IDENTILIN$$ F002DT1|Dublin MS I|ff. 23v-25v|pp. 22-26\EWS\o\4-25-86\FM:MTH\mf\6-10-94\P&C:JSC\EWS-hwt,mf\10-7-98\C:MF\mf\06-16-09\P:DRD\MP\digital\6-27-11 002.DT1.HE1 %XSatyre. 002.DT1.001 S%5r%6, though (I thanke God for it) I doe hate 002.DT1.002 perfectly all this towne, yet there's one state 002.DT1.003 in all ill things soe excellently best 002.DT1.004 y%5t%6 hate towards them, breeds pittie towards the rest; 002.DT1.005 though Poetrie indeed bee such a sinn, [CW:as][miscatch] 002.DT1.006 As I thinck, that brings dearths, and Spaniards in; [f.24] 002.DT1.007 though, like the pestilence, & old fashion'd loue 002.DT1.008 ridlingly it catch men, and doth remoue 002.DT1.009 neuer, till it bee staru'd out, yet their state 002.DT1.010 is poore, disarm'd, like papists, nor[sic] worth hate 002.DT1.011 One like a wretch, w%5ch%6 at barr iudg'd as dead, 002.DT1.012 yet prompts him w%5ch%6 stands next, & cannot read, 002.DT1.013 and saue his life) giues Ideott-actors meanes, 002.DT1.014 (sterving himself) to liue by his labour'd sceanes, 002.DT1.015 as in some organ, puppetts dance about, 002.DT1.016 and bellowes pant belowe, w%5ch%6 them doe moue. 002.DT1.017 One would moue loue by rithmes; but witchcrafts charmes 002.DT1.018 bring not nowe their old feares; nor their old harmes. 002.DT1.019 Ramms, & Slings nowe are sillie batterie, 002.DT1.020 pistoletts are the best Artillerie, 002.DT1.021 and they who write to Lords, rewards to gett, 002.DT1.022 are they not like singers at dores for meate? 002.DT1.023 and they whoe write because all write, haue still 002.DT1.024 that excuse for writinge; and for writing ill. 002.DT1.025 But hee is worst, whoe beggerlie doth chawe 002.DT1.026 others witts fruits, and in his rauenous mawe 002.DT1.027 rancklie digested, doth those things out-spewe 002.DT1.028 as his owne things, & they are his owne, t'is true 002.DT1.029 for if one eate my meate, though it bee knowne 002.DT1.030 the meat was mine, the'excrement is his owne. 002.DT1.031 but these doe mee noe harme; nor they w%5ch%6 vse 002.DT1.032 to out-doe dildoes; & out-vsure Iewes; 002.DT1.033 to out-drinke the sea; t'out-sweare the Letanie: 002.DT1.034 who w%5th%6 sinns all kinds as familiar bee 002.DT1.035 as Confessors; & for whose sinfull sake 002.DT1.036 schoolemen newe tenements in hell must make 002.DT1.037 whose strange sins, Cannonists could hardly tell [CW:In] 002.DT1.038 In w%5ch%6 commandements large receipt they dwell. [f.24v] 002.DT1.039 But these punish themselues; the insolence 002.DT1.040 of Coscus, only breeds my iust offence, 002.DT1.041 whom time (w%5ch%6 rotts all, & makes botches, poxe, 002.DT1.042 and plodding on, must make a calfe an oxe) 002.DT1.043 hath made a lawyer; w%5ch%6 was alass of late 002.DT1.044 but a scarce poett, Iollier of this state 002.DT1.045 then are newe benefic'd Ministers, hee throwes 002.DT1.046 like netts, or lyme-twiggs, wheresoe're hee goes 002.DT1.047 his title of Barrister on euery wench, 002.DT1.048 and wooes in language of the Pleas, & bench. 002.DT1.049 A Motion Lady; speake Coscus, I haue bine 002.DT1.050 in loue e'uer since tricesimo of the Queene 002.DT1.051 continuall claymes I haue made, Iniunctions gott, 002.DT1.052 to stay my Riualls sute, y%5t%6 hee should not 002.DT1.053 proceed; spare mee; In Hillarie terme I went 002.DT1.054 you said, if I returne next sise in Lent 002.DT1.055 I should bee in Remitter of your grace 002.DT1.056 In th'interim, my leters[sp:sic] should take place.[sic] 002.DT1.057 of Affidauits, words. world[sic] w%5ch%6 would teare 002.DT1.058 the tender Laborynth of a softe maids eare: 002.DT1.059 More, more then ten Sclauonians scolding, more 002.DT1.060 then when windes in our ruin'd Abbeyes roare 002.DT1.061 when sick w%5th%6 poetry, & possest w%5th%6 Muse 002.DT1.062 thou was't, & madd I hop'd; but men w%5ch%6 choose 002.DT1.063 Lawe-practise for meere gaine, hold soule repute 002.DT1.064 worse then embrothel'd strumpetts, prostitute, 002.DT1.065 nowe, like an Owle-like watchman hee must walke 002.DT1.066 his hand still at a Bill, nowe hee must talke 002.DT1.067 Idly, like prisoners w%5ch%6 whole mon'eths will sweare, [CW:that][miscatch] 002.DT1.068 That onlie suretishipp hath brought them there, [f.25] 002.DT1.069 and t'everie sutor lye in euerie thinge, 002.DT1.070 like a kings ffauourite, yea, like a Kinge. 002.DT1.071 like a wedge in a block, wringe to the barre, 002.DT1.072 bearing like Asses, and more shameless farre 002.DT1.073 then carted whores, lye to the graue i%>I%Y)%Z< 002.DT1.088 assurances, bigg, as gloss'd Ciuill lawes, 002.DT1.089 soe huge, y%5t%6 men (in our tymes forwardnes) 002.DT1.090 are fathers of the Church for writing lesse. 002.DT1.091 These hee writes not, >%Y(f%Z%Yfor%Z<#noe length; as in those first dayes 002.DT1.093 when Luther was profess'd, hee did desire 002.DT1.094 short pater nosters, sayeng as a ffryer 002.DT1.095 each daye his beads, but hauing left those lawes 002.DT1.096 adds to Christs prayer the power and glorie clause. 002.DT1.097 But when hee sells, or chaunges, land, hee>%>h'< impayres [CW:his][miscatch] 002.DT1.098 His writing, and (vnwatch'd) leaues out ses heires [f.25v] 002.DT1.099 As slilye as any Commenter goes by 002.DT1.100 hard words, or sence; or in diuinity 002.DT1.101 as controuerters in vouch'd texts, leaue out 002.DT1.102 shrewd words w%5ch%6 might against them cleare y%5e%6 doubt. 002.DT1.103 Where are those spread woods, w%5ch%6 cloath'd heretofore 002.DT1.104 these bought lands; not built; nor burnt w%5th%6in doore 002.DT1.105 Where's the'old Landlords troops, & almes? Great Halls 002.DT1.106 Carthusian fasts, and fulsome Bachanalls 002.DT1.107 Equally I hate, meanes Blesse: in ritchmens[sic] homes 002.DT1.108 I bid kill some beasts, but noe hecatombs. 002.DT1.109 None sterue, none surfett soe: but (oh) wee allowe 002.DT1.110 good workes as good, but out of fashion, nowe, 002.DT1.111 like old ritch Warderobes; but my words none drawes 002.DT1.112 W%5th%6in the vast reach of th' huge statute Lawes 002.DT1.0SS ffinis| 002.DT1.0$$ %1No ind; scribal ascription%2 I: D. %1in LM at l.1; SS aligned right%2