IDENTILIN$$ F112HH1 HWKiss|Bridgewater ms.|f. 75|TLP\mf\date?\P:TLP\o\6-1-93\C:JGW\10-11-99; JSC 1-13-00 112.HH1.HE1 To M%5r%6 H W. I. D. [f.75] 112.HH1.001 S%5r%6 Letters more then kisses myngle Soules, 112.HH1.002 For thus frends absent speak: this ease controules 112.HH1.003 the tediousnes of my life: but for theise, 112.HH1.004 I could Ideate nothing which could please: 112.HH1.005 but I should wither in one daye & pass, 112.HH1.006 to a bottle of haye, that am a lock of grass. 112.HH1.007 Life is a voyage, & in our lyves wayes, 112.HH1.008 Countreys Courts, Townes, are Rocks or remoraes, 112.HH1.009 They break or stopp all Shipps, yet our estate is such, 112.HH1.010 though worse then pich they stayne, yet wee must t>%Vo;%>?< or can 112.HH1.018 a Scorpion or a Torpedo cure a man? 112.HH1.019 Citties are the [cap]Worst of all the three, 112.HH1.020 (oh knotty Riddle) each is worst equally. 112.HH1.021 Citties are Sepulchers, They [cap]Whoe dwel ther 112.HH1.022 are Carcases, as if no such there were: 112.HH1.023 And Courts are Theaters, [cap]Where some men play 112.HH1.024 Princes, som slaues; all to one end, & of one kaye[sic] [CW:om] 112.HH1.025 The Countrey is a Desarte, [cap]Where no good [75v] 112.HH1.026 gayn'd, as habits not borne is vnderstood 112.HH1.027 There men become beasts, & prone to more evills 112.HH1.028 in Citties blocks, & in lewd Court Devills 112.HH1.029 As in the first Chaos confusedly, 112.HH1.030 Each Elements quality [cap]Were in y%5e%6 other three 112.HH1.031 So, Pryde, Lust, Covetise, being severall, 112.HH1.032 in theise places, yet are all in all, 112.HH1.033 Ar%>>An%5d%6< myngled thus, their issue incestuous, 112.HH1.034 falshood is deuised, virtue barbarous. 112.HH1.035 Lett no man say there, Virtues flynty wall 112.HH1.036 shall lock vice in mee; Ile do non; know all. 112.HH1.037 Men are as Sponges, w%5ch%6 to powre out receaves 112.HH1.038 who knows false playe, rather then loose, deceaues 112.HH1.039 for in best vnderstanding synne began: 112.HH1.040 Anngells syn'd first, then Divells; & then man 112.HH1.041 onely peccantes; beasts syn%T not, Wretched wee, 112.HH1.042 are beasts in all, but white integritye. 112.HH1.043 I think if men [cap]W%5ch%6 in theise places lyve 112.HH1.044 durst look for themselues, and themselues receave 112.HH1.045 they [cap]Would like strangers greet themselues; seing then 112.HH1.046 Vtopian youth growne ould Italian. 112.HH1.047 Be thou thine owne home, & in thy self dwell 112.HH1.048 Inn any where contynuance maketh hell. 112.HH1.049 & seing the snayle which eu%5r%6ie [cap]Wher doth roame 112.HH1.050 carieng his owne howse still, still is at home [CW:om] 112.HH1.051 followe (for hee is easie pac'ed) this snayle, 112.HH1.052 by thyne owne pallace, or the world is thy gaile 112.HH1.053 And in the worlds Sea, doe not like Cork sleepe, 112.HH1.054 Vppon the waters face; nor in the deepe 112.HH1.055 sinke like leade without a lyne; but as 112.HH1.056 fisshes[sic] glyde leaving no printe where they pass 112.HH1.057 nor making sound; so closelie thy course goe, 112.HH1.058 Lett men dispute whether thou breath or noe. 112.HH1.059 Only in this one thing be no Gallenist: to make 112.HH1.060 Courts hott, ambitions, holsom: do not take 112.HH1.061 a dram of Countries dulnes; doe not adde 112.HH1.062 correctiues; but as Chimicks, purge the badd. 112.HH1.063 But Sir, I advise not you; I rather doe 112.HH1.064 say or'e theise lessons [cap]W%5ch%6 I learn't of yo%5u%6, 112.HH1.065 Whom free from Ierman scismes, & lightnes 112.HH1.066 of Fraunce, & faire Italies faithlesnes 112.HH1.067 Having from theise suckt all they had of worth 112.HH1.068 & brought home that faith [cap]w%5ch%6 you caried forth, 112.HH1.069 I throughlie love, but if my selfe I have wonne 112.HH1.070 to knowe my Rules, I haue, and yo%5u%6 haue Donne 112.HH1.0SS [whirlwind flourish] 112.HH1.0$$ st. breaks after ll. 10, 34, & 42; ll. 7, 8, 21, 23, 29, 35, 39, & 43 ind