IDENTILIN$$ F110HH5 Calm\ms. HM 198, f. 15r-v\JPK 12-1-92\P:T-LP\o\6-12-93\C:JGW\9-27-99; JSC 10-14-99 110.HH5.0HE [LM:]>Calme|< 110.HH5.001 Our storme is past and that storm's tirannus rage 110.HH5.002 a stupid calme but %Ynot%Z nothinge it doth swage 110.HH5.003 The ffable is inverted and farr more 110.HH5.004 a blocke afflicts now then a stocke[sic] before 110.HH5.005 Stormes chafe and soone were out themselues or vs 110.HH5.006 in calmes heauen laughs to see vs languish thus 110.HH5.007 As steady as I >%Vcan< wish, that my thoughts were 110.HH5.008 smoth as thie Mistris glasse, or what shines there 110.HH5.009 The sea is now, and as those Isles w%5ch%6 wee 110.HH5.010 seeke, %Ymen%Z when we can moue, o.%5r%6 ships rooted be 110.HH5.011 As water did in stormes now Pitch runns out 110.HH5.012 as lead, when a fired church becomes one spout 110.HH5.013 And all o.%5r%6 beauty and o.%5r%6 Trimme decaies 110.HH5.014 like cou%5r%6ts remoouinge or like ended plaies 110.HH5.015 The fightinge place the sea* mens rage[sic] supplie 110.HH5.016 and all the Tacklinges is a fipporie 110.HH5.017 noe vse of Lanthornes, and in one place lay 110.HH5.018 feathers and Dust today and yesterday 110.HH5.019 Earths holl>%Vownes<%Yands%Z, w%5ch%6 the worldes lunges are 110.HH5.020 haue no more winde then the vpper Vault of Aire 110.HH5.021 wee can nor lost friends, nor soughts[sic] foes recouer 110.HH5.022 but meteor like (saue that we moue not) houer 110.HH5.023 Only the Calenture togeither drawes 110.HH5.024 Deare friends, w%5ch%6 meete Dead in great fishes Iawes 110.HH5.025 And on the hatches as on Altars lies 110.HH5.026 Each on his owne priest & his owne sacrifice 110.HH5.027 who liue that miracle Do multiplie 110.HH5.028 where walkers in hott Ouens do not die 110.HH5.029 If in Despight of this we swime that hath 110.HH5.030 no more refreshinge then o.%5r%6 brimstone h%>>b