IDENTILIN$$ F148O30|BedfShe|Rawl. poet. 31\ff. 46v-47\GL\P:EWS\o\6-16-93;6-27-95\C:JSC\'95;7-20-01 148.O30.0HE %X%1%3Elegie /%XTo the Countesse of Bedford:%4%2 148.O30.001 %3You%4: that are shee, and you, that's double shee 148.O30.002 in hir dead fface, halfe of yo:%5r%6 selfe shall see 148.O30.003 Shee was the other part, ffor soe they doe, 148.O30.004 w%5ch%6 buyldes them ffrindshippes, become one of two, 148.O30.005 Soe two, that but themselves, noe third, can ffitt 148.O30.006 w%5ch%6 were to bee soe, when they were not yett 148.O30.007 Twynns, though their Birth Cusco, and Musco take 148.O30.008 as divers starrs, one Constellation make 148.O30.009 Payr'd lyke two eyes, haue equall motions soe 148.O30.010 both but one meanes to see, one waye to goe, 148.O30.011 Had yo.%5w%6 dyed ffirst, a Carcase shee had beene 148.O30.012 and wee yo:%5r%6 ritch toombe, in hir fface had seene, 148.O30.013 Shee lyke the soule is gone, and yo%5u%6 heere staye 148.O30.014 not a lyve ffrind, but the other halfe of Claye 148.O30.015 And since yo.%5w%6 Acte that part, as Men saye heere 148.O30.016 lyes such a Prince, when but one part is there 148.O30.017 And doe all honno:%5r%6 and devotion due 148.O30.018 vnto the whole, soe wee all Reverence you.| [CW:ffor|] 148.O30.019 ffor such a ffrindshipp, whoe would not adore [47] 148.O30.020 In yo%5w%6, whoe %Ywere%Z>%Vare< all, whatt both were beffore 148.O30.021 Nott all, as of some perished by this 148.O30.022 but soe that in yo%5u%6, all Countracted is, 148.O30.023 As of this all, though manye partes decaye 148.O30.024 the pure, w%5ch%6 elemented them shall staye 148.O30.025 And though diffus'd, and spred in inffinites 148.O30.026 shall Recollect, and in one all vnites: 148.O30.027 Soe Maddam, as hir soule to Heaven is ffled 148.O30.028 hir fflesh restes in the earth, as in a Bedd 148.O30.029 Hir virtues doe, as to their proper Sphere 148.O30.030 retourne to dwell w%5th%6 yo%5w%6, of whome they were 148.O30.031 As p%Pffect motions, are all Circuler 148.O30.032 soe they to yo%5u%6 theyre Sea, whence lesse streames are 148.O30.033 Shee was all Spyces, yo%5w%6 all Mettalls, soe, 148.O30.034 In yo%5u%6 two, wee did both Riche Indyes knowe, 148.O30.035 And as noe ffyre, nor rust, can spend, or wast 148.O30.036 one dramme of gold, but what was ffirst shall last, 148.O30.037 Yf it bee fforc'd in water, Earth, Salt, Ayre 148.O30.038 Expansd' in inffinite, none will impayre 148.O30.039 Soe to yo:%5r%6 selfe, yo%5w%6 maye addition take 148.O30.040 but noethinge can yo%5u%6 lesse, or changed make, 148.O30.041 Seeke not, in seekinge new, to seeme to doubte 148.O30.042 that yo%5u%6 can Match hir, or not bee w%5th%6out 148.O30.043 But lett some ffaithffull Booke, in hir Roome bee 148.O30.044 yett, but of Iudeth, noe such Booke, as shee| 148.O30.0SS [double rule; whirlwind flourish] 148.O30.0$$ %1Even no'd ll. ind; foliation in pencil%2