IDENTILIN$$ F133Y03|MHPaper|Osborn ms. (b148)|pp. 114-15\KJH\mf\6-21-94\P:EWS\o\1-23-01\C:JMK\2-7-01;JSC\3-8-01 133.Y03.HE1om 133.Y03.001 Madd pap%P stay & grudge nott heere to burne 133.Y03.002 w%5th%6 all those sunns w%5ch%6 my braine did create 133.Y03.003 Att least bee hidd w%5th%6 mee till thou retorne 133.Y03.004 to rage againe w%5ch%6 was thy natiue state 133.Y03.005 What though thou haue inough vnworthinesse 133.Y03.006 to come vnto greate place as others doe 133.Y03.007 That's much ytt emboldens pulles thrustes I confesse 133.Y03.008 butt that's nott all thou should'st bee wicked too 133.Y03.009 And y%5t%6 thou canst nott learne or nott of mee 133.Y03.010 Yett thou wilt goe, goe sith thou goest to her 133.Y03.011 Whoe lackes butt faultes to bee a Prince for shee 133.Y03.012 truth whome they dare p%Pdon dare p%5r%6ferre 133.Y03.013 Butt when thou com%Mest to y%5t%6 p%Pplexinge eye 133.Y03.014 w%5ch%6 equally claimes loue & reuerence 133.Y03.015 Thou wilt nott longe dispute ytt thou wilte dye 133.Y03.016 & haueinge little now haue then noe sence 133.Y03.017 Yett when her warme redeemeinge hand w%5ch%6 is 133.Y03.018 a miracle & made such to worke more 133.Y03.019 doth touch thee (shapelesse leafe) thou growest by this 133.Y03.020 her creature glorifyed more then before 133.Y03.021 Then as a Mother w%5ch%6 delightes to heare 133.Y03.022 her earely Child misspeake halfe vttered wordes 133.Y03.023 Or because Maiestie doth neu%5r%6 feare 133.Y03.024 ill or bold speach shee audience affordes 133.Y03.025 And then cold speachlesse wretch thou dyest againe 133.Y03.026 & wisely w%5t%6: discourse is left for thee 133.Y03.027 ffrom speech of yll & her thou must abstaine 133.Y03.028 & is there any good w%5ch%6 is nott shee 133.Y03.029 Yett maist thou praise her seruants though nott her 133.Y03.030 & witt & v%5r%6tue & honoure her attend 133.Y03.031 And since they are butt her cloathes thou shalt nott erre 133.Y03.032 if thou her face beautie & shape com%Mend 133.Y03.033 Whoe knowes thy destinie when thou hast donne 133.Y03.034 p%Pchance her Cabinett may harbo%5r%6 thee 133.Y03.035 Whither all noble Ambitious wittes doe runne 133.Y03.036 a nest almost as full of good as shee 133.Y03.037 When thou arte there if any whome wee knowe 133.Y03.038 were saued before & did y%5t%6 heauen p%Ptake 133.Y03.039 When shee reuolues his pap%P worke w%5t%6: shew 133.Y03.040 of fauo%5r%6 shee alone to him doth make 133.Y03.041 Marke if to gett to y%M shee skipp the rest 133.Y03.042om 133.Y03.043om 133.Y03.044om 133.Y03.045om 133.Y03.046 marke if her oathes ag%5t%6: him bee nott still 133.Y03.047 Reseru'd & y%5t%6 shee greiues shee's nott her owne 133.Y03.048 & chides y%5e%6 doctrine y%5t%6 denies free will [CW:I#bidd] 133.Y03.049 I bidd y%5ee%6 nott doe this to bee my spie [p.115] 133.Y03.050 nor to make my selfe her familier 133.Y03.051 Butt soe much doe I loue her choice y%5t%6 I 133.Y03.052 would faine loue him y%5t%6 shall bee loued of her 133.Y03.0SS I:D: ffinis 133.Y03.0$$ %1Divided into 4-l. stanzas by indenting 2d, 3d, & 4th ll.%2