IDENTILIN$$ F140O21|EdHerb|Eng. poet. f.9|pp. 108-10\GL\P:EWS\o\6-29-95;6-18-93\C:JSC\'95;9-14-01 140.O21.0HEom 140.O21.001 Ma%M is a lumpe; where all beastes kneaded bee 140.O21.002 wisdome makes him an Arke; where all agree 140.O21.003 y%5e%6 ffoole in whome; these beastes >%Ydid%Z%Yw%Z< is eat away 140.O21.007 & now his beastes on one another feed. 140.O21.008 yet couple in anger and new monsteres breede 140.O21.009 now happy is hee w%5c%6 hath due place assign'd 140.O21.010 to his beastes & deforrested his mind 140.O21.011 Empal'd himselfe to keepe y%M out; & in 140.O21.012 can sow & dare trust corne where they haue been 140.O21.013 can vse his horse; goat; wolfe; & euery beast 140.O21.014 & is not asse, himselfe to %Yeuery%Z>%Vall< >y%5e%6< %Ybeast%Z>rest< 140.O21.015 %YEs%ZElse ma%M not onely is the heard of swine [CW:om] 140.O21.016 But hee is those diuells w%5c%6 did incline, [109] 140.O21.017 y%M to a headlonge rage; & made them worse 140.O21.018 for ma%M can add waight to heauens heauiest curse 140.O21.019 As soules they say by o%5r%6 first touch take in 140.O21.020 y%5e%6 poysnous tincture of Originall sinne 140.O21.021 so to the punishm:%5tes%6 w%5c%6 god doth flinge 140.O21.022 o%5r%6 Apprehentio%M contributes the stinge 140.O21.023 To vs as to his Chickins he doth cast 140.O21.024 hemlocke; & wee as men this hemlocke tast 140.O21.025 wee doe infuse to what wee meant for meate 140.O21.026 corrosiuenesse %Yo%5r%6%Zor intense cold or heat, 140.O21.027 for god no such specifique poyson hath 140.O21.028 as kills: wee know not how his fiercest wrath 140.O21.029 hath no antipathy but may bee good 140.O21.030 at least for Phisicke; if not for o%5r%6 foode; 140.O21.031 Thus man that might bee his pleasure is a rodd 140.O21.032 and is the Diuell that might bee his god 140.O21.033 Since then o%5r%6 busines is to rectify 140.O21.034 nature to what it was; wee are lead awry 140.O21.035 By them who ma%M to vs in little show 140.O21.036 greater then due; no forme wee ca%M bestowe 140.O21.037 On him; for ma%M into him selfe can draw 140.O21.038 all: all his fayth ca%M swallow; or reson chaw 140.O21.039 all that is full and all that doth fulfill 140.O21.040 all the round world; to ma%M is but a pill, 140.O21.041 in all it workes not; but it is in all. [CW:om] 140.O21.042 poysonous; or purgatiue; or Cordiall [110] 140.O21.043 for knowledge kindles; Calentures in some 140.O21.044 and is to otheres Icy Opiu%M; 140.O21.045 as bare as true is that professio%M then 140.O21.046 w%5c%6 you doe vse to make; y%5t%6 you know ma%M, 140.O21.047 this makes it credible you haue dwelt vppo%M 140.O21.048 all worthy bookes, and now ar such a one 140.O21.049 actions or Authoures, & of these in you 140.O21.050 y%5r%6 frendes find euery where a Mart of new 140.O21.0SS I D ffinis 140.O21.0$$ %1No ind; no st breaks%2