IDENTILIN$$ F130C01|HG|Add. MS 29(c)|f. 10r-v\JSC\mf\1-27-95\P:EWS\o\7-4-95\C:JSC\'95;3-9-01 130.C01.HE1 %XTo S%5r%6 Henry Goodyer| 130.C01.001 Who makes the past his patterne for next yeare 130.C01.002 turnes no new leaues, but still the same thinges reads 130.C01.003 seene thinges he sees agayne, heard thinges doth hear 130.C01.004 and makes his life but like a payre of beads. 130.C01.005 A pallace when tis that w%5ch%6 it should be 130.C01.006 leaues growinge, & stands such, or else decayes, 130.C01.007 but he w%5ch%6 dwells there is not so, for he 130.C01.008 striues to vrge vpward & his fortune raise. 130.C01.009 So had y%5or%6 body her morninge, hath her noone: 130.C01.010 (and shall not better,) her next change is night 130.C01.011 but her fayr larger guest (to whom sun & mone 130.C01.012 are sparkes, & short liu'd>,%>)< claymes %Ja#nother%K[var:>>an#other<<] right. 130.C01.013 The noble soule by age growes lustier, 130.C01.014 her appetite, & her digestion mend 130.C01.015 we must not striue nor hope to pamper her 130.C01.016 w%5th%6 woemens milke & papp vnto the end. 130.C01.017 Prouide %Yyo%5es%6%Z>yo%5rs%6< %Jmaulier%K[var:>>manlier<<] dyet. yow haue seene %Yall#libraries,%Z 130.C01.018 all libraries, w%5ch%6 are scooles, Campes, & courts, 130.C01.019 but aske ther garniers, if yow haue not beene 130.C01.020 in haruest too indulgent to your sports. 130.C01.021 Would yow redeeme it? then %Yther%Z>>your<>%J<>%K[Mvar:lessens in y%5e%6 aire<<] 130.C01.036 you then first say, that high inough she towers. 130.C01.037 How euer keepe y%5e%6 liuely tast you >>%J<>%K[Mvar:houlde<<] 130.C01.038 of god: loue as now: but fear him more, 130.C01.039 and in y%5t%6 afternoones thinke what you tolde 130.C01.040 and promis'd him at mo>%Vr%Vin< y%5t%6 practise new. 130.C01.044 and fables or fruit trenchers teach as much. 130.C01.045 But thus I made yow keepe y%5r%6 promise sir 130.C01.046 ridinge I had you though you still stayd there 130.C01.047 and in these thoughts allthough you neuer stir 130.C01.048 you came w%5th%6 me to Micham & are heer.| 130.C01.0SS %XI. D: 130.C01.0$$ No ind; 4-line stz. separated by line breaks;%2 haueing %1wr. upside down in 2nd hand, betw l.32 & the CW