IDENTILIN$$ F017VA2 Cat. No.18, ms. 25.F.17 (Nedham)|ff.24-25|CMR\EWS\x\6-18-86/C:GAS/o/7-29-92 017.VA2.HE1 %XElegia decima. 017.VA2.001 Marry and loue thy Flauia, for shee 017.VA2.002 Hath all thinges whereby others beuteouse be. 017.VA2.003 All though hir eyes be small hir mouth is greate 017.VA2.004 Though they be Iuory yet hir teeth is iett. 017.VA2.005 Though they be dimne yet is she light enough 017.VA2.006 And though hir harsh hayre falls, hir skin is rough. 017.VA2.007 What though hir skin be yellow hir hayre is red [f.24v 017.VA2.008 Giue hir but thine she ha's a maiden-head. 017.VA2.009 These thinges are beuties elements, & where these 017.VA2.010 Meet in one, that one must as perfect please. 017.VA2.011 If red and white and each good qualitye 017.VA2.012 Be in thy wench, nere aske where it doth lye. 017.VA2.013 In buyinge thinges perfumd' we aske if there 017.VA2.014 Be muske and amber in it but not where. 017.VA2.015 %7"%8Though all hir parts be not i'th vsuall place 017.VA2.016 %7"%8She hath an Anagram of a good face. 017.VA2.017 If we might put the letters but one way 017.VA2.018 In that leane dearth of words what could we say? 017.VA2.019 When by the Gammuth some musitians make 017.VA2.020 A perfect songe, others will vndertake 017.VA2.021 By the same Gammuth changd' to equall it 017.VA2.022 Things simply good can neuer be vnfitt. 017.VA2.023 She is as fayre as any if all be like hir 017.VA2.024 But if none be, then is she singular. 017.VA2.025 All loue is wonder if we iustly do 017.VA2.026 Account hir wonderfull why not louely too? 017.VA2.027 Loue built and beutie soone as beutie dies 017.VA2.028 Chuse this face changd by no deformities. 017.VA2.029 Women are all like angells; they fayre be 017.VA2.030 Like those which fell to worse. But such as she 017.VA2.031 Like to good Angells nothinge can empayre. 017.VA2.032 'Tis lesse greife to be foule then t'haue bene fayre. 017.VA2.033 For one nights reuells, silke and gold we chuse 017.VA2.034 But in longe iourneys cloth and Leather vse. 017.VA2.035 Beutye is barren oft. Good husbands say 017.VA2.036 There is best land where is the foulest way. 017.VA2.037 O what a soueraigne plaister will she be 017.VA2.038 If thy past sinns haue taught thee %Yiel%Z iealousy. 017.VA2.039 There needs no spies nor Eunuches. hir commit 017.VA2.040 Safe to thy foe, yea to a Marmasett. 017.VA2.041 When Belgia's citties the round cuntries drowne 017.VA2.042 That durty foulenesse guards and armes the towne. 017.VA2.043 So doth hir face guard hir, and so far thee 017.VA2.044 Who forc't by businesse absent oft must be. 017.VA2.045 She whose face like clowds turnes day to night 017.VA2.046 Who mightier then the Sea makes Moores seeme white. 017.VA2.047 Whom though seauen yeares she in the Stewes had layd 017.VA2.048 A Nunnery durst recieue and thinke a mayd. 017.VA2.049 And though in childbirth-labour she did lye 017.VA2.050 Midwiues would sweare 'twere but a Timpany. 017.VA2.051 Who if sh'accuse hir selfe I credit lesse 017.VA2.052 The witches who impossibles confesse 017.VA2.053 Whom Dildoes, bedstaues, or a veluet glasse 017.VA2.054 Would be as loth to touch as Ioseph was. 017.VA2.055 One like to none and likd' of none fitts't were 017.VA2.056 For things in fashion euery%Yon%Z one will weare. 017.VA2.0SS Finis Elegiae%L 10.%5mae%L%6 Ioh: Donn. 017.VA2.0$$ %1no ind; SS flush w/RM%2