to buy them; for a %1Kinge%2 [f.62] 004.B40.182 those hose are, cries the flatterer%Ys%Z; and bring 004.B40.183 them next weeke to the Theater to sell; 004.B40.184 wants, reach all states; me seemes they do as well 004.B40.185 at stage, as court; All are players, who ere looks 004.B40.186 (for them selues dare not goe) ore Cheapside bookes, 004.B40.187 shall find their wardrobes inventory. now 004.B40.188 the Ladies come, as piretts w%5ch%6 did know 004.B40.189 that there came weake shipps fraught w%5th%6 %1Cutchanell%2, 004.B40.190 the men boord them; and prayse, (as they think,) well 004.B40.191 their beauties; they the mens witts; both are bought,.[sic] 004.B40.192 whie good witts near were %1Scarlett%2 gownes, I thought 004.B40.193 this cause; these men, mens witts for speeches buie; 004.B40.194 and women buy all redds w%5ch%6 Scarletts die>,%>.< 004.B40.195 he cald her Beautie %1Limetwigs%2, her hair %1Nett%2, 004.B40.196 she feares her Druggs ill layd, her haire loose sett. 004.B40.197 would not %1Heraclitus%2 laughe to see %1Macrine%2, 004.B40.198 from %1Ha>**%>tt<%2 to ****%>>shoe< himself at Dore refine 004.B40.199 as the presence wer a %1Meschite%2, and liftt 004.B40.200 his skirtes, and hose, and cale his clothes >>%Vto<< shrifte, 004.B40.201 making them confesse not onely Mortall 004.B40.202 great staynes, and holes in them; but veniall 004.B40.203 fethers, and dust, where w%5th%6 they fornicate; 004.B40.204 And then by %J%1Durers%2%K[%1M%2:>>Durers<<] rules survey the state 004.B40.205 of his ech limbe, and w%5th%6 strings the odds tryes, 004.B40.206 of his neck, to his legg, and wast, to thighes; 004.B40.207 soe (in ymaculate clothes, and symytrie, 004.B40.208 perfect as circles) w%5th%6 such necetye, 004.B40.209 (as a yong precher at his first time goes 004.B40.210 to prech,) he enters; and a %1Lady%2 w%5ch%6 owes 004.B40.211 him not so much >%Vas< good will, he arestes, 004.B40.212 and vnto her protests, p%Ptests, protestes; 004.B40.213 so much as at Rome, would serue to haue throwne 004.B40.214 ten Cardynalls in to the %1Inquitition%2.[sp:sic] [CW:om] 004.B40.215 and whispered by %1Iesue%2 so often, that a [f.62v] 004.B40.216 pursevant would haue Ravished him away 004.B40.217 for saying of our Ladyes psalter, but tis fitt 004.B40.218 that they each other plaugue, they Mirrett it; 004.B40.219 But heare comes %1Glorius%2 that will plague them both, 004.B40.220 who in the other extreme, onely doth 004.B40.221 calle a rough carelesnesse, good fashion; 004.B40.222 whose cloake, his spurrs teare; whom he spitts one, 004.B40.223 he cares not; his ill words Doe noe harme 004.B40.224 to him; he rusheth in, as if %1Arme%2, %1arme%2, 004.B40.225 he ment to cry; And though his face be as ill 004.B40.226 as theirs, w%5ch%6 in ould hangings whipt %1Christ%2, yett still 004.B40.227 he strives to looke worsse, he keepes all in awe, 004.B40.228 Iestes like a licen'd %1Foole%2, %1Comaunds%2 like law; 004.B40.229 Tir'd now I leaue this place, and p%>>b