IDENTILIN$$ F142TM1|Carey|Crewe MS|pp. 34, 59\JSC\x\9-2-98;12-8-00\P:AY\o\4-?-01\C:JSC\4-25-01 142.TM1.HE1 [LM]to M%5s%6 Essex Rich and /her sister fro%M Amiens 142.TM1.001 Maddame. /Heer wher by all, all S%5ts%6 invoked %Ybe%Z are 142.TM1.002 yt were too mutch scisme to bee singular 142.TM1.003 And gaynst a practise generall to warr 142.TM1.004 Yet turing[sic] to S%5ts%6, should my humilitie 142.TM1.005 to other S%5ts%6 then yo%5w%6 directed bee 142.TM1.006 that were to make my scisme an heresie 142.TM1.007 nor would I bee a conuertite soe cold 142.TM1.008 as not to tell yt, If this bee too bold 142.TM1.009 pardons are in this markett cheaplie sold 142.TM1.010 wher because fayth is in too loe degree 142.TM1.011 I thought it some Apastellship in mee 142.TM1.012 %Yw%5ch%6#b%Z to spake[sic] things w%5ch%6 by fayth aloane I see 142.TM1.013 That is of yo%5w%6 who are a firmam%5t%6 142.TM1.014 of virtues, where noe one growne or spent 142.TM1.015 they'r yo%5r%6 materialls not yo%5r%6 ornament. 142.TM1.016 others whome wee c*ll vertuous are not soe 142.TM1.017 in their whole substance but their vertues grow 142.TM1.018 and in their humours and at seasons show 142.TM1.019 for when through tastless flatt humilitie 142.TM1.020 in dow kak'd[sic] me>*%>n< some harmlessness wee see 142.TM1.021 t'is but his fleagme is vertuous & not hee 142.TM1.022 Soe is y%5e%6 blood sometimes, who euer rann 142.TM1.023 to danger vnimportun'd, hee was then 142.TM1.024 noe better y%5en%6 a sanguine vertuous man 142.TM1.025 Soe cloystred men, who in pretence of feare 142.TM1.026 all contribution to this world forbeare. 142.TM1.027 haue vertue in melancholy, & only there 142.TM1.028 Spirituall cholerick criticks, w%5ch%6 in all 142.TM1.029 religions find faults, & forgiue noe fall 142.TM1.030 haue (through their zeale) virtue but in their gall 142.TM1.031 wee are thus but p%Pcell-gilt to gold wee're growne 142.TM1.032 when vertue is our soules complexion 142.TM1.033 who knowes his virtues name or place, hath none 142.TM1.034 Virtue is but anguish when tis seuerall 142.TM1.035 by occasion wak'd & circumstanciall 142.TM1.036 true vertue is soule, in all deeds all [CW:om] [line:sic(submetric)] 142.TM1.037 this virtue thinkinge to giue dignitie [p.59] 142.TM1.038 to yo%5r%6 soule found there noe infirmitie 142.TM1.039 but yo%5r%6 soule was as good gold as shee 142.TM1.040 Shee therfore wrought vpon y%5t%6 p%Pt of yo%5w%6 142.TM1.041 w%5ch%6 is scarce less then soule as shee could doe 142.TM1.042 & so hath made yo%5r%6 beautie, virtue too 142.TM1.043 hence comes yt that yo%5r%6 beautie wounds not hearts 142.TM1.044 as others, w%5th%6 p%>>p%P%5n%6