IDENTILIN$$ F148H06|BedfShe|O'Flahertie MS; Eng. 966.5|pp. 208-09\JSC\mf\10-12-94\P:DF\6-25-97\C:JGW\4-10-00; JSC 6-13-00 148.H06.HE1 %XTo the Lady Bedford.| 148.H06.001 Yo%5u%6 that are shee, and yo%5u%6, that's double shee 148.H06.002 In her dead face halfe of yo%5r%6selfe shall see 148.H06.003 Shee was the other part; for so they doe 148.H06.004 Which build them frindships, become one of two. 148.H06.005 So two that but themselues no third can fitt 148.H06.006 W%5ch%6 were to bee so when they were not yet 148.H06.007 Twins though theyr birth Cusco and Musco take 148.H06.008 As diuers starrs one constellation make 148.H06.009 Payr'd like two eyes haue ae%Lquall motion: so 148.H06.010 Both but one meanes to see, one way to goe. 148.H06.011 Had yo%5u%6 dy'd first a carcasse shee had bin 148.H06.012 And wee yo%5r%6 rich Tombe in her face had seene 148.H06.013 Shee like the soule is gon, and heere yo%5u%6 stay, 148.H06.014 Not a Liue frind, but th'other halfe of Clay. 148.H06.015 And since yo%5u%6 act that part, As men say, Heere 148.H06.016 Lyes such a Prince when but a part is there 148.H06.017 And doe all hono%5r%6 and deuotion showe 148.H06.018 Vnto the whole: So wee all reverence yo%5u%6. 148.H06.019 ffor such a frindship who would not adore 148.H06.020 In yo%5u%6, who are all what both were before|. 148.H06.021 Not All, as if some perished by this, 148.H06.022 But so as in yo%5u%6 All contracted is.| 148.H06.023 As, of this All, though many parts decay, 148.H06.024 The pure w%5ch%6 elemented them shall stay, 148.H06.025 And though diffusd and spredd in infinite 148.H06.026 Shall recollect and in one all vnite: 148.H06.027 So, Madame, as her soule to heauen is fledd 148.H06.028 Her flesh rests in the Earth as in a bedd [CW:Her__] 148.H06.029 Her Vertues doe as to theyr proper spheare [p.209] 148.H06.030 Returne to dwell with you of whome they were. 148.H06.031 As perfect motions are all circular 148.H06.032 So they to yo%5u%6 %Jthe%K[Mvar:>>their<<] sea whence %Jall%K[Mvar:>>lesse<<] streames are. 148.H06.033 Shee was all spices, yo%5u%6 all mettalls, so 148.H06.034 In yo%5u%6 two wee did both rich Indyes know. 148.H06.035 And as no fire nor rust can spend nor wast 148.H06.036 One dram%M of gold, but what was first shall last 148.H06.037 Though it bee forc'd in water, earth, salt, Ayre 148.H06.038 Expansd in infinite none will impayre: 148.H06.039 So to your selfe yo%5u%6 may Additions take 148.H06.040 But nothing can yo%5u%6 lesse or changed make 148.H06.041 Seeke not, in seeking new, to seeme to doubt 148.H06.042 That you can match her, or not bee without 148.H06.043 But let some faythfull booke in her roome bee 148.H06.044 Yet but of Iudith no such booke as shee 148.H06.0SS [six short lines across page as a single "dotted" line] 148.H06.0$$ %1No ind;%2 >>P.<< %1to left of HE, under which are 3 short horiz. lines forming a single "dotted" line; there's an X, maybe nonscribal, in the RM at l.7; for the T in Tombe, l.12, cf. first letter of l.24%2