IDENTILIN$$ F189H05 Tilman|Dobell ms.(Eng.966.4)|ff. 93v-94; pp. 186-87|JSC\mf\3-12-02\P:EWS\o\7-28-02\C:JSC\8-22-02 189.H05.HE1 %XTo M%5r%6 Tilman after he had /%Xtaken orders[.] 189.H05.001 Thou, whose diviner soule hath causd' thee nowe 189.H05.002 to put thy hand vnto the holy plough, 189.H05.003 makinge lay-scornings of the Ministery 189.H05.004 not an impediment but a victory, 189.H05.005 What bringst thou home with thee? howe is thy minde 189.H05.006 affected in the voyage? dost thou finde 189.H05.007 newe thoughts and stirringe in thee? and as steele 189.H05.008 touchd' with a Load-stone dost newe motions feele? 189.H05.009 or as a ship after much paine and care 189.H05.010 for yron and cloth bringst home rich Indian ware? 189.H05.011 hast thou thus traffique'd, but with farre more gaine 189.H05.012 of noble goodes, and with lesse time and paine? 189.H05.013 Art thou the same materialls as before, 189.H05.014 only the stampe is changed, but noe more? 189.H05.015 and as newe crowned kings alter the face 189.H05.016 but not the moneyes substance soe hath grace 189.H05.017 changd' only gods old Image by creac%Mon 189.H05.018 to christs newe birth at this thy coronac%Mon? 189.H05.019 Or as we painte angells with wings, because 189.H05.020 they beare gods message and proclaime his lawes, 189.H05.021 since thou must doe the like, and soe must moue, 189.H05.022 art thou newe feathered with celestiall loue? 189.H05.023 Deare, tell me where thy purchase lyes?[sic] and shewe 189.H05.024 what thy advantage is, aboue, belowe. 189.H05.025 But yf thy gaininge doe surmount expression, 189.H05.026 why doth the foolish world scorne that profession 189.H05.027 whose ioyes passe speech? why doe they thinkt' vnfitt 189.H05.028 that gentry should ioyne families with it? 189.H05.029 would they thinke it well yf the day were spent 189.H05.030 in dressinge, vndressinge and complement? 189.H05.031 Alas?[sic] poore ioyes, but poorer men whose trust 189.H05.032 seemes richly placed in refined dust: 189.H05.033 for such are clothes and beauties, w%5ch%6, though gay [f.94;p.187] 189.H05.034 are at the best but as sublimed clay. 189.H05.035 Let then the world thy callinge dis-respect, 189.H05.036 but goe thou on, and pitty their neglect. 189.H05.037 What function is soe noble, as to be 189.H05.038 Embassadour to God and Destiny, 189.H05.039 to open life, and to giue kingdomes to more 189.H05.040 then kings giue dignities, to keepe heavens doore? 189.H05.041 Maryes prerogatiue was to beare christ, soe 189.H05.042 'tis preachers to convey him, for they doe 189.H05.043 as angells out of cloudes from pulpitts speake, 189.H05.044 and blesse the poore beneath, the lame, the weake. 189.H05.045 yf then th' Astronomers when-as they spy 189.H05.046 a newe found starre, theire Optickes magnify; 189.H05.047 howe braue are those, who with their engins can 189.H05.048 bringe man to heauen, and heaven[v:sic] to man? 189.H05.049 These are thy titles and p%5r%6heminencies 189.H05.050 In whome must meete gods graces, mens offences: 189.H05.051 and soe the heavens w%5ch%6 begett all thinges heere, 189.H05.052 and th'earth our mother w%5ch%6 doth those thinges beare, 189.H05.053 both these in thee are in thy callinge knitt, 189.H05.054 and make thee nowe a blest Hermophrodite. 189.H05.0SS [3 cloverleaves in a centered, inverted triangle] 189.H05.0$$ No ind; macrons in ll. 17-18 overline all 3 ltrs of last syllable; scribe seems to use "?" to = "!" as well; only odd no'd pp. paginated